The successful conclusion of the China Industrial Resources Strategy Summit in 2022 ended

Author:Beiqing Finance Time:2022.09.18

On September 16, 2022, the "2022 China Industrial Resources Strategy Summit" hosted by Yihan Think Tank successfully concluded. The theme of this forum focuses on the theme of "O.N.E", focusing on the four directions of "real estate integration", "industrial services", "property services", and "Kangyang Culture and Education" to break the border and invite large -scale industries in many fields. The development trend, in a complex environment, how to embrace new changes in the industry for in -depth discussions, aims to dig the most valuable topics from a macro perspective, create a comprehensive shared exchange platform for people in the real estate industry, and explore a new model of industrial development. A new era of development of the real estate industry.

2022 annual view release

Chen Xiaotian, Chairman of Yihan Co., Ltd.

This year's theme is defined as a restart, which is both a restart at the macro level and the restart at the industry level. It is also a restart of value.

1. Macro restart

Macro environment & international political and economic relations are being adjusted again

2. Industry restart

Under new demand, new rules, and new players, the real estate industry can no longer return to the past. Three changes have emerged:

First, change of leverage. The weight of financial leverage has decreased, and the weight of professional leverage, resource leverage and service leverage has increased.

Second, the change of pattern. The rise of local princes, the pattern of 8: 2 of private enterprises and state -owned enterprises is expected to be transformed into state -owned enterprises, local state -owned enterprises and private enterprises 2: 5: 3.

Third, the change of rules. Financial logic has turned into industrial logic, and the dividend of the times has also turned into management dividends.

At a strategic perspective, if we regard the past as space construction instead of the real estate development industry, then the industry has already entered the great era of space empowerment!

Among them, space refers to the four types of living space, business space, production space, and public space, and add content to the space. This is a major opportunity for each of us to reach in the future!

There are at least five aspects of space empowerment: the value of information, the value of the professional, the value of coordination, the value of the organization and the value of the resources.

3. Value restart

After more than 20 years of development, the real estate industry has created six strong engines: many years of resource accumulation, clarifying government demands, flexible mechanisms, making good use of capital, international vision and business mentality.

In the next decades, it will be an opportunity window for the great era of space, and Etext will be with you.

All restarts and cycles are the inevitable history. Each round of restart means the next round of evolution and iteration!

All conference 1: Real Estate Integration and Development Summit Forum

Topic Speech 1: "Establish a tide, build a new mode of urban service"

Greentown Ideal Life Group Assistant President, Director and CEO of Greentown Future Intelligence and CEO

Since 2021, the socio -economic situation has undergone profound changes, the downward pressure on the domestic economy has increased, and the government has launched the market reform of the factors, promoting the digital transformation of real estate into the normalization, superimposed the upgrade of consumer demand, and promoting the accelerated transformation of the industry. Understand the value and positioning of digital operation services, and even upgrade in mode and content. Therefore, the current transformation period is exactly the opportunity period of digital operation and development.

For the next development opportunities, it mainly focuses on three aspects:

First, the construction of the new digital community is fully launched. In May 2022, the nine departments jointly triggered the "Opinions on Promoting the Construction of the Smart Community", requiring the construction of a smart community with grid management, refined services, informatization support, and opening up and shared. The service platform has both technical requirements, such as intensive platforms, the Internet of Things and data factor; there are also community governance requirements, such as O2O. We believe that the development of technology in the community and integrating service content, urban governance, including the Internet of Things technology, etc. are a very important trend;

Second, urban services and people's livelihood services have become new opportunities to cut into the entrance. Now the service cannot follow the development of residents' needs, such as a large number of problems in parking, pension, child care, etc. In the period, upgrading the service content in life scene space is the main development direction in the future. Minsheng services and urban basic services will usher in major development;

Third, digitalization is a key means to realize a better life. Digital reform is the core means to drive the government and the market. It is also an important foundation for reducing costs and efficiency. Through continuous data operation, it provides accurate decision -making support for the government side, providing residents with a stop of stations for residents Formulating integrated services (including public services and government services). The governance model of red, yellow, and green code during the epidemic period requires digitalization as a means;

Overall, we believe that people's livelihood services and urban basic services are the major development areas. We have remained optimistic about the transformation and development of real estate in the next few years. Smart technology and urban services must be an important development direction.

Roundtable Forum 1: "In the second half of the real estate, how can companies make new changes? "

Yao Weigang, general manager of Langshi Green Management

Question 1: What are the new business opportunities for enterprises itself?

At present, the industry is in the adjustment stage, and the enterprise is in the stage of reshuffle. From the perspective of three groups, there are some opportunities:

First, the first demand for thunderstorms is to relieve and revitalize projects;

Second, financial institutions need to be treated and revitalized with existing non -performing assets;

Third, folk capital or some non -housing enterprises have relatively large participation needs, and the needs for investment management will increase.

From the perspective of these three groups, the opportunity for the real estate industry in the future will have a big chance before and after the investment. Question 2: How to view business opportunities in each city?

After this wave of market adjustments, housing enterprises basically maintained in the first and second and second -tier cities, and no longer sank to the fourth and fifth -tier cities. Langshi is mainly cultivated in cities in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and cities in the central and western regions.

