Agricultural issuance of Dazhu County Sub -branch multiple measures to serve local economic development together

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.09.19

Agricultural issuance of Dazhu County Sub -branch multiple measures to serve local economic development together

Since the beginning of the year, the Agricultural Issuance Dazhu County Sub -branch has adhered to the functional positioning of policy banks, thoroughly implemented the overall deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, and actively exerted policy finance " The functions of lead, supplementing shortcomings, and reverse cycles, and taking multiple measures to serve local economic development. As of the end of August, the bank's "loan+fund" balance reached 5.395 billion yuan, forming a comprehensive and multi -field supporting agricultural pattern.

The first is to do a good job of policy reserves and market -oriented acquisition funds, and make every effort to maintain food security. Since the beginning of this year, the bank has issued a total of 74.75 million yuan in local reserve loans and local regulatory loans to policy food reserve companies, supporting the acquisition of 110.68 million tons of reserve rice and 400 tons of reserve oil. At the same time, the bank awarded 22 million yuan in credit to the two larger grain companies to support enterprises' market -oriented acquisitions this year and promote the development of the entire industry chain of grain and oil.

The second is to use the policy service advantageous and characteristic industries to fully support agricultural modernization. The bank actively supports the Laisa industry around local specialties, and issues 5 million yuan in mobile funds to Yuzhu Ma Industry, Sichuan.

The third is to focus on "key events" and fully support the construction of water conservancy facilities. The bank focuses on the key projects of people's livelihood, strengthens the support of the shortcomings of the county seat, focuses on the government's proposed "seven key events", and actively connects to the construction of Dazhu County Drimination of Water and Entering the Ecological Environment. Comprehensive governance medium- and long -term loan projects, through the development of high -level marketing and strengthening communication and coordination, all the two project loans have been approved for a total of 910 million yuan.

The fourth is to serve the "national strategy" to focus on regional coordinated development and fully support the construction of the "Demonstration Zone". The bank follows the national development strategy of the "Shuangcheng Economic Circle of Chengdu -Chongqing District", accurately connects with development planning, and actively supports the construction of the Sichuan -Chongqing cooperation demonstration park project. After the approval, we will continue to provide financial services for the Park Castle Fine Valley Construction Project, and obtain a loan of 430 million yuan. Up to now, a total of 63.91 million yuan in loans to the park has been issued to the construction of the "Shuangcheng Circle" and "Demonstration Zone" projects in a comprehensive and full process.

Next, the bank will provide strong policy funding for the construction of key project marketing to provide strong policy funding for key project construction; accelerate loan offering so that the efficiency of policy capital will be released as soon as possible. And actively implement the task of launching the Infrastructure Construction Fund to contribute agricultural issuance for the full service to stabilize the economic market. (Chen Li)

Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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