The "secret recipe" of the richness of the mountain village

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.09.19

On the morning of September 8th, the dividend of the party branch of Dawang Village, Dawang Village, Wulian County was held. A joyful smile on his face.

"My two acres of land are divided into more than 3,600. Thanks to our cooperatives, let our people see benefits! I also thank our village's" two committees' leadership teams to bring us to the road to wealth. I hope that in the future The days are getting better! "Said the villager Sun Anze.

It is reported that 70%of the income of the Party Branch of Dawang Village this year, a total of 68,000 yuan, all of which were divided into 59 members of the village according to stocks, bringing real benefits to the people.

Dawong Village, known as the "first branch of the spring", is the earliest place in the city's cherry natural maturity. The village relies on local agricultural resources to make the "full -chain" development model on the "cherry economy". Essence

However, before 2011, the villagers in the village were managed by the villagers. The quality of the fruit was uneven, and the prices could not go up. Every time the cherry mature season, it is often caused by lack of labor and sales channels. Villagers can only keep "fragrant" and eat "sweet potato".

In 2011, Sun Baomin, a foreign person, returned to the village to be the secretary of the party branch. He took out 100 acres of cherry for experiments. Relying on the party branch, a professional cooperative was established, which brought great changes to the village.

"At first, the masses did not understand this business model. We went to house to do ideological work from home to patiently explain the benefits of the party branch, so that everyone would eat the" Xinxin Wan ", and finally dispelled the concerns of most farmers. . "Sun Baomin said that in the second year, everyone saw the hot sales scene. All 59 villagers in the village joined the cooperatives. The cooperatives encouraged the villagers to use their cherry trees, labor, land and other resources as shareholding cooperatives. The "shareholders", the year -end dividend, realize the "win -win" of village collectives, cadres, and farmers.

The cooperative has been established, how to regulate operations and create income? Sun Baomin said that after repeated discussions with the cadres of the "two committees" with the village, they decided to implement the service model of "four unifications" in management, sales, development, and service to strengthen cooperative management. The implementation of the new model effectively achieves the maximum interest, minimized risk, standardized management, and uniform management, and also increases the income of farmers to the greatest extent.

The red fire development of the cooperative has caused the villagers to roll up their pockets, and also strengthened the collective economy of the village. Under the premise of integrating all resources in the village, the cooperatives have developed the size of the picking park that can receive more than 2,000 people at the same time, and at the same time improve the service facilities such as entering the village road, parking lots, tourist toilets Don't be charming.

However, in Dawang Village, the change brought by "cherry economy" is far more than that.

“樱桃采摘周期较短,采摘游存在采摘产品单一、游乐项目缺失等问题。”孙宝民说,为吸引更多的游客到村游玩,合作社大力推进“家乡味道”农家乐菜馆建设,延长游玩时间,拉The long industrial chain, 10 farmhouses who can receive nearly 10,000 tourists during the picking period can further drive the villagers to increase their income and become rich.

At the same time, the cooperative has also created the tourist supermarkets of Shanxiang to provide tourists with specialties such as tourist supplies and cherry, pork eggs, honey, etc., increase the additional benefits of picking tourism, and promote the "flower viewing festival" and "picking festival" through various media platforms. Waiting for activities to enhance the knowledge of the Dawang Cherry Brand.

Under the leadership of the party branch, through the "full -chain" development model, Dawang Village found the "secret recipe" of the richness of the mountain village, and realized the villagers' lives and the vigorous development of the village. The small villages in Dashan have also become a well -known "net red village".

(Reporter He Anna Correspondent Sun Qingchuan)

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