Zhang Panpan, secretary of the Board of Directors of Greentown Management

Question 1: What are the new business opportunities for enterprises itself?

As an agglomeration enterprise, I hope that the real estate industry can develop smoothly and healthy. Because real estate has skyrocketed or plummeted, it will have a fluctuations in agency companies. The industry has emerged as a trend of investment decentralization. At present, all real estate companies are deleveraging. On the contrary, the government’s affordable housing and the proportion of projects from urban investment and state -owned enterprises are increasing. Construction, in the process, require professional service providers to empower them. These are opportunities for construction.

Question 2: How to view business opportunities in each city?

China's real estate will have structural differentiation: First, the structural differentiation of the region and the city. Obviously, the opportunity will be larger in industrial introduction and population inflows more; second, the proportion of the development of affordable housing and rental housing will increase; third, it will still be solved on the premise of affordable housing, and it will still be solved, and it will still be solved. There are some market -oriented needs. Improved products will have greater market space.

Wang Xin, deputy general manager of Goldland Management

Question 1: What are the new business opportunities for enterprises itself?

In the fourth decade, the stability of Goldland seemed to have become a big advantage. It is precisely in the state of industry consolidation, and Jin Di walked according to its own rhythm to have such opportunities and advantages. I want to share it from the characteristics of the company's own:

First, stable operations and excellent brands have more opportunities to participate in the market during the consolidation stage.

Second, the group's earlier national layout enables us to quickly reach this business through the management of the project of the construction project. On the other hand, the diversified collaboration also brings rich business.

Industry consolidation means contraction, and at the same time, it also means migration, and it also means upgrade. It can find new growth points and opportunities in contraction, migration and upgrade.

Question 2: How to view business opportunities in each city?

First -tier cities: first category, super TOD, is not the connection of simple subway lines and rail transit, but the construction of super TOD centers combined with high -speed rail stations and cities, including government service centers, including the government's service center;

The second category is urban landmarks. The layout and migration of the industry just mentioned, such as Meituan, JD, and Ali in the city's surface -shaped headquarters in Chengdu, Beishangguang and Shenzhen.

The third category, the introduction of industrial space, the industrial parks and platforms of first -tier cities, due to good technical accumulation and educational resources, they will build a large number of industrial spaces, such as sports, schools, and hospitals.

Three and four -tier cities: mainly to improve sexual needs. On the one hand, brand construction can transform the good living and lives of first -tier cities through upgrades to the third and fourth lines; on the other hand And including farmers 'apartments and fund -raising apartments, everyone's point of view is why I can't live a better house, so farmers' apartments can also improve on the third and fourth lines.

Below four -tier cities: The road to rural revitalization is still discussed in the model.

Round Table Forum 2: "Looking at Real Estate Visiting Real Estate"

Edig design founder Tang Wenzhi

Question 1: What changes have occurred in the industry and what are the pressure? how to respond?

The supporting design and soft outfit of real estate are highly impacted. Private real estate companies do not take land and cause their business to shrink, and the operating of the hotel sector is also very difficult.

In the second half of 2021, some adjustments were made to the business: first, actively make in -depth links with domestic hotels; second, cooperate with real estate companies with state -owned enterprises; third, increase the frequency of cooperation with local government platforms; Do the business of luxury homes and C -terminals.

Question 2: The future of the real estate industry and the future of the industry?

Difficulty is short -term, and it is more optimistic in the long run. Real estate will slowly recover, but it will no longer rush to scale as before. From the perspective of the service real estate, the newly needed real estate is saturated or even surplus. In the future, most of the real estate development tends to improve or luxury homes. On the other hand, because of the high turnover of real estate companies, the profit requirements for single projects are not high, mainly based on scale. In the future, housing companies may not only ensure high quality, but also ensure reasonable profits, and have higher requirements for service companies.

Huang Shitao, deputy director of the Institute of Soochow Securities Research Institute

Question 1: What is the impact of real estate changes on building and building materials?

There are two main characteristics: first, the income end, the situation in the second quarter is generally contracted. In the cash turnover, the situation is slightly improved. In addition, the account receivable is not good;

Second, the profit end, the profitability of the overall supply chain company has fallen to the low level in the past three years. It is on the ten -year average. The profit of building materials and construction enterprises, and real estate service enterprises have fallen to the bottom of the profit center of ten years. Essence

Question 2: If the downside of the real estate lasts half a year, can companies in the industrial chain still maintain the basic stability of cash flow? Will there be a breach of contract like a real estate collective?

Judging from the semi -annual report, when the semi -annual report saw most companies or passive contraction, most of the economic cash flow indicators of building materials companies improved slightly compared with the same period of the first quarter as the same period last year, and listed companies should not have to worry about it. For non -listed companies, there should be no more leverage at this point, but the risk of account receivables still deserves attention. Question 3: The industry's outlook for the next 2-3 years?

