Take technical security as the cross -platform data circulation and data market to escort the data market

Author:Report Time:2022.09.17


The digital economy has become a new momentum of economic growth. According to the calculation of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, the size of my country's data trading market in 2020 reached 54.5 billion yuan; and IDC's "2021 V2 Global Big Data Expenditure Guide" shows that global big data and analysis market share in 2021 will reach 215.7 billion US dollars , Increased by 10.1%over 2020, and the compound annual growth rate of the next five years is expected to be 12.8%. In recent years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the development of the data factor market. In April 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on the Construction of a more complete factor market -oriented allocation system and mechanism". As a new type of production factors, the data officially appeared in government documents for the first time. In December 2021, the State Council released the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Digital Economic Development Plan, which proposed the development goals of the data factor market system by 2025. Strengthening the management and utilization of data element is the issue of the times that need to be resolved urgently.

Promoting the circulation of transactions of data elements and creating a unified factor resource market are the basic prerequisites for strengthening management and utilization. On March 25, 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of the National Unified Unified Market", which clearly stated that my country will accelerate the cultivation of unified technology and data markets, establish and improve data security, rights protection, cross -border transmission management, and management, cross -border transmission management,, cross -border transmission management, and cross -border transmission management,, cross -border transmission management, and management, cross -border transmission management, and cross -border transmission management. Basic systems and standards and standards such as transaction circulation, open sharing, and security certification. For the first time, it is clearly proposed to build a unified factor resource market. Through the effective integration of data resources such as government, public sector, enterprise, Flow and reasonable gathering applications to prevent use of data, algorithms, technical means, etc. to eliminate and restrict competition. In view of this, the transaction circulation of data elements has become an inevitable trend in the digital age.

Government and enterprises must actively promote and improve technical security and standard construction in this era. For example, safe and efficient transmission and storage facilities are the hardware requirements of data security, but this facility needs to pay in advance, and the company's willingness to participate is low. In addition, problems such as insufficient technical interoperability, uniform architecture, and complicated data of different enterprises have not only increased technological security risks, but also increased the cost of data transaction circulation. However, multi -level data circulation is the general trend, and it cannot be scrapped due to security concerns. Instead, it is necessary to force the improvement of security guarantee in interconnection and data circulation. At present, with the increasing importance to data value, many data security technology has now been used in the data circulation process, such as federal learning, same -state encryption, differential privacy, hardware trusted execution environment, etc., in order to ensure data security and promote data circulation Effective effect. In other words, data security technology can explore the new models, methods, and new paths of data security circulation networks by focusing on key common issues such as data transactions, difficulty in pricing, and mutual trust.

First, a new generation of data technologies such as privacy computing and multi -party security computing form new digital management and circulation pipelines. In the past, the main method of direct sharing of original data was adopted, but this method cannot effectively control the shared data, which is not conducive to protecting data assets, and it is not conducive to preventing data abuse and privacy leakage. At present, the data privacy collaboration platform deeply integrates the advantages of blockchain and privacy computing technology. The smart contract is used to drive the collaboration process, the privacy computing engine is used to solve the problem of data circulation, and the rights are confirmed through the blockchain. Effectively protect personal information and realize the full process of recording, verification, traceability, and auditing, and provides help for the construction of high -efficiency, high security, and high liquidity data factor markets. Second, combined with the encryption and traceability technologies such as blockchain to establish data confirmation, pricing and trading system. Confirmation is an important prerequisite for data transformation to assets. Blockchain plays an irreplaceable role in data confirming. Based on the large -scale networking capabilities, strong privacy protection and agile application development kit support the construction of data networks at all levels and regional integration of provinces and cities, and support the access of multi -technical stack applications such as public organization, industrial finance, and regulatory side Wait. Third, the integrated Tee cloud native security system is used to ensure the security of data and transactions. Data circulation and transactions are inseparable from the cloud environment. The Yunyuan distributed architecture and mobile development PAAS platform have core capabilities such as high availability, consistency, scalability, and disaster recovery. The capacity of operation and maintenance and technical risk protection below to escort the stability and sustainable development of the business business.

The state urgently needs to consider these issues from the perspective of the overall and global perspective, strengthen the top -level design, promote the interconnection of technological trading markets and data factor markets in various places, and maximize the value of technology and data.

First of all, adhere to the word "use" as the head to balance the relationship between the protection, security and utilization of data property rights. At present, the global digital economy competition is becoming more and more intense, and my country's advantages in some digital economy track have weakened. On the one hand, we should insist on using various digital resources to provide source living water for the integration. We must pay attention to the protection of data property rights, data security risks, but also to prevent the main entities of interests from digital property rights and security issues. Limit data circulation. On the other hand, we should also keep the bottom line on the protection of data property rights and security, enrich the channels, and focus on the use of new technologies such as privacy computing to solve the dilemma of data utilization and security. Among them, for the existing practice and consensus, the focus is on the privacy and national security of individuals and institutions. Based on this, various types of data circulation channels are released. Secondly, the multi -party co -management model is adopted to establish a safe, controllable, and controllable data -based circulation environment. The "multi -party co -management" model is to solve the problem of searching and regulating large -scale data through the unified addressing technology; through multi -party privacy storage and privacy computing technology, solve the problems of security storage, calculation, confirmation, authorization, and control; Fragmented sandbox technology, solve the problem of transparent docking, data crushing, data, data non -landing, and data leakage of business systems; through the front -end data directional circulation technology, solve the problem of data compliance flow; After the data traceability and recovery problem. Whether it is big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, blockchain and other scenarios, or data computing, data transactions, data supervision and other processes, data can be quickly circulated and used under multi -party control and multi -party supervision. Any organization or individual has a "grabbing point" of data ownership and forms a "multiple data co -controller" that can be trusted. Such data security systems will have a positive and far -reaching impact on the large -scale circulation of data.

Third, the government should balance the relationship between supervision and innovation and create a dynamic and sustainable technical environment. On the one hand, the government should focus on maintaining fair competition, providing infrastructure and basic public services, and rational guidance expectations. It does not need to intervene in specific technical routes, and it must be resolved more by market competition. On the other hand, the government should play a leading role in promoting data circulation and marketization, establish a big data bureau, coordinate and coordinate the ownership, security and circulation of government departments, and accelerate the solution of the government data departmentalization and departmental data interests. Liberate a large amount of government data.

Finally, enterprises should actively play their own technological innovation role to ensure equality and opportunities for sharing data. On the one hand, in terms of corporate data circulation, enterprises should actively invest in resources, strengthen their own technological innovation applications, and implement data value -added rights through measures such as collecting, processing, and mining. Status and the absolute advantages of related markets such as social networking restrict the free circulation of public attribute data such as information such as user traces (such as nicknames and avatars). On the other hand, we should speed up the combination of number and reality, make full use of the government's policy preferences in supporting the development of private economy, platform economic development, and innovative leading enterprise development, and promote technological security innovation and rapid development of enterprises.

Author: Zhao Juan (Associate Professor of the Academy of Culture and Law of Beijing University of Chemical Engineering, part -time researcher of Tsinghua University Data Governance Research Center)

Edit: Liu Liyuan

Editor in charge: He Yi

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