In the third quarter, there have been eight countries that have been deployed 8 months before consumer work.

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.09.19

On September 16, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that the total growth rate of the total retail sales of consumer goods in the first eight months from negative to positive. Among them, in August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 3625.8 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 5.4%, and the growth rate accelerated by 2.7 percentage points from last month.

Consumption is a key engine to drive economic growth. According to a reporter from the Securities Daily, as of September 16, 9 Executive Meeting of the State Council has been held in the third quarter of this year. Among them, there are eight meetings focusing on "consumption" and conducting related work. Deployment. In addition, in recent times, many regions and departments have been densely introduced to a new round of stable growth and consumer policy, and stimulate the vitality of the consumer market in multiple angles and comprehensive aspects.

The industry generally expects that subsequent consumption potential will continue to release, promote the recovery of economic continuous economic, and improve market expectations.

Consumption gradually recovers

Conditions and foundations

"The domestic market demand improves. Promoting consumer policy continues to make efforts, consumption potential in key areas has gradually released, and market sales will continue to expand. In August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 5.4%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 2.7 percentage points from last month." 9 On the 16th, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics Fu Linghui said at the press conference held by the National New Office.

In this regard, Zheng Houcheng, director of the Institute of British Securities Research Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that with the strong support of relevant policies, the performance of automobile retail in August was the main driving item of the total retail sales of consumer goods in the month of the month. At the same time, the year -on -year growth rate of catering revenue ended the negative growth of five consecutive months, forming contributions; retail sales of oil and product categories also raised.

Dongfang Jincheng's chief macro analyst Wang Qing told the Securities Daily that the increase in auto sales in August has greatly increased, which has a significant role in pulling the overall growth rate of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. This shows that macro policies have great potential to stimulate consumption.

The reporter noticed that the above -mentioned eight -time cities that focused on "consumption" were focused on many fields such as home appliances, cars, and housing, increased their support for related industries, promoted consumption recovery, and stimulated economic growth.

"In August, the year -on -year growth rate of the total retail sales of social consumer goods accelerated by 2.7 percentage points from the previous month, and the recovery increase was large, driving the growth rate of the total retail sales of social consumer goods from January to August to increase, indicating that my country's consumption potential is still huge. Under the influence of consumer policies, the gradual recovery of consumption is conditional and foundation. "Fu Linghui said.

Automobile, home appliances, etc.

Still the focus of consumption

"Consumer goods such as home appliances, automobiles, etc. have an important position in the consumer market, and there is still some room for improvement. It is expected that the focus of consumer policy will be promoted." "The reporter said that at the same time, it can also drive rural consumption with expanding the consumption of counties and towns and towns.

IPG China Chief Economist Bo Wenxi said in an interview with the Securities Daily that new energy vehicles, micro -vacation and micro -tourism, various cultural and creative activities, and large health areas will be the focus of consumption. Force.

Existing areas are actively deploying. For example, the recently issued "Several Measures of Nanning's further release potential to promote consumption", which proposed 34 measures from 12 aspects such as encouraging car consumption, boosting housing consumption, upgrading home appliances consumption, and expanding the consumption of cultural travelers. Hubei Province issued the "Several Measures on Further Stimulating Market Vitality and Stable Economic Growth", which proposed 18 measures, including issuing car purchase subsidies, car consumer coupons, refueling coupons, and increasing consumption efforts to promote consumption.

Wang Qing said that in order to further promote consumption restoration, macro policies are expected to work in both aspects: first, the scope and distribution of consumer coupons and consumer subsidies moderately in moderation; influences.

Bo Wenxi believes that in addition to the introduction of a series of policies to promote and encourage consumption, we must also actively promote economic recovery and stable expectations to change the problem of weak current consumption tendencies. At the same time, in the general direction of consumption, we must continue to solve consumer obstacles and optimize the consumer environment from the system level, so as to continuously enhance the contribution of consumer activities in the national economic operation.

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