As for the results of the mid -term, I am more pessimistic. In the mid -term for the next two or three years, the market as a whole is still in a relatively stressful state, because the overall increase is relatively small, and the cash flow is tight. For the market for large real estate collection, the entire supply chain market will face very cruel competition in the future. It may form a stable market pattern after two to three years, and it will return to the level of a social average return. In the short term to three years, we are more optimistic about some retail markets, or oligopoly markets like cement. At present, excellent enterprises generally have three characteristics of multi -brand, multi -market, and multi -links, and can obtain higher market share.

Wang Shuai, the head of the Great cycle industry of Huatai Securities Research Institute

Question 1: What does the change of real estate have on the commodity?

Real Estate is the mother of cycle. If real estate does not recover or grow in time, it will face a very difficult macro environment and the environment of real estate -related industrial chains next year.

This round of real estate adjustments may bring two obvious differences: first, the lagging effect. If the sales of real estate continue to improve, real estate investment will go down next year, and it will be lagging behind related cement, steel and other varieties. Negative impact;

Second, different post -cycles. In the past, when the market declined, there were always housing companies against the trend to seize future market share, so the post -cycle of real estate was relatively lighter. Now it is sales downside and real estate investment contraction resonance. From next year, the variety in the later cycle may have further demand downward.

Question 2: The industry's outlook for the next 2-3 years?

If real estate sales can continue to last at 13-15 billion square meters, it is good news for the raw material industry. With the decline in real estate demand, the supply and demand of the raw material industry may be restored through two paths: First, the reaction of the supply, the changes in market demand this year have allowed manufacturers to not adapt to the changes in supply and demand in a short period of time. The process can be realized; the second is that non -real estate demand can continue to increase and offset the negative impact of the decline in demand for real estate.

All Assembly 2: Industrial Services · Development Summit Forum

Topic Speech 1: "" Changing and Unchanging "in the new stage of industrial parks"

He Lu, deputy president of Yihan Co., Ltd.

1. Two "changes" and two "unchanged", the development of the industrial park has entered a new stage

The first change -industry structure changes. Under the influence of policy, the canyon of traditional industrial real estate is narrowing. The hierarchical system composed of local urban investment, market -oriented state -owned assets, and private enterprises will be the main force of future park development.

The second change -customer appeal changes. Industrial introduction+integration service is the key, and the new stage of industrial park development has arrived.

The first "unchanged" -the big stage has not changed. We will still be in a very long period of gradient alternation, and all kinds of opportunities will exist, but the significance of the reference of the same industry is limited and we should see further.

The second "unchanged" -sonal logic has not changed. Assets make money, the underlying logic of the government's paid has not changed, and enterprises should still maintain strategic determination.

2. "1+3+N" to seize the opportunity of the new stage of industrial park development

First, consolidate the basic market -traditional business. Industry logic is changing, and the post -industrial real estate era does not deny existing opportunities; risks and opportunities coexist under the epidemic, re -examine the heavy asset risk control system, clarify the "source of demand", and there will still be the opportunity to fish "big fish" in the market in the future.

Second, aiming at the development of the market -the full cycle service of the park. The first is the corporate service market and grasp the trend dividend; the other is the blue ocean market served by the government, focusing on regional opportunities; the third is the capital service market to expand the appropriate resources;

Third, pay attention to the industrial service market. The value of the industry lies in finance. All the industrial parks behind finance and the industrial parks are production uniforms. We must invest more energy. Operating services with the park connect to build key elements of future development, connect factor resources, and establish financial services for the full -cycle of fundraising and refund the full cycle The system is the general trend of innovation.

Topic speech 2: "Open the last meter of the park and build an industrial service ecology"

Wang Yingjie, Dean of the Star River Industry City Research Institute

The operating services of industrial parks enter a new stage of chain decomposition, cross -border integration, and collaborative innovation. The Xinghe Industry Group fully integrates the various resources of the government, enterprises, and society, and builds a one -stop "Super Enterprise Service Center" and "Sky Club living room". Based on industrial services, property services are the basis, business and supporting services are the fulcrum. Create a comprehensive and multi -level high -end service system. By providing multiple service items, efficient response mechanisms, professional service teams, and convenient intelligent services, we will effectively practice the concept of "I am the first waiter in Xinghe" and open up the service company 'last meter'. From the perspective of asset operation, redefine the value of the park's operation services.

Round Table Forum 1: "The Development of High -efficiency Operation Coordinated Industry"

Zhao Lidong, President of Tian Ruijin Group

Question 1: Based on the experience of actual operation, talk about the understanding of the operation of the park.

What do the first park operations do well; the second is how to do a good job of operations and what problems are the key to the operation. What do you think is worth learning at home and abroad, it is recommended that it is the characteristics of your own enterprise and the case that combines its own. Our enterprise believes that the three major cores of the park operations:

First, positioning and investment. In the initial positioning of the leading industry of the industrial park, during the communication stage with the government, accurate positioning is made according to local industrial needs and market research, and investment promotion is made. With a good industrial atmosphere and the logic of the upstream and downstream of the industry, we can promote the good operation of the park.

Second, services in the operation, including basic property services and value -added services. Do a good job of basic services is the foundation. The value -added service is the focus to meet the direct needs of the enterprise and have a good physical space and ecological environment.

