This type of talent suddenly eats!The securities company's asset management push the public offer FOF, recruiting soldiers to buy horses at the time, and the public offering institution welcomed the "enlisted person"
Author:Broker China Time:2022.09.19
The asset management of securities firms is in full swing to lay out a public offering FOF business, and the relevant practitioners have become "fragrant" for a while.
Recently, many brokerage asset management companies are actively setting up their own public offering FOF teams. Many FOF circles revealed to the Chinese reporter of the brokerage firm that they received invitations from FOF posts of multiple securities firms. "I have been picking up the headhunter recently, I want to recommend opportunities."
Some people in the industry also revealed to the Chinese reporters of the brokerage firms that at present, relevant talents have been in short supply.
This year is not the first year of the FOF business of the securities company's asset management, but it is a very many year. Some people in the industry believe that for institutions, the cost of training excellent investment research teams is relatively high. The FOF team formed by the asset management of securities firms must make great breakthroughs in product scale in order to achieve long -term development. Overall, the FOF practitioners of the public offerings maintain an open mind for the addition of brokerage asset management. They believe that the arrival of the "entry" will undoubtedly inject more vitality into the public offering FOF market.
The brokerage management team recruits soldiers to buy horses
According to a Chinese reporter from the securities firm, many brokerage management is currently recruiting soldiers to buy horses and plans to set up their own public offering FOF team. "Many practitioners with relevant experience in the market have received invitations from headhunting. At present, these talents are in short supply." Wu Yanni, research director of the Elflon Fund Research Institute, told brokers Chinese reporters, "Under the strong demand, the market is in the market. The supply seems to be relatively insufficient. In order to attract high -quality talents, many institutions have given better treatment. "
Why do securities company asset management actively deploy public offer FOF? The person in charge of the asset allocation department of a securities management management of Shanghai believes that there are several natural advantages in the development of the public offerings of the securities company asset management:
First, securities firms have rich seller investment and research resources, and the Institute of Asset Management and Brokerage Institute of Securities Management has certain synergy;
Second, securities firms have natural advantages in channel sales. The high -quality customers of the wealth management department have a large need for products with stable style and high -amount financial risk characteristics. This part of the customer is highly consistent with the characteristics of FOF;
Third, the FOF team of the public offering agency may face the issue of interbank competition when investigating other public fund managers. The public fund manager of the securities company asset management will be relatively convenient.
The person in charge also stated that FOF is a product of a product that can be classified as public fund -raising funds, such as aggressive, balanced and stable types, and then configured according to customer preferences, so as to be true in a sense of sense, so as to be true in a true sense, it is in a true sense. Customers solve the problem of choosing funds. At the same time, at the moment of fierce competition with public offerings, this is indeed a good choice for overtaking.
Fund researchers from a securities institution in Shanghai said that in recent years, the development of public offering institutions has developed very rapidly. In this context, the product layout is particularly important to achieve breakout in this background. She believes that compared with other products that have been fully deployed, FOF, which is mainly pursuing stable, is still in the process of development, and the future market space is still very broad.
Brokerage asset management FOF business
In recent years, the asset management of securities firms has continuously deployed the public offering FOF business. In 2020, the asset management of securities firms issued a total of 6 public offering FOFs; in 2021, this number increased to 11; since the beginning of this year, the issuance of the public offering of the FOF of the Brokerage Management Department has exceeded 25. At the same time, many securities companies have established the first batch of public offering FOF products this year.
On September 7, Xingzheng Asset Management announced that Wang Delun, the chief economist and general manager of the public offerings, officially served as the investment manager of the first public offering FOF of Xingzhi asset management, and managed the product with the original investment manager Si Yuanbei. The FOF managed by Wang Delun is a large collection of participating transformation products (referring to the product of the collection asset management plan to transfer public offer). It was established on September 5.
On August 15, the first public offerings FOF issued by Guangfa asset management. Wang Nan, the fund manager of this FOF, is the person in charge of the FOF of Guangfa asset management public offering. He has previously been responsible for FOF investment of CITIC Securities' own funds. On August 2, Zhongtai Securities Asset Management released the first public offering FOF, which was played by Tian Hongwei. Fund manager. From July to August, Caitong Asset Management also established a number of public -funded FOF products. The fund manager was held by Kangyan.
