"Control" with China, risk is greater than returns

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.17

The US "Science Daily" website on September 15th, original topic: Research found that the risks brought about in the field of cleaning technology are far greater than that of a new study published by the University of California San Diego published in the "Science" magazine in the United States. The current trend of "decoupling" in the field of clean energy technology will be shown in the field of clean energy technology, which will damage the efforts of the United States and global slowing climate change.

The paper refutes the common assumptions of the so -called cooperation with China to fully bring serious national security and economic risks. However, from (to Chinese products), import tariffs to strengthening review scientific cooperation are exactly these "risks" supporting relevant policies that support the three American governments and most European countries. Although some behaviors may not be unreasonable, the study shows that for many technologies, such policies are likely to be tantamount to drinking thirst.

"In the United States and especially in the development world, it should be affordable with low -carbon technology that should be affordable." Michael Daviden, assistant professor of the University of California, San Diego Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California, said. Davidson conducted this study with the co -author of the paper to make an assertion of American decision makers -cooperation with low -carbon technology with China will threaten the US economy and national security interests -investigations. Through quantitative and qualitative research, the paper analyzes the risks of cooperating with 5 key technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions: wind energy, solar energy, carbon capture utilization and sealing, battery and "green" steel.

"Our research results show that the national security threats in various low -carbon technology areas are not significant," Davidson said. "For example, because the battery can be used for military purposes, the open research and development of batteries is listed as a kind of type as a kind of type of battery. Safety concerns, but these batteries are two differentials with large -scale batteries used to deal with climate change. "

Creating employment has also been regarded as a reason to reduce trade in China. For example, the Biden government decided to use the National Defense Production Law to improve the US solar manufacturing industry, saying that this "will quietly benefit companies, regions and workers who produce solar energy." However, the author of the study pointed out that if the cost of photovoltaic boards increases and the deployment speed decreases, the legislation will produce limited output jobs and higher carbon emissions.

"For most technologies, the" decoupling 'therapy is likely to be worse than the disadvantages of fusion, "the author of the paper wrote." With an open supply chain and research environment, it will bring huge benefits. It is designed to interrupt this. The policy or intention of the "decline" should be based on a solid and objective assessment of risks and returns. "

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