After being put on the market, the byte beating will repurchase shareholders' shares and expand employee option pools

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.17

According to people familiar with the matter, after being put on the market, the byte beating will repurchase shareholders 'shares and expand employees' reserved rights pool. Related matters have been approved by the Board of Directors and will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting in the near future.

It is understood that the byte beating plan uses some stocks of the existing shareholders with a cash repurchase of not more than $ 3 billion, and the price is not more than 177 US dollars per share (corresponding to the company's valuation of no more than 300 billion US dollars), and shareholders can hold their own shares according to their own shares. Application for participation.

Byte beating was established in 2012 and has experienced many rounds of financing in ten years. According to the company's articles of association, if the company has not been listed, then from November this year, some preferred investors have the right to ask the company to redeem their equity with cash. As the redemption period comes, byte beating opens the shareholders 'stock repurchase plan, or delayed the listing plan to meet the needs of investors' capital return.

At the end of August of this year, at the facing activities of the employees held inside the byte beating, the byte beating CFO high standards said that the byte beating has no specific listing plan and no time to list.

The above -mentioned people who are familiar with the matter said that the shareholders' meeting will also amend the employee option incentive plan. The plan was originally expired on August 1 this year, and this time will extend the deadline for 10 years. At the same time, the byte beating will take out 1%of the company's entire shares to expand the employee reserved power pool, and employees have the opportunity to get more company stocks. Not long ago, the byte beating reduced the option to be granted to $ 155 per share, and a special option was specially issued to 30,000 employees, which also means that bytes can get shares at a lower price at a lower price.

Since 2017, bytes are beating to provide employees with option repurchase opportunities each year to meet the realization of employees. The latest repurchase occurred in April this year. Compared with employee repurchase, the shareholders' stock repurchase plan is the first time for byte beating. People familiar with the matter said that the shareholders' stock repurchase should be disposable, mainly to meet the company's needs for liquidity and solve the problem of the expiration of redemption clauses when the company has not listed.

Cover reporter Guo Wenjuan

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