From the vegetable garden to the vegetable basket northern Xinjiang vegetables Time:2022.09.17

On September 4, the villagers of Heping New Village, Anjihai Town, Shawan City were controlling green onions. Right now, the crops such as cabbage, green onions, radish and other crops such as cabbage, green onions, radishes and other crops are ushered in the management period, and the villagers are busy loose soil and weeding. Photo by Lan Ling

On September 4, in the greenhouse of Hami Hengshun Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., various types of vegetables such as cucumber, cucumber, eggplant, and pepper entered the harvest period of the high yield, and vegetable farmers were busy picking. On the side of the shed, a bag of vegetables are neatly arranged and waiting for transportation.

The company is located in Erbao Town, Yizhou District, Hami City. It has 3,176 greenhouse vegetable greenhouses and is managed by 123 households. In order to implement the prevention and control measures of the epidemic and ensure the orderly progress of vegetable picking, transportation, and sales, the company arranged a special person to be responsible to implement the record registration of the pickers of the sheds to verify the entry into the shed. In terms of sales, actively connect with major merchants and farmers' markets, unblock transportation channels, and achieve vehicle points to transport points, no contact transfer, and closed loop of the whole process, so that fresh vegetables picked on the day into the mass vegetable basket at the fastest speed.

Hami City's vegetable planting area this year is 19,500 mu. Since August, the city's open fields and large sheds have been harvested and harvested, picking in a timely manner, and smooth sales. Vegetables for urban and rural residents have been stable and worry -free.

In all parts of northern Xinjiang, cabbage, radishes, peppers, tomatoes and other fields enter the harvest season. Greenhouse vegetables have been replenished, rich in varieties, and increased yields. Actively act in various places, overcome the impact of the epidemic, open up the vegetable supply chain, and let the "vegetable garden" go directly to the "vegetable basket". At the same time, the field tube, harvesting, storage and transportation of winter storage storage vegetables is done to ensure the solid foundation of the vegetable supply of vegetables this winter. Essence

Vegetables in various places

Field harvesting busy

"This year, we planted 24 acres of carrots, which can be charged two tons per acre. 1 kg 1.4 yuan, the price is good." On September 4th, in the open field of Kakhore, Kakhore, Kakhore, Kakhot, Ili Carrots enter the harvest period. Villager Duan Feng said that local climate conditions and soil and water conditions are more suitable for farming vegetables. In recent years, the output and benefits are very good.

In the carrot land, the villagers were busy harvesting, removing, and bagging. Cheng Aihua, director of the village committee, said that in recent years, Chaleger Village has implemented the "one village, one product" requirements of crop planting, and regards the field vegetable planting industry as the first choice for the development of rural economy and increasing farmers' income. The income of the employee is also good.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Yili Prefecture Agricultural and Rural Bureau, this year, the planting area of ​​the vegetable planting area of ​​the Yili River reached 77,000 mu. The varieties were mainly Chinese cabbage, radish, onion, etc., mainly supplied to the local area. In order to ensure that the vegetables and harvests of vegetables are harvested, the agricultural and rural departments of various counties and cities organize technical personnel to go to the countryside to conduct technical guidance in the fields. At the same time, the volunteer team will organize the volunteer team to help farmers grab harvest and ensure that vegetables are listed in time. Datian vegetables are expected to be harvested at the end of September.

Early in the morning on September 4th, Wang Jun, a villager of Dorrant Bragie Village, Xiaoyingpan Town, Boltala Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, came to the vegetable field to pick the tomatoes.

"I planted more than 10 acres of tomatoes this year, with high output and good income." Wang Jun was busy picking, and counted the income account.

There are more than 600 acres of vegetable planting in Xiaoying Pan Town, including tomatoes, peppers, Chinese cabbage, lotus white, eggplant and other more than 10 varieties. In the field, the volunteer team cooperates with migrant workers to help farmers harvest. Vegetable vehicles in the villages are endless in various villages. According to the data provided by the Bozhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau, this year, Bozhou's vegetable planting area exceeds 10,000 mu, and the annual output is expected to be 32,000 tons.

On August 21, the nineteenth villages of Wagongtai Town, Hutubi County, the growers picked pepper in the field. The county actively contacted merchants to help farmers sell agricultural products such as carrots, spicy seeds, edible corn, and processing tomatoes. Photo by He Long

Do a good job of sales and logistics

Straight vegetable basket

"When the peppers were listed this year, they did not happen to meet the epidemic, but the picking sales did not delay. Some of them went to the dining table on the same day, and some went into the preservation library to store it." On September 4th, the sales of 80 acres of thin skin screw peppers were mentioned at home , King Kong, a villager in the nineteenth house villages of Wagongtai Town, Hutubi County, said emotionally.

Wagongtai Town is one of the vegetable planting bases in Hutubi County. During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the Government of Wugongtai Town arranged the planting of vegetables, organized personnel to pick, open up transportation channels, contact merchants to sell, and help farmers increase their income to the greatest extent.

