Political Voice | Ma Wei, Secretary of the Siyang County Party Committee: Diligent and pragmatic

Author:Beijing West Road Observation Time:2022.09.18

Dare to pick up the beam for goodness

Welcome the 20th victory of the party with actual actions

"Economic provinces must be bravely picked up." This is a major political responsibility given by the Party Central Committee to Economic provinces, including Jiangsu, and has a high degree of trust and ardent expectations for Jiangsu. The Provincial Party Committee's Working Conference mobilizes the major responsibility of "bravely picking the beams" in the province, and requires conditions for cities and counties to work hard to complete the annual goals and tasks, and provide us with high guidelines for the current and future work.

For Siyang, take the initiative to take the responsibility, strive for the previous way, and make more contributions to the province's "brave beam". The need for provincial and municipal requirements to coordinate the need to promote the high -quality development of the county is the deserved move to consolidate the stability of the economy and take the road of rushing to the new era.

Since the Provincial Party Committee's Working Conference, Siyang has closely focused on the major mission of "bravely picking the beam", insisted on the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic construction, strengthened the overall scheduling, focused on precise tackling, and the economic and social maintenance was steady. Development.

From January to August, the general public budget revenue was 1.913 billion yuan, an increase of 3.1%in the same caliber; it is expected that the investment in fixed assets of the whole society is 23 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2%, of which the industrial fixed asset investment is 17 billion yuan and the growth rate will reach 18%; It is expected that the total industrial output value and value -added will increase by 8.1%and 6%, respectively, and industrial ticket sales and industrial electricity consumption will increase by 18.57%and 17.09%, respectively. The 18 economic indicators of the uniforms are at the forefront of the ranking of accommodation.

Siyang will further grasp the initiative of development, carefully cope with the interactive pressure of the epidemic and stabilize the economic market, and firmly, and consciously integrate the development of Siyang into the province and the country's development. The effective path of the canal "The most beautiful county", strives for the first time, moves forward, and go all out to make more contributions to the province's courage to choose the beam.

Coordinate incremental increase and quality gathered stimulation to stimulate the pole of the real economic growth

Firmly establish the concept of "grasping development and development, grasping projects is to grasp development", and make every effort to promote the construction of new signing, new construction, new completion, and new production "four new" projects. Function, continuously do excellent stocks, make large amounts, and further consolidate the hard support of the real economy.

Fully promote the recruitment. Deepen the investment concept of "both the star fighting, but also a round of bright moon", operate the "1+555" investment service mechanism efficiently, and fully attract a number of advanced technological content, high green intelligence, high product added value, high product added value The "head geese project" of the manufacturing industry, with the rapid gathering of large projects and high -quality projects, promotes the efficient improvement of the real economy, and strives to attract 30 projects of more than 1 billion yuan, 3 projects of more than 5 billion yuan, and more than 10 billion yuan. There are new breakthroughs in the project.

Continue optimization to help the transformation. Adhering to the "pile down" is the lasting principle. Focus on key indicators such as the project investment rate, database rate, output rate and other key indicators, and strictly implement the system of leaders of major projects and counties. The corporate butler center coordinates the function of guaranteeing the elements, carried out the "double viewing and dual promotion" activity, normally carried out investigations in the enterprise, and effectively mastered the difficulties and problems facing the coming of Si Enterprise. Ensure that the project "has no obstacles" to the ground and "no trouble".

Gathering strengthening element guarantee. Accelerate the improvement of the county -level element guarantee system, establish a major project pre -review evaluation mechanism, manage the entire life cycle of the project, strengthen coordination and coordination in the fields of land, energy consumption, environmental protection, planning important nodes and key links in advance, and promoting the project early landing to land early. Construction early to form more physical workload as soon as possible. Promote the "minimalist approval" and "seven certificates", truly realize the "up to once", "commitment to start", and constantly brighten the "Siyi Office" reform service brand.

