Comments | The new first -tier cities are racing steadily, and the new economic characteristics of "40 Chengdu" are distinctive

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.06.21

To achieve steadily economic growth, the focus is on to stimulate the vitality of the market entity, focus on expanding effective investment, and fully release consumer demand.

As Chengdu -Chongqing Nuclear Nuclear and the province, Chengdu last year reached 1.99 trillion yuan, accounting for 37.0%of Sichuan Province. It is an important stabilizer and cockpit stone for economic development in Sichuan and even the southwestern region of my country. From the perspective of regional economic perspectives, in the national strategic context of the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu, the city's future trend and development dynamics have attracted much attention.

Recently, Chengdu issued the "Several Policies and Measures of Enhanced Development Stability and Stable Economic Growth" (hereinafter referred to as the "Chengdu Plan"), and made every effort to steadily grow, stabilize market entities, keep employment, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range. This set of policies and measures is called "40 stable growth". It intensifies the 9 aspects such as fiscal and taxation, finance, and industrial construction.

Take the "Chengdu Plan" as an example, combining the movements and characteristics of the current new domestic first -tier cities, to understand my country's current stable growth logic and strategy, and then anchor the path of continuous prosperity of the Chinese economy.


New first -tier cities compete for steady growth

On May 25, the State Council held a telephone meeting of the national market to stabilize the economic market, requiring all localities and departments to effectively fulfill the major duties of stable economic growth, and adopt effective measures to stabilize the growth of the market to protect the people's livelihood. The State Council's "A Policy and Measures for the Economy" issued by the State Council proposes 33 policy measures in six aspects. After the meeting, all provinces and cities responded, among which the Sichuan Provincial Government issued a total of 30 measures for the "Several Policies and Measures of Stable Economic Growth".

On June 19, Chongqing issued a stable economic policy package, which included the city's series of high gold -content -containing series to help enterprises' rescue policies, covering a total of 128 categories, benefiting industry, agriculture, and transportation industry , Cultural Tourism, including market entities in 9 industries.

In addition to Chengdu and Chongqing, the remaining new first -tier cities have also introduced a stable growth policy. On June 2nd, the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the State Council and Zhejiang Province's Policies and Measures for the Economic Package" and the "Several Policies and Measures for Economic Stability in Xi'an" were issued on the same day, and Hangzhou launched 52 policy measures. Xi'an It is 37 related measures.

At the same time, Xiamen City has also introduced a policy of helping the enterprise in accordance with the actual help of the city. It is expected to reduce the burden of more than 20 billion yuan for enterprises throughout the year. As early as May 31st, Tianjin launched the "Implementation Plan for Implementation of the Implementation of the Economic Police" in Tianjin, including 35 policy measures.

Earlier was Qingdao. On May 29, Qingdao reported the relevant situation of the "Several Policies and Measures of Qingdao City to Stise Stable and Stable Economic Growth in the Market". This group of policies covers all aspects of helping enterprises, promoting consumption, stabilizing employment and keeping people's livelihood, and stimulating the vitality of the economic market. It is called "89 stable growth".

Some cities are uniformly introduced by the municipal government, and some cities are launched by different departments. Taking Nanjing as an example, the city has both the "15" of Nanjing's "Several Policies and Measures of Promoting the Stable Economic Economic Growth of the Industrial Economy", as well as the "28 Articles" of "Financial Supporting the Implementation Plan for the Stable Economic Growth of Nanjing". And some cities related policies come out again. For example, on the basis of the previous "47 policies" in Ningbo's stability to help the enterprise, the "Ningbo City Implementation Plan Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Economic Package Policy and Measures" was recently introduced. "It further focuses on key areas, increase policy support, and allows policies to infuse the most needed places for market entities as soon as possible.

Some cities have proposed that the districts and counties under its jurisdiction can introduce supporting policies in accordance with the actual regional region, and have a greater superposition effect on stabilizing the economy and helping the enterprise's rescue as soon as possible.

"Chengdu Plan" aims at the market subject

From the perspective of micro -economic perspective, realizing the steady economic growth of economic growth is to do everything possible to stimulate the vitality of the market subject, focus on expanding effective investment, and fully release consumer demand.

Stabilizing the market subject is the foundation of stabilizing the economy. Aiming at the development of market entities is the primary feature of the "Chengdu Plan". One is to make benefits from small, medium and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households to make them give full play to the important role of ensuring employment and people's livelihood. The role of the third is to create a loose environment for the development of market players through flexible law enforcement, elastic management, and optimization services, and better stimulate the vitality of the market subject. In general, it is based on the principle of forward and appropriate forces, and closely focuses on the main body of the market to stabilize the growth of employment and employment.

In policy measures, there are also many characteristics of Chengdu. For example, in view of the extension of the Chengdu Grand Games be held by 2023, in terms of promoting infrastructure investment, promoting consumption recovery and development, and promoting the recovery of cultural tourism consumption, it proposes the orderly opening of the Grand Games venues and releases the consumption potential of the event in advance.