Third, industrial services. Industrial services are the core of the park's future operation. Understand the needs of industrial enterprise owners, combine local policies, and gradually implement the implementation one by one to allow enterprises to truly obtain policy support, so as to have long -term sustainable development.

Question 2: About how the park operations cooperate with the development of the industry.

What can operators do and make money in the development process of the park operation collaborative industry?

In the in -depth industrial chain system, what role should park operators enter and where are the boundaries of operation?

Customer-centric. We have a large number of customer service personnel who will communicate with customers to obtain information randomly, as well as objective investigations from third -party institutions. Continuously organize and refine customer needs, and then provide services to continuously improve and improve service standards. While serving customers, we will strengthen the viscosity of park operations and customers and increase satisfaction.

Qian Dajin, deputy general manager of Wuzhong Hi -Tech venture capital

Question 1: Based on the experience of actual operation, talk about the understanding of the operation of the park.

What do the first park operations do well; the second is how to do a good job of operations and what problems are the key to the operation. What do you think is worth learning at home and abroad, it is recommended that it is the characteristics of your own enterprise and the case that combines its own.

There are three main aspects of private enterprises focusing on industrial operations: property, commerce and industries, and the three industries should be used together. We divide the three industries into three departments and three departments. Among them, the property, for some characteristic industrial parks, such as the three waste treatment of the biomedical industrial park to help enterprises do a good job of re -production, re -production and epidemic prevention and control; in addition to basic commercial supporting services, they also need to target different industrial parks for different industrial parks. Different populations and scenes, such as solving children's children's children's education, employee gathering buildings, sports and fitness, etc.; In the end, we must do a good job of industrial services. Our private enterprises can do all aspects.

Question 2: About how the park operations cooperate with the development of the industry.

What can operators do and make money in the development process of the park operation collaborative industry?

In the in -depth industrial chain system, what role should park operators enter and where are the boundaries of operation?

As a private park, our first industrial park, currently the operating income of "visible to touch" mainly comes from the rent and sale of carrier assets, property services, and the supporting facilities of the park as the park center of the industrial neighborhood center Value -added services income and industrial investment service income brought by laboratory platforms.

For the development of the coordinated industry and facing the government, our first industrial park mainly plays the role of "industrial bridge"; facing the company, we play the role of "shop primary two, accompanying runners". Leading of production regulations, fund guidance, platform attraction, and smart introductions, empower the development of enterprises in the park and the entire biomedical industry of Taicang.

Roundtable Forum 2: "How to empower the development of industrial parks"

Wei Wei, President of Eichida

Question 1: The understanding of the light asset business in the park, the exploration and development of the field of light assets

Light assets are a value output. It depends on how many industries that pay for the market and how high the price is to pay, so as to reflect the position of the operator's light asset business, whether it is successful or not, can you survive.

From the perspective of Yida's future development path, early light asset business pursues standardization, and standardization can be implemented in the project in the later period, but it cannot be implemented in the entire system and operating model, because standardization will lead to insufficient innovation and market sensitivity. And the light asset market is changing every day, and the business model is full of risks and problems in accordance with standardization.

Question 2: Difficulties, pain points, and future ideas for the development of the park?

When you want to do deeper assets and broaden -standard, it is difficult to execute 100 %, and even have some damage to the entire model and brand forced back. The reason is that in this process, the needs of target customers are not accurate. For example, in terms of smart park business, private enterprises pay more attention to how to reduce costs and increase efficiency, while state and central enterprises are concerned about the display of functions. For this issue, we need to do two good points: one is the growth of core capabilities, and the other is to ensure the landing of real goods as soon as possible.

Guest message: firmly optimistic about the future development of the industrial park. Although the market environment is downward, there are two sides of everything. It is often said that there are good and good side. High, doing something will be enlarged greater.

Mibei Innovation CEO Li Peng

Question 1: The understanding of the light asset business in the park, the exploration of the field of light assets, and the development of development are mainly divided into three categories: first, early office work. Similar to incubators, the general volume is relatively small; second, the government or large state -owned company operates a company; third, the architecture based on the second landlord represented by Mibei.

Light assets mainly empower the park from four aspects: first, the product side, as a light asset, must create very competitive products; second, science and technology services; third, corporate financing services; fourth, marketing services.

Question 2: In the regional characteristic market, the characteristics of the light asset market in the park and the development of enterprise development.

First, the project must be combined with the local industrial foundation when positioning the industry, and in addition to retaining the existing industry, it must be improved on the basis of existing. In the specific practical operation, on the one hand, the local real estate industry is used, and on the other hand, the entire technology content, platform value, and tax revenue of the park are promoted.

Second, we must have a deep understanding in the construction of the entire industrial chain so that we can truly solve the problems and needs of the enterprise, and stand out in this environment and the competitive market.

Guests sent: Now all walks of life tend to restart. We believe that China's new technology, new economy, and very large markets in the future. I also hope that peers must have the concept of professional service companies to do this matter.