Coordinate chain and cluster gathering force to enhance the competitiveness of modern industries

Siyang will take the provincial innovation model county construction as the unification, focusing on the trend of a new round of technological revolution and industrial change in information technology, high -end manufacturing, and the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, accelerate the promotion of the cluster of the entire chain of the industry develop.

Focus on industrial cultivation and transformation. Focusing on the "2+3+N" modern industrial system, vigorously carried out the industrial chain and the upgrade operation of 100 enterprises. During the year, the sales of two leading industries of high -end textiles and green homes increased by more than 30%, and the total output value of ten key industry chain increased by 20%year -on -year The above, strive to create the innovation and transformation of the manufacturing industry in the province. In -depth implementation of the "5321" project, continue to improve the echelon cultivation library such as technology -based enterprises, high -tech enterprises, and innovative leading enterprises, and select some high -growth small and micro enterprises "one enterprise and one policy" to formulate cultivation plans to accelerate the cultivation of a group of leading leaders Backbone enterprises, manufacturing single championships, specialized new "little giants" enterprises, etc., strive to increase regulations over 70 new industrial enterprises during the year.

Focus on technology innovation and efficiency. In -depth implementation of the "1234" strategy of scientific and technological innovation, continue to carry out the "three actions, three projects" of scientific and technological innovation, increase technological enterprises such as technology new and potential, and continue to deepen the "industry -university -research" industry technology innovation alliance and "anti -flying land" The innovative practice of the economy model strives to add 50 new scientific and technological enterprises and more than 50 technological achievements in the year. In -depth implementation of the "Xichu Yingcai" Xiong and Ying Plan, "Suzwan Cai" dual innovation plan, vigorously implement the "unveiling the list" science and technology research system, further strengthen cooperation with well -known scientific research institutes and universities, and add provincial and municipal engineering technology research throughout the year More than 30 centers. Focus on digital economy empowerment. Always pay close attention to key areas such as wisdom change, new infrastructure, and smart services, vigorously promote the construction of the Internet of Industrial Internet, and accelerate the full coverage of industrial leading enterprises "Shangyun". Seize the pilot opportunities for national e -commerce to enter the rural comprehensive demonstration county, accelerate the physical operation of the public brand of "eating in Siyang", and actively guide the development of new formats such as the platform economy, sharing economy, and live broadcast economy. The integration of foreign trade.

Focus on the carrier platform. Continue to optimize the provincial "one district and multi -park" pilot system structure, make every effort to promote the establishment of national development zones, provincial high -tech zones, and Wu Siyuan Yangtze River Delta Industrial Transfer Demonstration Zone and 6 township characteristic industrial parks. The development of more than 4,600 acres, the comprehensive assessment of the economic development zone entered the forefront of the province. Further encourage enterprises to jointly cultivate an innovative platforms such as engineering technology research centers at or above the municipal level, provincial crowdsourcing space, academician and doctoral workstation, key research institutes, and strive to add more than 30 provincial and municipal engineering technology research centers throughout the year. Essence

Coordinate and replenishment and recovery to forging economic development strong and tough

Always adhere to the stable growth as the main tone of the work, promote the acceleration of economic development, continue to consolidate the foundation of economic recovery, make every effort to promote the rise of economic and social development, and continuously strengthen the resilience of economic development.

Strengthen benefiting enterprises for consumption. Strict implementation of the central and provincial -provincial -benefit enterprises policies such as "40 Su Zheng", as well as a package of stable economic policies such as 20 articles and "twelve articles" of municipalities and counties, and pay more attention to small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. The key role of stabilizing the market and maintaining employment, fully open up policies to fulfill the "blocking point" and "difficult point", and promote the direct benefits of various policy dividends to the grassroots level and directly benefit the market entity. Give full play to new commercial consumption leaders such as large -scale complexes and commercial districts along the street, support the development of new forms of economic and economic economic forms such as night economy, tongue economy, etc., and in -depth excavation of urban consumption potential, so that the urban economic circle prosper and fireworks.