In Hutubi County, the farmers' market participating in the confession will mix vegetables into standard vegetable bags. 9 kinds of vegetables are equipped with 9 kg, weighing 6 kg, and the total price is only 35 yuan. Vegetable bags were transported to various communities in time and were welcomed by residents.

In the Jiukang Modern Agricultural Logistics Port in Jiukang Modern Agricultural Products in Xinjiang's Jiugong Economic and Technological Development Zone, in order to ensure that the sales of vegetable terminals are not stopped and continuously stipulated, the logistics port manager reduces the rent for vegetable operators for 3 months.

According to the data provided by the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, this fall, Changji Prefecture has 44,000 acres in the fields. It grows well and harvested in a timely manner. At present, while grasping agricultural production, Changji Prefecture strives to solve the problem of vegetable sales and logistics transportation, and resolutely prevent problems such as out -of -sales stalls, poor supply, and slow sales, and ensure the effective supply of "vegetable baskets".

"In the summer and autumn, 80%of the vegetables we delivered to each sales outlet for Tower City are all real estate, and only a small number of varieties need to be transferred from other places." On September 4, Wang Bingqing, general manager of Tacheng Yingtong Logistics Co., Ltd., introduced that the company There is a refrigerated fresh -keeping library and a cold chain car. You can transport farmers 'dishes from the field to major merchants and farmers' markets to ensure stable supply. "It is transported to the vegetables, and the stations of the highway have a green channel, which is convenient and fast." Wang Bingqing said. The reporter learned that in order to ensure the smooth transportation of agricultural products such as vegetables, Tacheng has established a special class consisting of the person in charge of the Transportation Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau and other departments. Problems encountered in work. Since August, more than 20 complaints related to freight logistics have been dealt with in a timely manner, which has promoted the achievement of freight logistics in the region.

On August 30, the villagers of Heping New Village, Anji Town, Anji, Shawan City were watching the growth of recovered cabbage. In order to ensure a harvest of high yields, the villagers actively seized the weather management of the clear weather. Zeng Zhaomei

Stable vegetable supply

Planting good winter storage

Since late August, when the vegetable growers in Yanxian Town, Gaochang District, Turpan City, the vegetable growers are not wronged, and they have seized the autumn of vegetables, sowing, seedling, rectification, and fertilization.

"It is suitable for planting greenhouses in autumn. The growth environment is good and it is not easy to have insect pests." On September 3rd, in the agricultural planting base of Xinjiang Tema Fruit and Vegetable Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Temple and Vegetables in Badamlek Village, Flame Mountain Town, the farmer Duan Tingliang came to the greenhouse While viewing the temperature and humidity, pull the grass and make up the seedlings.

Duan Tingliang has 40 large sheds, mainly a seed, tomato, cowpea, etc. It is expected to be available in October, mainly supplied to local and Urumqi.

According to Changshara Kahar, the vice town of Flame Mountain Town, the town currently has more than 1,400 greenhouses planting autumn vegetables. At present, the town has organized farmers in a timely manner to seize the timing of autumn broadcasting, and implement timely planting and peak planting to ensure the production and market supply of autumn and winter.

At present, Turpan has planted an area of ​​1.373 million acres of autumn vegetables, of which 0.54 million acres of open field vegetables and 0.83 million mu of vegetables in the sheds of facilities.

On September 5th, more than 50 acres of cabbage in Tiesek Township, Tiesek Township, Fuyun County, Altai area was harvested, and the villagers hurriedly harvested and foreign transport. The Chinese cabbage is neat and coded on the ground, waiting for the loading cellar.

"I planted 15 acres of cabbage, and the output was good. In addition to leaving a part of my own family, I also prepared to store a part, and sold it in winter." The grower Wang Guihua said.

"Altai is relatively long in winter, and you need to start in advance to grasp the storage of winter vegetables." Zhao Guo, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Altay, said that this year, the area of ​​winter storage in the Altay region is 14,000 mu, and the total output is expected to be more than 28,000 tons of more than 28,000 tons. Essence The main varieties include cabbage, green onions, carrots, etc. The winter storage library is 50,000 tons. Local dishes and transportation of vegetables in the field can meet the supply of markets in the winter and Ming Spring this winter.

"Since July, in all aspects of winter storage vegetable sowing, production, and harvest, we organize agricultural technicians at all levels to conduct technical personnel such as agricultural technology, plant protection, and soil fertilizer to carry out technical services to ensure that winter storage vegetables are yield. Good vegetable refrigeration and freshness work, we have prepared different varieties of vegetable storage rooms such as cabbage, green radish, carrots, and reference plans for vegetable cellar construction to guide farmers to do a good job of winter storage of vegetables and prepare for the sales supply in winter. "Zhao Guo said Essence

(Wei Yonggui, participating in reporters Basha Tiegus, Song Yawen, Zhang Zhili, Ji Yi Da, Zhang Ruilin, Zhang Ting)

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