Chen Liang, executive deputy general manager of the operation of Zhongji City Park and chairman of Zhongji Property

Question 1: The understanding of the light asset business in the park, the exploration and development of the field of light assets

First, from the perspective of customer perspectives, we need to plan a garden and one strategy, a theme planning of a park, the consensus formed by the theme positioning, and the consensus formed by the customer perspective must be implemented. Secondly, from the perspective of the enterprise, the internal enterprises are different, and the organization guarantees are different. The integration of operation and services is more favorable for promoting and implementing the service in terms of resource protection. Third, from the perspective of the external government,

Meeting government interests, meeting corporate needs, and achieving the value of operations. These triangle relationships are sometimes a game relationship, but sometimes it is also a process of mutual interests.

Question 2: The organizational structure and management system of light asset business in the park should be a partnership mechanism. What should I do if I want to do it?

In terms of development structure, we are relatively flat major functional departments, and we propose the "inverted triangle". The lower end of the triangle is management, and the upper end is some empowerment at the execution level. Flatming and empowerment are more correlated with light asset business.

In terms of mechanism, we propose integrated operation and services. At present, most basic properties are still in the relatively traditional category, and the refined and high -standard output capacity is still relatively insufficient. For example, we are now raising the equipment and facilities of the park to the overall value level of assets. In terms of operation services, we should also face clients and government.

For the partner mechanism, the partnership mechanism with the team must go firm, because the operational service earns long -term operating cash flow, not short -term profits.

The guests sent: "There is no one after the day, and the donation of the Tang Dynasty will end the sea." We must make the granularity very thin, and we must go up every day.

All conference three: Property Services · Development Summit Forum

Topic speech 1: "The return of value, the new service system conspires the new future! "

Yi Han's General Manager of the Property Service Division, Wu Yan

Decompiled business, value regression: The return on the valuation of the capital market is mainly affected by the two major factors. One is the external cause, that is, the support of the business and resources of the housing enterprises; The certainty of sex and profitability is increasing under uncertainty under the impact of external causes. On the business side of the enterprise, the return of the development value of property enterprises, the attitude of the development of real -life enterprises is changing, and the enterprise has changed from "equal, consumption," to "master, dispute, hair". Business thinking has also changed from "seeking speed" to "quality", choosing refined acquisitions and high -quality market extensions. Finally, emphasizing that quality is the lifeline of real -life enterprises, and the quality foundation determines the upper building.

Innovation breakthroughs, the future growth curve is to be future: the current property industry is in the development stage of "management, service, operation" from service to operation. At this stage, the profit margin of property companies is further compressed, but "business+ The development space and profitability of community consumption are significantly higher, and the model of profit value -added services for basic services is comprehensively promoted. Property companies can learn from the development experience of F.S, focus on tracks, grow their strengths, avoid weaknesses, increase service density, and build a regional professional service platform.

The "three -standard system", shaping the service professional brand: Property service professional brands are in the "1.5 era". They need to pay attention to the construction of the three -standard system, namely service standardization, project marking, and business labeling. Let service brands and corporate management achieve common prosperity and promote the high -quality development of property companies.

Roundtable Forum 1: "The market environment has changed dramatically, how can property keep its development? "

You Jianfeng, Chief Strategy Officer of Xincheng Yue Service

Question 1: In the current development stage of the industry, what should be the most persistent point? What do you think of the core of business development?

The persistence of the property must return to the origin, pay attention to employee satisfaction, build the digitalization of enterprises, and help the realization of the adaptation of personnel, organization, system, and new development strategies. For example, in the perspective of employee satisfaction, whether enterprises do community services or do B -end or C -end services, only employees can only enable employees to consider and solve problems from the perspective of customers, and finally realize customer satisfaction. In 2022, the new city Yue service clearly uses the long -term driving force of the company's development with the core values ​​of the company's development based on "equality of the customer, the integration of knowledge and action, and being willing to take responsibility." Employees and external customers have a long -term circulation of service satisfaction, allowing "satisfactory owners" to come from "satisfactory employees". Question 2: How can property companies choose and create long -term market competitive long -term business in many businesses?

In recent years, Xincheng Yue Service has opened up a new model of industry development -the development strategy of the "big community+big logistics" dual -chain -driven development strategy. The second growth curve of Xincheng Yue service is not the development direction of the original residential sector. Since 2021, Xincheng Yue Service has made in -depth layout in the IFM field of group meals. On the one hand, through the acquisition, the capacity building of group meals and some equipment services in the Yangtze River Delta; on the other hand, through the ability of the group meal company, combined with the business expansion of the construction structure of the new Chengcheng Yue service, deepen the "material The collaborative expansion model of multi -business units such as pipe+group meal "enables New City Yue services to develop a service system especially for B -end highly customized service systems, bringing customers a better service experience.

Question 3: In one sentence, summarize the development and persistence of the property industry in 2022.

Adhering to the origin of the property industry, the second growth curve must grow on the core service capabilities.

Wang Zhongqi, Vice President of Hejingyouhuo

Question 1: In the current development stage of the industry, what should be the most persistent point? What do you think of the core of business development?

The changes in the market environment are normal and need to face it. To assume social responsibility for epidemic protection, it will become the normalized business capabilities of property enterprises in the future. First, adhering to customers as the core, constantly polishing products and ensuring service quality is the root of property companies. Second, pay attention to teams, focus on employees, and empower the team through digital intelligence construction. Third, find a balance between shareholders, find a balance between epidemic prevention work, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and economic responsibility, and social responsibility, and maintain good business results through the improvement of their own operating capabilities.

