Interpret Chengdu's "steady growth of 40": 9 aspects of intensity, stabilize the economic market

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.06.21


The epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stable, and development must be safe.

A few days ago, Chengdu issued the "Several Policies and Measures of Enhanced Development Stability and Stable Economic Growth" (referred to as "40 stable growth"), and made every effort to steadily grow, stabilize market entities, keep employment, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range.

What are the highlights of "steady growth of 40"? What are the considerations of policy introduction? Red Star reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission to interpret the drafting of "40 stable growth".



9 aspects of intensity, stabilize the economic market

Chengdu, as Chengdu -Chongqing Extreme Nuclear and the province, has a total economic volume of 1.99 trillion yuan in 2021, accounting for 37.0%of the province. It is a stabilizer and compressor stone for economic development in the province.

In order to better carry the political responsibility of stable economic growth, on the basis of comprehensively implementing the country and province's policies and measures, Chengdu adds measures, expand scope, and intensity, and this time the "40 stable growth" introduced by this time In the nine areas of fiscal, taxation, finance, and industrial construction, we will strengthen their strength, and strive to contribute to the power of Chengdu in the country and province's solid economic market in order to stabilize economic growth.

Among them, the "care" of market entities is a highlight. The "steady growth of 40" adheres to the principle of leading forward and appropriate forces, and strives to stabilize market players to stabilize growth and employment to protect people's livelihood. According to the relevant person in charge of the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission, "40 stable growth" for small and medium -sized enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households for profit, allowing them to give full play to the important role of employment and employment and people's livelihood; More support, allowing it to play the role of steady growth and stability; through flexible law enforcement, elastic management, optimization services, etc., it will create a loose environment for the development of market players and better stimulate the vitality of the market subject.

Highlighting Chengdu's reality and reflecting the characteristics of Chengdu is also the characteristics of "40 stable growth". The "steady growth of 40" has introduced a number of Chengdu characteristics on the basis of implementing 33 national 6 categories and 30 categories of 6 categories.

For example, in the aspects of promoting infrastructure investment, promoting consumption recovery and development, and promoting the recovery of cultural tourism and physical consumption, it proposes the orderly opening up of the Grand Games venues, and releases the bonus in advance to stimulate consumption potential. In terms of promoting the strong chain of the circle, the key projects of foreign -funded enterprises in the key industry chain of Chengdu's key industry chain are given priority to the list of key project planning lists in Chengdu, and prioritized land use and energy use and other elements in accordance with relevant policies. In order to highlight the characteristics of Chengdu's international portal hub, policy measures such as unblocking international logistics channels are added.

Steady growth:

Enterprise rising one step to give corresponding rewards

Investment and consumption are an important engine of economic growth, and it is especially important for stable growth. "Article 40" proposes to increase support for optimizing the approval of investment projects and strengthening project element guarantee. For example, major infrastructure projects determined by the national and provincial and municipal "14th Five -Year Plan" will start to start in advance to this year. Relevant municipal departments have increased funding support and factor guarantee.

In order to actively promote consumption resumption and development, Chengdu will promote discounts for discounts for the first ticket of the city's A -level tourist attraction. Support the development of physical bookstores, cinemas, state -owned museums and operating performance groups, encourage non -state museums to open for free (including low fares), and give certain business subsidies in accordance with relevant regulations.

Since the occurrence of the epidemic, foreign demand has faced problems such as rising costs and blocking overseas logistics channels. Advantaging and stabilizing foreign trade and promoting the better development of an open economy, the "steady growth of 40" proposes a series of measures to enhance the support of foreign investment projects, reduce the operating costs of foreign trade enterprises, and replenish foreign -replenishment of foreign -funded foreign -funded enterprises for key industry chains in Chengdu. Key projects, prioritize the list of key project plans in Chengdu, and give priority to the elements of land use and energy use in accordance with relevant policies.

