Welcome to the Twenty Congress • Longjiang Good "Feng" scene | Entrepreneurship Farm: Lift the harvest tide rice full granary

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.09.18

Follow the highway towards the direction of the Beidam Wilderness Entrepreneurship Farm ... At 9:42 on September 16th, the big trucks that were full of new grains were caught at 9:42 on September 16. The food that is neatly arranged on the side of the highway is built in the golden fields, and the rice waves are rolling with the wind. On the other side of the highway, the harvester roar, the lively and extraordinary, set off a wave of rice harvest.

Rice harvesting car, let the grain particles return to warehouse

The reporter walked into the rice fields, the scent of rice was overflowing, the ears of the rice were full, and the hands were touched. The grower Li Chuanyin told reporters, "My family has a total of 210 acres of rice. This year only hired 3 small harvesters, and the harvesting task could be completed in a day and a half." When the reporter asked how the harvest this year, Li Chuanyin said with a smile and said "This year's harvest is good, the market food prices are optimistic, and my family can sell 20,000 yuan more for 210 acres of land."

Song Yongchang, the Ministry of Agriculture Development of Entrepreneurship Farm Co., Ltd., said that through rice cutting, it can effectively reduce the phenomenon of inverted and premature aging, reduce the gains brought about by bad weather and the comprehensive losses of food, and ensure that the majority of growers are harvested.

This year, this company has continued to work since the preparation stage of the autumn harvest. When scientific research, judgment, strong management, and agriculture, nearly 200 stem management personnel went to the field to investigate. , And many times, the rice cutting and sun -exposure meeting, training meeting, mobilizing, guiding, and auxiliary growers for timely exposure, so that they can cut first, can be cut, and expand the cutting area in an orderly manner. 40%of the harvest area.

Harvest locomotive in the paddy field

As of now, Venture Farm Co., Ltd. has coordinated and coordinated various types of autumn harvest machinery, and the total power of harvesting has reached 20.3 million kilowatts. External mechanical mechanical machinery has also been shipped one after another. Growers repair locomotives, purchase agricultural machinery accessories, and transport oil to escort the harvest. The subsequent work will also work hard to achieve six 100%autumn harvest work with "100%of straw back to field, 100%of straw burning 100%, standardized flipping ground, 100%of the waterfield autumn ground, 100%black wintering, and 100%of the seedbed soil preparation" Target. At present, the autumn harvest is kicked off on the rice planting area of ​​564,000 mu.

It was another year of harvest. A car grain passed by and a stubble of the rice stubble showed its unique lines on the black land to outline the most beautiful autumn harvest paintings.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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