The streets of Beihai Road, Kuiwen District effectively built the "firewall" of pension fraud

Author:Weifang Mercy Time:2022.09.18

Beiwen District Beihai Road Street has carefully carried out the publicity, arranging, and rectification of pension fraud, focusing on improving the effects of propaganda, discovering clues in time, effectively cracking down on fraud, and building effective "firewalls" for the property security of the masses.

"Real" is first, and coordinated up and down to promote the steady hoof

The street attaches great importance to combating the rectification of pension fraud, establishing a working group to propose the overall task goals, and the communities and grids will be implemented in detail. Working system for efficient operation. Clarify the division of responsibilities, and the cadres at various subjects are responsible for uniformly arrange and dispatch the elderly fraud work in management areas; refine specific measures, and the communities and cooperatives combined with their daily work and the actual situation of residential districts and building business districts in their jurisdictions to clarify the specific responsible persons. , Normalize publicization, arrangement, and cooperation.

"Deep" into the arranging, the classification management advances to the edge

On the basis of the grids of each grid, we carefully sort out the problems, improve the method of reconstruction, formulate the "Survey Form for the Enterprise Information Survey of the Properties in the Sub -districts", and optimize the configuration of public security police, market supervision, street organ cadres, community cadres. A total of 21 touches groups were established to concentrate their strengths to investigate layers by household -by -one in the area of ​​21 business buildings in their jurisdictions to ensure that they do not miss one household. For the situation, comprehensive analysis and judgment, classification of layered management, improving the quality of the arrest, and reporting the clues in time.

"Guang" talked about it, propaganda and education pushed into the household

Strengthen publicity and guidance to create a strong atmosphere. Utilizing the online Guangfa WeChat group, circle of friends, and public accounts, the form of suspension of publicity banners, distributed single pages, and face -to -face communication in offline, giving full play to the role of community, cooperative grid staff, and grid long front -line tentacles, in various publicity columns , Announcement Board Post Poster Poster, use LED display, electronic screens to play to combat the promotional videos and slogans of pension fraud, gathers places for elderly people such as communities, markets, and pharmaceutical supermarkets to extensively distribute leaflets to create a strong atmosphere of public opinion, enhance the public opinion atmosphere, improve The people's attention, organized 13 various publicity activities, set up 61 promotional slogans, distributed more than 10,000 publicity sheet pages, and launched more than 6,000 publicity in each grid. , Resolutely maintain social stability.

Author Li Jinghua

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