Question 2: How can property companies choose and create long -term market competitive long -term business in many businesses?

It is the development idea of ​​the current diversified operation of Hejingyouju to avoid weaknesses and avoid weaknesses. Among the many formats, the following points are consolidated: First, pay attention to the creation and improvement of their own advantages, such as high -end service products and public construction service capabilities. Second, the layout of the entire format builds our ability to provide a systematic service solution. Third, clear positioning, in terms of classification of value -added or extension of business, focus on the field of large logistics fields, fear business boundaries, and use space services as the core to create a value -added business system.

Question 3: In one sentence, summarize the development and persistence of the property industry in 2022.

Persevere in the original intention and keep in love.

Jiao Jin, deputy general manager of Greentown Life Group

Question 1: In the current development stage of the industry, what should be the most persistent point? What do you think of the core of business development?

Market demand is no longer single. For the project, it is necessary to maintain its development forces and motivation, and sink to operation. From the perspective of development, basic properties are the core elements of the value -added business, which requires increased expansion capabilities and maintaining steady improvement. From the perspective of development momentum, in -depth operation can enhance its own ability and become an important support for future value -added business development.

Question 2: How can property companies choose and create long -term market competitive long -term business in many businesses?

From the perspective of property management, the service scenarios are more diverse, including residential, commercial and multi -business comprehensive businesses. In response to different service scenarios, Greentown Life always adheres to the customer's perspective, establishes high -quality service standards and design product packages, and combines the entire value -added service to better combine the property service from the service operation side to gradually improve the life service system. For example, big logistics service operations are suitable for industrial parks, office buildings, etc.

Question 3: In one sentence, summarize the development and persistence of the property industry in 2022.

Focus on the goal, adhere to the core value, and strengthen in -depth operations.

Roundtable Forum 2: "Do not separate the mountains, cross -border viewing? "

Li Yandong, general manager of Fengwu Siyuan Shanghai Company

Question 1: What is the difference between the intelligent construction of the property service industry compared with other industries? The necessity and feasibility of intelligent construction in the property industry?

The commonality of property and other industries is informatization. Digital and intelligent management first provides business services to enterprises, secondly, cost reduction and efficiency, and finally building an industry ecology.

The difference is: First, based on the characteristics of the property industry service type, it is necessary to meet the internal business and management applications of the property in the construction of a property service platform. To meet the application of the Internet C -end application of the property enterprise, in the application of the owner's C -end, the support of big data technology, Internet of Things technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies requires both B -end heavy business applications and C -end applications. Meeting ease of use, flexibility, scalability requirements, and the popularization of all -round and intelligent technology; third is that after property capitalization, the requirements for informationization are higher. And to B's technical support business. For informatization and intelligent application service providers, there is a need to have the sedimentation of the industry, the support of cutting -edge technology, and the accumulation verification of a large number of users. Fourth, Fengwang Siyuan is based on its own advantages, with industry precipitation and new technology applications to provide a complete intelligent product solution to the property industry. For video AI, IoT, EBA application depth and enterprise ERP system formed a deep -loop business, and empower the continuous development of the property industry. Zhou Guofeng, director of the industry director of Hikvision Smart Construction Business Department

Question 1: What is the difference between the intelligent construction of the property service industry compared with other industries? The necessity and feasibility of intelligent construction in the property industry?

The difference is mainly reflected in: First, conventional enterprises do digital business unification, which can be vertically vertically from the group to the front line, but in the opposite of property companies, the productivity of the property is concentrated on the front line of the business; second, the service format and the scene are different, which will lead to the same plan. There is a large difference in the effect of landing; third, there is a large difference in property rights of different formats, which will lead to different effects on the solution on the floor -to -ceiling model.

In terms of necessity, future intelligence or digitalization is an important track for property companies. This is because of the first, the average age of employees in the property industry has increased significantly. Second, the normal project is very serious. In the future, the people of property companies have more services or auxiliary machines and equipment, and machines and equipment services are provided, so this is also feasible, but this process needs to move forward steadily, because technology has development steps, it will slowly mature along the steps, in the steps, in the steps, it will slowly mature along the steps. In this process, smart devices will gradually increase, the frequency of equipment updates will be more frequent, and the user experience will become better and better.

Next, the informatization of the property industry will combine all kinds of excellent technologies and scenes to better improve the experience, or better reduce costs. There are technical maturity and running in the scene. In short, intelligence will still be available long way to go.

Wo Run Technology Expert Consultant Wang Hongguo

Question 1: What is the difference between the intelligent construction of the property service industry compared with other industries? The necessity and feasibility of intelligent construction in the property industry?

The differences mainly include three aspects. First, the property industry and other industries are more complicated. Second, the chain is relatively long in terms of supplier or management. Third, there is a vague phenomenon of management and service boundaries. In short, digital transformation is an indispensable way for property, no way to choose, and the only way to take.