Hold the hard bottom line of people's livelihood. Adhere to the basic requirements of "let ordinary people live a good life", efficiently promote 100 items as private practical projects, implement stability and expand employment policies and measures, and continue to enlarge the influence Force, the urban survey of unemployment rates is controlled within 5%during the year. In -depth implementation of the three -year action plan for high -quality education, comprehensively promoting the construction of county medical federations and medical communities, focusing on "one old and one young" care work, and striving to achieve higher levels of people's livelihood seven. Focus on monitoring, assistance, and withdrawn from the "three -ring interlocking", optimize the low -income population monitoring and early warning mechanism, realize the full coverage of the key group rescue, and resolutely keep the bottom line of the poor return to poverty.

Seize new opportunities for openness. Participate in the provincial integrated development in all aspects, seize the opportunity to deepen the cooperation and co -construction of the North and South, and actively promote the open flow and flexible sharing of key resource elements such as science and technology, talent, and other people's livelihood fields such as education and medical care, cultural tourism and recreation. A group of influential and unique cooperation results. Close to the construction of the reform demonstration zone of "Four Melterials", deepen the reform of the reform system, optimize the top -level design of the system, refine the overall layout of the project, and make every effort to promote the implementation of 9 national and 10 provincial -level key reform matters. Provincial Innovation Demonstration County. Gathering promotion to the construction of major infrastructure such as "one bridge, three roads and one dock", vigorously implement the "three foreign" linkage development strategies, and strive to actual US $ 100 million in foreign accounts and foreign trade imports and exports throughout the year.

Coordinate development and security gathering to maintain a new situation in harmony and stability

Siyang adheres to the stability of the word, seeking progress in the middle, adheres to the bottom line of thinking, enhances the sense of anxiety, comprehensively implements the overall national security outlook, and accurately controls the hidden dangers of various types of risks with the sense of responsibility of "rest assured". Work, resolutely keep the bottom line of "development must be safe".

Maintain the political environment of the wind and the righteousness. Effectively prevent the hidden dangers of risk dangers such as financial, government debt, and epidemic prevention and control. Risks of other fields have evolved to political risks.

Build the social environment of Guotai people. Taking the opportunity to build a modern and qualified city of social governance in the county as the opportunity, we will implement the "Jing.com micro -agency" project, magnify the "grid nameplate" pilot effect, expand the smart rural digital governance model, and strive to build a three -dimensional and information social security prevention and control system. Carry out activities such as the "Division of the Law" and "the three officials" into the grid, in -depth promotion of normalized anti -crime and anti -fraud work, deepening consolidating the results of the education and rectification of the education team, optimizing the construction of the smart investigation center, and making every effort Build a higher level of Siyang, the rule of law, Siyang, and harmonious Siyang.

Keep a stable and healthy development environment. Strictly implement the "fifteen" hard measures for safety production, carry out 100 -day tackling operations in key industries, optimize and improve the "code -assisted security" warning inspection system, strengthen the greater risk management and control of engineering and trade enterprises, and continuously improve the level of essence and safety level Essence We carried out activities such as "the prominent year of petition outstanding issues" and other activities, and normalized to carry out the "next visits and interviews" activities of county -level leaders, strengthen the large -scale resolution of the county's three -level contradictions and disputes to ensure the continuous and stable social situation. Fully "bravely pick up the beam" and make more contributions to Siyang. The key lies in people, focusing on action. We will adhere to the spiritual realm of "Xing Ye Xun, Night Night, and Night in the Gong", and to explore the road with the state of struggle with "diligence and pragmatism, dare to take good care of goodness, and fight for the first time". Various goals and tasks have made more contributions to Siyang for the province's "brave beams", hand over better Siyang answers, and welcome the 20th victory of the party with practical actions.

(Ma Wei is the secretary of the Siyang County Party Committee)

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