Open the "Epidemic Bubble" specialized "Little Giant" to accelerate the stealing period 丨 Go all out to fight for the economy to build

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.16

Cover reporter Xiong Yingying

The new "Little Giant" is not only a vanguard leading innovation in SMEs, but also a vital force for stable economic growth. During the epidemic, Chengdu's "Little Giant" launched the "epidemic prevention bubble" model, while doing the epidemic prevention and control, while competing for the clock to protect the production. Nowadays, as the epidemic prevention and control situation gradually improves, the "little giant" who opened the "epidemic prevention bubble" has also begun to resume work and re -production, and initiate sprints towards the annual target tasks.

Open "epidemic prevention bubble"

Plan the fourth quarter production in advance

On September 16th, located in the Central Science and Technology Production Factory, located in the Gaoxin West District of Chengdu, automated equipment is running full of horsepower, and the products of car tail gas catalysis are neatly arranged.

Automotive exhaust catalytic unit products developed by China Technology

Zhongzhi Technology is a high -tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, production and sales of environmental protection catalysts. It landed on the science and technology board on October 22, 2021. From September 1st, the company has opened a closed -loop production model, and more than 100 employees are stationed in the company. "Whether it is production, quality, or equipment supporters, they have arranged experienced backbones." Huang Xiping, Minister of Science and Technology Enterprise Management, told reporters.

"To be honest, there must be difficulties. For example, some employees can only rest on the ground, but in more than 10 days, everyone has not complained and fully guarantees production." Huang Xiping mentioned that during this period, the company's main production task was car exhaust gas. The catalytic unit, the production front line is based on the principle of "people's stop", and the "three class pour" is implemented to ensure the full load operation.

At the same time, Zhongzhi Technology is located in a subsidiary of the Du Du District. It was temporarily suspended during the epidemic. In order to deal with the urgent order of order, the third day of the sealing and control was also applied for resumption. 28 employees opened the "epidemic bubble" model. Cooperate with product packaging.

As the company's region resumes normal production in an orderly manner, Huang Xiping introduced that 90%of the employees have resumed work. According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, employees will work at two o'clock one line, and at the same time do a good job of "sweeping three inspections" in and out of the factory area.

"Less than 4 months before the consumption in 2022, it is definitely necessary to catch the production tasks." Huang Xiping introduced that during the prevention and control of the epidemic, various business lines had communicated with customers in advance to understand the customer plan and needs, and and and and offered. Production arrangements have been made in advance, including orders for the fourth quarter, and now they have to start production to prepare stocks and strive to complete the annual tasks.

Guarantee the supply of cable wires in the cabin hospital

Persist 100%delivery during the closed loop

"In the past two months, it may be the most difficult moment in the 31st years since the establishment of the company, mainly because the order volume is insufficient." Speaking of the difficulties facing the current enterprise, Gao Xiang, the executive director of Sichuan Xin Electric Cable Co., Ltd., was somewhat emotional. But in the next second, he also said full of spirit that the company is currently working hard to get new orders, and other departments are fully prepared to provide various guarantees for production. deliver".

Xinxin Electric Cable Security Cable Hospital Cable Circuit Supply

Xinxin Electric Cable is a specialized new "little giant" engaged in the design and development of wire and cable products. It was formerly known as the Taurus Electric Route Factory, which was founded in 1991. In recent years, the company has actively responded to the national "dual carbon" strategy, increasing the investment in emerging industries such as wind -cable, electric vehicle charging cables, and high -end equipment cables. Essence

Since September 1, Xinxin Electric Cable has opened closed -loop production. Gao Xiang introduced that a total of 180 employees adhered to their posts. The company was equipped with basic life and epidemic prevention materials for employees. At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of production and operation and the personal safety of employees, the third -party nucleic acid testing agency was carried out to conduct nucleic acid testing.

In terms of production, more is to maintain communication with customers, and to row some emergency tasks for delivery time. Gao Xiang mentioned that the company also undertakes emergency production tasks for the construction of Guang'an Fang Cabin Hospital, and finally completed the delivery on time, providing a total of 370,000 meters of wire cable to ensure the orderly advancement of anti -epidemic construction. At the same time The 120,000 -meter cable is provided. "It can be said that the completion rate of the closed production plan is 100%and the delivery rate is 100%."

如今,公司所在的郫都区已恢复正常生产生活,高翔表示,接下来公司重点发力的方向,一是工效提升;其次,公司也针对销售人员制定了激励措施,鼓励员工用更多毅力去Ensure the stability of existing customers and the further growth of orders.

[If you have news clues, please report to us. Report WeChat Follow: IHXDSB, Report QQ: 3386405712]

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