With the continuous increase in labor costs, the cost of corporate costs has increased significantly. How to make a balanced in the situation of the property fee does not rise, and the digital transformation gives the answer. This method is necessary and feasible. First of all, the management boundary is expanded, the management efficiency is improved, the service satisfaction of the owner's service is improved, and the cost increases the income and improve the quality. The formation of unified management of the establishment of the future systemicization is beneficial to the promotion of corporate brands.

All conference 4: Kangyang Culture and Education · Development Summit Forum

Topic Speech 1: "Ecological Co -construction, Empowering the New Order of Kangyang"

Zhang Xiaobing, General Manager of Eichio Candidate Industry Division

There are seven "new" understanding in the field of Kangyang Industry to share with you.

The first new, new industrial development, the core is to improve operational service capabilities. In the first 10 years, the era of rapid layout grabbing points gradually ended. In the next 10 years, the era of refined operations driving high -quality services as its core competition is coming.

The second new, new demand for pension, family pension solutions are essential. Pension, or enjoy the old? Survival, or health? Pension is not a matter of one person. The needs of the elderly in the elderly is a problem to solve.

The third new, new forces in the market, the national team is the industrial development stabilizer. At present, the "national team" + "insurance capital team" + "other team" three -footed market new pattern represents a new trend of policy and market development.

The fourth new, the new order of Kangyang, the duplex economy era requires two rounds of strength. The big policy guidance and the large market are two -wheel drive, the pension care is basically guaranteed, the health care industry must be profitable, and the strong capital and talent must be strong in the process.

Fifth new, new capabilities, hard -handed hands with both hands. Grab the resources on the left hand, strengthen the integration of horizontally, and build the development potential energy; grasp the service in the right hand, cultivate deeply, and become brand momentum. Promoting, also calling, is the real word of mouth.

The sixth new, new ecosystem of the industry, and interconnection resonance are king. [Kangyang Industry Research Institute] The consortium, strives to be horizontal; [Kangyang Full Industry Services] consortium, conscientiously integrate; empowering the new order of Kangyang Development is our direction.

The seventh new, serving new brands. As a new brand of recuperation of Yihan, it is necessary to do a good job of building professional capabilities, accumulation of resource capabilities, and the creation of the environment of the circle. Witness the power of China's health care industry. Finally, I hope that everyone can go further in this field with us and jointly build a new ecology of the health care industry.

Roundtable Forum 1: "Interpretation of the Kangyang Industry"

Rodin, general manager of Langshi omita

Question 1: Briefly introduce the operating models, operating characteristics and service characteristics of their respective companies for reference for industry colleagues.

Langshi Ivy is a Langshi's independent custody sector. From 2013 to nearly ten years in 2013, the main business model is to find idle assets in cities for aging transformation. Elderly, the service model of the nearest elderly care is provided. After this model is operated, more concentrated on the age of high -care care customers, and has been recognized by the market. In 10 years, it has gradually emerged from Nanjing. At present, 6 cities have developed, and six cities have basically formed preliminary pension institutions chain operations. It has gradually found a model for supporting chain operations with platform operations.

Question 2: After nearly ten years of development, what new trends are worthy of everyone's attention?

The first trend is more relieved to see the industry more and more focused on seeing and seeing the lightness, whether it is insurance or state -owned enterprises. Everyone is watching operations, rational investment and refined operations, not only for one company, but in fact, it is helpful for the entire industry.

The second trend is that in addition to the need for pension, the industry chain is also required to join the industry chain. All links to understand this industry. Do not look at the industry from a short -term perspective, the industry will slowly come down.

Question 3: Please share the focus of your company's new business direction in the future or continue to adhere to the business focus?

The core advantage of Langshi's pension is to closely integrate his green gene, healthy houses and pension refined operations. Therefore, the future development will focus on the core advantages and resource endowments, continue to cultivate a healthy environment for healthy environment, low energy consumption houses, efficient operations, and refined operations; on the other hand, the scale does not take the scale as KPI, and will be deeply cultivated. The Yangtze River Delta region and Beijing and other cities are deepened and deepened in a city. Finally, it is also believed that simple light asset output may not be the only way. Pension is a market for business cooperation.

Zheng Chunxiang, Deputy President of Dima Products

Question 1: Briefly introduce the operating models, operating characteristics and service characteristics of their respective companies for reference for industry colleagues.

Dima's real estate brand is Dongyuan Real Estate, and the Kangyang brand is Dima Changqing Society. From 2016, it has been paying attention to the Kangyang industry. It really did not come in in 2019. So far, I have used mergers and acquisitions and self -built methods to make 1 hospital, 10 institutions, about 2,000 beds, and 65 community sites. Medical+institutional+site+home fourth -level linkage operation model. By the beginning of this year, the operation and service capabilities of the light assets of the entire Kangyang sector began to export external exports. This year, the operation and custody services of light assets with state -owned assets and insurance capital were respectively.

Question 2: After nearly ten years of development, what new trends are worthy of everyone's attention?

From a macro perspective, at the end of August, the State Council issued a special report on the latest pension progress. The policy was also introduced one after another. It is an opportunity for pension companies.