The "steady growth of 40" also took out measures to promote the strong chain of the industry and enhance the development of modern industrial development. "We propose to improve the industrial chain service incentive mechanism," said the relevant person in charge of the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission. Support for county land and finance. In addition, Chengdu will also increase the construction of manufacturing projects to promote construction, cultivate and strengthen the digital economy, strengthen the upper -level incentives of enterprises, and give corresponding incentives to enterprises in different fields.

For example, the newly rated national specialty new "little giant" enterprises will give 300,000 yuan award. For the new national "single champion" demonstration enterprise and "single champion" product titles, 1 million yuan awards are given. At the same time, consider the difficulty of enterprise operations under the normalization of the epidemic, actively reduce the cost of factors, support rents and exemption, and rented the state -owned enterprises and administrative institutions of cities, districts (cities) and counties in accordance with laws and regulations Enterprises used for production and operation shall be given 3 months of rent for eligible rents.

It is worth mentioning that in order to ensure the stability of the supply chain, Chengdu has increased support for logistics hubs and logistics enterprises, and free nucleic acid testing and antigen detection of passenger and freight and taxi (online taxi) drivers and courier to ensure full guarantee The supply of international and domestic goods and factors is stable and smooth.

Reduce the burden of corporate operations and stabilize market entities

Aid enterprise to stabilize job protection employment

The "steady growth of 40" has taken out a policy package to solve the difficulties facing the current market entities in a targeted manner.

"The rise in operating costs is the most prominent and strongest problem in the current market subject." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that there are more than 3.4 million market entities in Chengdu, which is an important force for the economic and social development of the city. "Increase financial and tax support and reduce the burden of market entities. While implementing the national and provincial tax and exemption policies, policies and measures for government financing guarantees and government procurement support to expand their support and increase support. For example, to promote municipal re -guarantee companies and state -owned financing guarantee agencies to actively strive for the equity investment of the State Financing Guarantee Fund, and comprehensively enhance government financing guarantee agencies to serve the real economy capabilities. At the same time, in order to increase support for corporate financing, Chengdu will carry out the "millions" operation of monetary policy tools to support key areas, realize 10,000 re -loans, 1,000 households, Sichuan carbon fast stickers and central banks Excellent tickets to support 300 companies.

The "steady growth of 40" has also strengthened employment and people's livelihood protection. "We insist on employment as the maximum people's livelihood, propose to strengthen employment priority, vigorously support and stabilize posts, and promote employment of groups such as college students and flexible employees," said the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. With social organizations, give 1,000 yuan / person's one -time absorbing employment subsidy; the government -invested and developed entrepreneurial carrier arranges about 30%of the venues to provide free college graduates entrepreneurs; enterprises affected by the epidemic can apply for a slowdown in housing in accordance with regulations. The provident fund is paid after expiry.


In -depth development of service activities for private benefits enterprises

The key to the policy of policy is to implement. The "steady growth of 40" proposes to open the policy to implement the last mile, and optimizes it into a service connection mechanism for enterprise service to ensure that the policy is fulfilled in time and should be redeemed.

In terms of actively opening up the policy to implement the last mile, relevant municipal departments will refine policy and measures and clarify the application process to ensure that the policy is fulfilled in time and should be redeemed. Municipal -level relevant departments, districts (cities) and counties will conduct in -depth service activities for private benefits, sink to communities, enterprises, projects, and grass -roots first -line delivery policies, services, and solution problems.

In terms of optimizing the connection mechanism of enterprise service connection, Chengdu will optimize and improve the intelligent service platform of "Tianfu Rongyi Policy Finding Enterprises", and gradually realize the combination of artificial and intelligent approval of general policy matters, "exemption to enjoy", Pu Pu, Pu, and Pu. The functions such as "exemption and enjoyment" of benefit policies. "We have established a special channel for policy services, and each of the clear responsibility departments is clearly increased by the` `Article 40 increases'. The market entity can call directly to the relevant departments." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said.

Red Star News reporter Zhong Qianni

Edit Chen Yixi

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