The highest year!

Author:China Gold News Time:2022.09.17

The gold and silver jewelry retail market continues to recover. On September 16, the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in August 2022, the total retail sales of gold and silver jewelry was 26.8 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 7.2%. This has achieved positive growth year -on -year since June this year.

Data show that in the first eight months of this year, the total retail sales of gold and silver jewelry were 199.2 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 2.2%. From the changes in the retail data of gold and silver jewelry in the first eight months of this year (retail sales of units above the limit), it can be seen that from January to February, March, April, June, July, and August this year The total retail sales of jewelry were 63.9 billion yuan, 20.5 billion yuan, 15.8 billion yuan, 22 billion yuan, 25.7 billion yuan, 24.7 billion yuan, and 26.8 billion yuan. From the data from January to February, from March to August, the total retail sales of gold and silver jewelry fell sharply first, and then rebounded quickly and raised, "painting" a parabolic trajectory with an open mouth. In August, the total retail sales of gold and silver jewelry reached the highest value of the year (except for data from January to February).

In August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 3625.8 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 5.4%. From January to August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods were 28256 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 0.5%.

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