From the perspective of the number of products, public offering institutions are still the main force of public offering FOF. Since 2022, the public offerings have established 147 public offering FOF; in 2021, this number is 90; in 2020, this number is 45.
However, the development momentum of the public offering FOF business of the brokerage asset management cannot be underestimated. In the hybrid FOF, Dongfang Hongxin and the balanced allocation of Dongzheng Asset Management ranked 9th in the two -year management scale, and the current scale is 3.885 billion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, the Yangtze River Election of Changjiang Securities Asset Management has held A in three months in the 14th of nearly 300 similar products.
Public offering agencies are happy
With the establishment of the investment and research team in full swing, the public offering FOF industry will usher in more and more "entrants". The colleagues of the public offerings welcomed this and believed that this would inject diversity and vitality into the industry.
Xu Liming, director of the Huaxia Fund Asset allocation department and FOF Fund manager, said that overall, in the current capital market environment of China, FOF has a wide range of market demand and huge development space. Find your own market positioning and make bigger and stronger. He believes that the in -depth intervention of brokerage asset management is conducive to everyone's innovation and exploration in product management and product models, and it is expected to promote the FOF market to form a pattern of all hundreds of flowers and hundreds of competition. From the perspective of a medium -sized public offerings in Shanghai, it is indeed necessary for securities asset management to deploy different types of products according to the risk level to form product gradients. "FOF is only a relatively new product form, and it takes some time to accept investors, but in the long run, market demand is certain. The more institutions to lay out FOF, the richer the choice provided by investors, and it can better be able to better. Meet the needs of investors. "
In Wu Yanni's view, a large number of recruitment of talents in the asset management of securities firms is a good phenomenon in itself, which means that the development of the industry has entered a new stage. More and more institutions have begun to attach importance to such products. "Injecting vitality into the market and making good preparations for the" Hundred Family Consecration "of the FOF industry."
However, industry insiders also mentioned that for the asset management of securities firms, there are also some issues that need to be overcome by the development of public offering FOF business. The institutional FOF team should be steadily fighting and avoiding overwhelming.
Xu Liming believes that the development of a public offering FOF in the development of a securities firm has an advantage and disadvantage compared with public fund. In terms of advantages, brokers have their own channels, which are relatively independent, and may have collaborative with other businesses. In the future, there is more room for development. In terms of disadvantages, compared with public funds at this stage, securities firms are also in terms of investment management culture and talent reserves. There is a certain gap, you need to catch up in the future.
Fund researchers at the above -mentioned securities institutions said that the transformation of the Great Collection must meet certain conditions, otherwise it can only be tried in accordance with the requirements of the public offer. At present, only a few large -collection FOF has become a formal public offering FOF. She believes that if the relevant system has not changed greatly, the development of brokerage asset management will still be restricted. In addition, in her opinion, the daily operation of public offerings is higher, and most of the provided are standardized products. This is also the prominent advantage of public offering agencies. In contrast, brokerage management may be slightly inferior to transparency.
A three -party fund evaluation person told a Chinese reporter that FOF still has some bottlenecks at the time of sales, and the market's acceptance of such products is less than expected. "FOF highlights the performance advantage after long -term investment, but in China, private equity FOF has no public performance, the establishment of the public offering FOF is still relatively short, without long -term performance to prove the advantages of the product, consumers 'acceptance of FOF's acceptance of FOF can be proved. Consumers' acceptance of FOF It is still to be improved, "she said. According to her understanding, the market for public offering FOF products in the online sales channel has not yet opened, and the distribution scale needs to be improved.
The above -mentioned three -party fund evaluations expressed concern about the practices of the brokerage asset management strongly configured the FOF team. She believes that the average distribution scale of FOF is still relatively limited. For institutions, the income of the issuance of a FOF product may not be very high, but raising an excellent investment research team still requires a relatively high cost. In the long run, if the scale of FOF has not been larger, the pressure of the institution will be relatively large. She believes that while the securities company's asset management actively deploys the product line, how to maintain good operation for a long time and make the public offering FOF in their hands bigger and stronger, it will be the future topic of securities company asset management and even the entire public offering industry.
Responsible editor: Gui Yanmin
School pair: Zhao Yan
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