The main indicators of the national economy change positively

Author:Economic Daily Time:2022.09.17

In August, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 4.2%year -on -year, an acceleration of 0.4 percentage points over the previous month; the national service industry production index increased by 1.8%year -on -year, which was 1.2 percentage points accelerated from last month. Last month, 2.7 percentage points were accelerated ... On September 16, the National Bureau of Statistics released the operation of the national economy in August, and "accelerating" and "recovery" became high -frequency words.

"Under the influence of multiple factors such as external demand shrinkage, domestic epidemic distribution, extreme high temperature weather, the pressure of my country's economy has continued to recover and runs in a reasonable range. The main indicators have changed positively, which is not easy." Fu Linghui, director of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics Department, said that this shows that the characteristics of strong economic toughness, great potential, and wide space in China are obvious. Economic stability recovery.

In August, the situation facing my country's economic development was still complicated and severe. Various departments and departments have efficiently coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, strengthen the policy of stabilizing the economy and continuous policy measures, and accelerate the release of policy efficiency. In August, the national economy continued to resume the development trend. Stability, most indicators are better than last month.

"At present, the international environment is still intricate, and the impact of changes in the external situation is still uncertain. Domestic demand shrinkage, supply impact, and expected weakened 'triple pressure' continued to appear, and the foundation of economic recovery is still not firm." Fu Linghui said, next, below At the stage, we must pay close attention to the implementation of a package of stability of the economy and continuous policy and measures, and effectively expand effective demand, strive to stabilize employment and stability and stable expectations, maintain economic operation in a reasonable range, and strive to achieve the best results.

From January to August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 0.5%year -on -year, and the cumulative growth rate achieved negative to positive; the national fixed asset investment increased by 5.8%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.1 percentage points from the previous 7 months. "The growth rate of fixed asset investment is achieved in the context of the expansion of real estate investment, which shows the effect of stable investment policies, especially the impact on infrastructure investment and manufacturing investment is gradually emerging." Fu Linghui said.

Zheng Houcheng, director of the Institute of British Securities Research, believes that the biggest support for the growth of fixed asset investment in August is infrastructure investment. Among them, transportation items reversed the previous decline. Essence

"Insufficient constraints are still relatively obvious. In the next stage, we must continue to use policy and development financial instruments to revitalize the deposit limit of special debt places, promote social investment, support the update of equipment for weak areas of economic and social development, and expand the demand for domestic market. Helping the stable and healthy development of the economy, "Fu Linghui said.

In terms of consumption, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in August increased by 5.4%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 2.7 percentage points from last month. huge. Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, believes that under the role of consumer policy, consumption has gradually restored the conditions and foundation, which is expected to continue the trend of stable recovery.

"In August, the main production demand indicators have improved, indicating that the various measures of high -efficiency and coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development are valid." Fu Linghui said that from later, it is expected to reduce the adverse impact of the epidemic and maintain it. The stability of the industrial chain supply chain promotes the improvement of supply and demand connection.

At the same time, the steady growth of domestic demand, the guarantee of safe development, and the continuous optimization of the business environment will help stabilize economic policies to gradually show their efforts. In order to stabilize the macroeconomic market and promote stable economic recovery, my country has promptly launched a policy of stabilizing the economy and continuation policies, rationally increase the implementation of macro policies, give full play to the combined effect, and enhance the development of development. "From the recent situation, the effect of promoting the growth of infrastructure investment growth and promoting commodity consumption will gradually appear. In the next stage, as the policy continues to make effective results, it will further consolidate the foundation of economic recovery and promote the improvement of the economy." Fu Linghui said. (Economic Daily reporter Xiong Li)

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