How to ensure how this Chengdu pharmaceutical company is supplied by products in more than 40 countries and regions?丨 Go all the best to fight for the economy and build

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.16

Cover reporter Xiong Yingying

On September 15th, in the Xindu Base area of ​​Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., with the tight and rhythmic operating sound of the automated machine on the assembly line, a bag of infusion products slowly delivered from the conveyor belt. Smooth inspection.

From September 1st, more than 1,800 employees of the new capital of Coron Pharmaceuticals have eaten and lived in the factory area, maintaining the production capacity above 96%. Nowadays, with the gradual return to normal life in the new capital, the base has also returned to normal production. "At present, the production capacity has returned to the level before the closed loop, and is going all out to organize production. The production tasks in September will definitely be excessive." Said Liu Wenjun, general manager of Kellen Pharmaceutical New Metropolitan Base.

As a large -scale large -capacity injection production base in the country, it is also the first company in Kelun Pharmaceutical. Metaphor. According to Liu Wenjun, at the same time, the base also produces 5 episodes of collection, of which three varieties are currently less inventory, so we focus on the production focus on these three episodes.

In order to achieve a full load production, the base combines the product structure and the urgency of market demand, through adjusting the production plan and integrating production resources, and adopting a scientific combination production method to achieve the expected production capacity goal.

During the closed -loop production period, how to ensure the normal life of employees has become the primary problem in front of them. According to reports, the new capital base was originally equipped with a downturn from 200 employees, but more than 1,600 people were out of all at once. "So, the company urgently purchased supplies such as sleeping bags, quilts, mattresses, etc., and used the places where the office areas, conference rooms, etc. can be used in order to make an orderly arrangement in the area, gender, and division team."

Logistics transportation is another difficult point. Liu Wenjun mentioned that under normal circumstances, there are as many as 60,000 items delivered by the base every day. It is transported by 16 meters of trucks and needs about 40 vehicles to complete. However, during the epidemic, the Live Logistics could not be shipped, and the shipping volume could only be maintained at 40,000 to 50,000 pieces. "For this reason, we communicate with customers in time, match the vehicle as much as possible, minimize the impact of logistics restrictions as much as possible, and keep the shipment at a level of 70%-80%."

Starting at 00:00 on September 14, the New Capital District was officially unblocked. At present, except for a small part of the employees of cross -regional employees, 95%of the Kellen Pharmaceutical New Metropolitan Base can work normally and start the "two -point, one -line" re -production and re -production work model.

"The original emergency plan was arranged during the closed loop. Now we have made new adjustments and re -arranged the previously postponed production tasks and plans." Liu Wenjun admitted that in August About two -thirds of the base are in the state of power limit and cannot be produced normally. "So we must find a way to keep the hard -to -use opportunities in any way."

At the same time, Liu Wenjun also said that after experiencing tension and the impact of the epidemic, it also brought warnings to the enterprise. As a pharmaceutical material guarantee enterprise, in the future, how to adjust and reasonably arrange power consumption in comprehensive energy layout, and concentrated energy reserves are all directions that need to be considered and layout in the next step. At the same time, some measures and measures that should be taken to be taken in closed -loop production will also carry out some emergency drills and preventive work in the future.

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