In terms of Chengdu's strong chain, which has been promoted by Chengdu in recent years, for key projects for replenishment and solid -chain foreign -funded enterprises in the key industry chain in the city, it is given priority to the list of key project plans in Chengdu, and in accordance with the relevant policies Essence Improve the industrial chain service incentive mechanism, promote the "red and black list" system for the strong chain of the industrial construction circle, strengthen the "red list" incentives, and give district and county land and finance support. In addition, in order to highlight the characteristics of Chengdu's international portal hub, policy measures such as unblocked international logistics channels have been added.

In response to the shortcomings of the demand under the influence of the epidemic, the "Chengdu Plan" proposes to strengthen demand -side management and make every effort to stabilize investment to promote consumption. While accelerating the investment in infrastructure, we will increase support for optimizing investment project approval and strengthening project element guarantee. We will increase funding support and factor guarantee by relevant municipal departments, and so on. In terms of promoting the recovery of cultural tourism consumption, Chengdu will promote discounts for discounts in the first ticket of the city's A -level tourist scenic spot, support the development of physical bookstores, cinemas, state -owned museums and operating performance groups, and encourage non -state -owned museums to open for free or low fares to open fares. , In accordance with relevant regulations, give certain business subsidies; in terms of stabilizing foreign trade, it proposes a series of measures to enhance the support of foreign investment projects and reduce the operating costs of foreign trade enterprises in foreign trade.

The smooth and stable supply chain is essential. Like the human body, the dredging of capillaries is equally important as the general arteries. The first is to accelerate the smooth flow of microcirculation around promoting resumption of work, maintaining operations, and universal passing; second, strengthen the construction mechanism, stabilize storage, protect supply, and use multiple means to establish an emergency management operation mechanism; Networking and intelligent, promote the integration of resources, smooth optimization, and organizational coordination to achieve cost reduction and efficiency.

To this end, Chengdu proposed in a steady growth measure to increase support for logistics hubs and logistics companies, and conduct free nucleic acid detection and antigen detection of passenger and freight, taxi, and online car drivers and courier to fully protect international and domestic products and The supply of factor resources is stable and smooth.

Steady growth digital economic power

It is worth mentioning that the "Chengdu Plan" also has distinctive new economic characteristics. In order to enhance the development of modern industries, Chengdu will increase the efforts of manufacturing projects, cultivate and strengthen the digital economy, strengthen the upper -level incentives of enterprises, and give corresponding incentives to enterprises in different fields. As a new economic researcher, the author pays more attention to the "cultivating and growing digital economy". The "Chengdu Plan" proposes three measures: First, play the role of the radiation driving role of the digital economic platform enterprise, build a collaborative platform, expand the application market, invest in the construction of a network -based collaborative platform for enterprises or institutions, (Including) above), the enterprise will give the enterprise up to 3 million yuan for 20%of the company's investment in the project.

Second, support enterprises or institutions to build data service platforms, support the landing scenarios such as the strong chain of the industry, and smart Rongcheng, and the number of enterprises to build a data service platform independently and the number of foreign services to reach more than 200 (inclusive). According to the enterprise 20%of the investment in the project gives the enterprise up to 3 million yuan.

Third, encourage enterprises or institutions to access the data service platform, and give data access enterprises or institutions a maximum of 1 million yuan award at 10%of the data circulation income. The platform for policy support should provide at least one -year free services for small and medium -sized enterprises in our city.

Under the external uncertainty and multiple challenges, the exports and consumption in the "three driving carriages" are difficult to grow steadily. In contrast, investment, especially new infrastructure investment, has more potential space. More and more places aware that in order to achieve stable economic growth, we must seize the key variables of scientific and technological innovation, make efforts to digital economy, infrastructure investment and other related fields, and use digital technology to set up bridges between new consumption and new infrastructure to accelerate to speed up and speed up. New kinetic energy cultivation and new economic development. Chengdu has accumulated for many years in the cultivation of new economy and new momentum, and has been further effort.

At present, science and technology innovation and digital wisdom have become the starting point for the development of economic commonality in various places, and pay attention to the role of regional linkage and industrial synergy. On the one hand, stabilize the manufacturing market, use new technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to empower the real economy, and coordinate the promotion of cluster construction, platform development, and digital transformation. On the other hand, promote the strong chain of the industry, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and green development, actively cultivate a new ecosystem of the green digital industry, and drive the industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain in reform and innovation.

The vitality of the policy lies in execution. In terms of ensuring the implementation of the policy, the "Chengdu Plan" specifically proposed to open up the policy to implement the last mile, optimize the service connection mechanism of enterprise service, and ensure that the policy is fulfilled and should be redeemed in a timely manner. Specifically, through optimization to improve the intelligent service platform, gradually realize the combination of artificial and intelligent approval of general policy matters, "exemption to enjoy" rigid policy matters, and "exemption to enjoy" inclusive policies. These details arrangement is a practical guarantee for the implementation of the implementation of a stable growth policy.

Red Star News Special commentator Zhu Keli (Founding Dean of the National Research Institute and chief researcher of New Economic Think Tank)

Edit Wang Yitao

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