From the perspective of the view, first, the competition of the entire industry is increasing, the national team advances, and the strength and speed of the national team's entry into the market are increasing; second, the combination of medical care is a necessary choice; third, consumers’s Consumer consciousness is also getting higher and higher for professionalism, branding and chain, and will force the continuous improvement of the operation and management level of elderly enterprises.

From a micro perspective, the pressure of operation after the new normal of the epidemic is very high. For the pension industry, in the past ten years, everyone must have enough patience to continue. I think this is a marathon. project.

Question 3: Please share the focus of your company's new business direction in the future or continue to adhere to the business focus?

First, adhere to the regional rooting, and then focus on continuing to cultivate three cities: Chengdu, Chongqing and Shanghai.

Second, adhering to the four -wheel linkage, that is, the medical agency plus community plus home and home.

Third, adhere to long -termism and survive now.

Yang Manzhu, deputy general manager of Greentown Kangyang

Question 1: Briefly introduce the operating models, operating characteristics and service characteristics of their respective companies for reference for industry colleagues.

Greentown Kangyang is a professional company extending from Greentown Real Estate. It has been 10 years now. There are 10 open projects and more than 6,000 beds. Form the three major business models, early consultation, institutional operations and education and training; in terms of business types, the customer group is divided into two ports: first, the real estate business, the government, and the company that wants to do it. Inquiry and operational consultants in the output, and partners will do educational training and talent output. Second, our most important cornerstone customer base is our elder. The service features of Greentown are around the school -style pension, clothing, food, housing and transportation, Yile Xue, and medical and health care. There are more than 600 service content. Such as the elderly hospital, the increasing care of the home, the cognitive care centers, the end of the caring care centers, etc. Question 2: After nearly ten years of development, what new trends are worthy of everyone's attention?

In the beginning, Greentown Kangyang Group chose institutional pensions to become rigid demand. Through rigid demand, the enterprise itself could survive, relying on the advantages of Kangyang Real Estate for consultation, and doing external output.

The current stage will focus on institutional pensions. It may be that there will be more medical care combination. Relying on the operation of the institutional operation and development of other business segments, the institutional operation capabilities are strong, and the level of service level is at the front end of the industry. Do well.

Question 3: Please share the focus of your company's new business direction in the future or continue to adhere to the business focus?

Because Greentown is mainly service, whether it is real estate, property, and health care, we insist that service is all of our content. Use the service to provide the elderly as our leading mode, because only the elderly recognize the service can you pay for various products. So Greentown then insists on the quality of service to the leading level of the industry. This is what we will not change from the beginning to the end. After there is a certain customer group in the future, through our services, we may derive some other content in the future.

Assistant to Fosun Kang Yang Yang Jie

Question 1: Briefly introduce the operating models, operating characteristics and service characteristics of their respective companies for reference for industry colleagues.

Fosun has been operating the first pension project in 2012. After ten years, three major product lines have been formed. The second is Xingjian, mainly for rehabilitation hospitals and nursing hospitals. The third is the product line of bee neighbors based on 97%of home pension. In addition, we have about 1100 beds in the country.

For Fosun, there are three core dimensions of ten years of operational attention, namely quality, safety, and efficiency. The construction of the six universities is continuously improved, and the ultimately brought by the improvement of the index of user satisfaction. The efficiency is the management of the manufacturing industry. The efficiency management ultimately brings the operation of the operating end. Standard management eventually brings customer safety.

Question 2: After nearly ten years of development, what new trends are worthy of everyone's attention?

First, the ten years of technological progress has brought about improvement of operational efficiency. Now it can be made through the system to make a lot of prevailing risk estimates. Technological progress has a great impact on this industry.

Second, the client is different. With the changes in customer needs in the past ten years, the provided elderly care services will be different. In the past, it was the institutional pension. Now I have made a lot of consultation and the transformation of aging. It will provide more diversified services for changes in home and communities including the entire pension family.

Question 3: Please share the focus of your company's new business direction in the future or continue to adhere to the business focus?

The pension industry is not the same as other industries, and the core of the enterprise is to return. Therefore, based on the industry itself, for yourself, the operation is to make the return and grind your pyramid.

Topic Speech 2: "Research on the Development Trend of the Era of the Post -epidemic"

Jin Yi, General Manager of Education Division of Yihan Co., Ltd.

In the next ten years, the two exams will become an important node for talent selection: First, the entrance examination determines the differentiation of the route of ordinary high schools and professional high schools, and increases the needs of studying international high schools. Second Under the premise of constant, drive the needs of continuing to study abroad.

The international education will become a strong supplement to the national education system: the number of international high school courses in the next five years will exceed 300,000; the number of students studying abroad will reach 1 million; the number of returnees studying abroad will reach 800,000.

Internationalization education does not mean studying abroad: To a certain extent, international education can solve the pressure of domestic education. Learn more about international education knowledge to help international education families carry out a reasonable and effective international education plan.

The four major support factors of the development trend of international education:

First, national development and family education have increased, and internationalized education has increased;

Second, domestic education resources cannot meet the education needs of some families;

Third, the international education needs of high net worth families and middle -class families are diversified;

Fourth, all -person education concepts, diversified courses and enrollment methods will be favored by more international education families.

- END -

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