China released 丨 August national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.3% decreased by 0.1 percentage points from the previous month

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.09.16

China Net, September 16th (Reporter Peng Yao) On the 16th, a press conference was held on the 16th. Fu Linghui, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics, introduced that industrial production has picked up in August, and domestic production has picked up. The market demand has improved, and the unemployment rate of urban investigation continues to decline.

In August, the situation facing my country's economic development was still complicated and severe. From an international perspective, the global epidemic continues to spread, the supply chain of the industrial chain is not smooth, the supply of international energy and food is relatively tight, and the price of commodities is high. The main developed economies have high inflation. In order to cope with the pressure of inflation, Europe and the United States accelerate the tightening of monetary policy, and the downward pressure of the world economy has increased. Judging from the expectations of major international organizations, the expectations of global economic growth have been lowered many times this year. As global stagflation risk rises, the uncertain factors have increased significantly.

From the perspective of domestic perspective, the domestic epidemic exudes multiple factors such as multiple hair, high temperature, drought and rain, and extreme weather, and the impact of the impact on the impact of super -expected weather, and the production, investment, and consumption in some areas have been affected to some extent. The contradictions of insufficient market demand are still relatively prominent, and there are many difficulties in production and operation of enterprises, which restrict economic stability recovery.

Fu Linghui said that in the face of this complex situation, various regions and departments conscientiously implement the requirements of the epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and the development of the economy must be efficiently coordinated and the economic and social development. A package of policies and continuation policies and measures to accelerate the release of policy efficiency, and the national economy continues to resume development. Most indicators are better than last month, showing the strong toughness of economic development.

The supply of production is steady. The policy effects of stabilizing the industrial chain supply chain and supporting the production of key industries are relatively obvious, and industrial production has rebounded. In August, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 4.2%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.4 percentage points from last month. Among them, the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 9.5%, an acceleration of 1.1 percentage points from last month. Policies and measures to promote the development of the service industry are gradually effective, and the service industry continues to recover. In August, the service industry production index increased by 1.8%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 1.2 percentage points from last month.

The demand for domestic market has improved. Promoting consumption policies continues to work, consumption potential in key areas is gradually being released, and market sales will continue to expand. In August, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 5.4%year -on -year, and the growth rate accelerated by 2.7 percentage points from last month. The use of special bonds has been accelerated, the factor guarantee of investment projects is continuously strengthened, and the growth rate of investment has rebounded. From January to August, the national fixed asset investment increased by 5.8%year-on-year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.1 percentage points from January-July, the first time this year's rebound.

Employment prices are generally stable. The economy continues to restore the situation, the aid of the corporate stabilization and employment assistance policy continues, and the unemployment rate of urban investigation has continued to decline. In August, the national urban survey rate was 5.3%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. The unemployment rate of 31 large cities and towns was 5.4%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. The effectiveness of market guarantee stability and price is obvious, and the consumer prices of residents have remained mildly rising. In August, consumer prices (CPI) increased by 2.5%year -on -year, and the increase fell 0.2 percentage points from last month. The core CPI of food and energy rose 0.8%year -on -year, which was the same as last month.

New kinetic energy continues to grow. Innovation has continued to increase, and new industries and new products have improved. From January to August, the value-added value of high-tech manufacturing above designated size increased by 8.4%year-on-year, and investment in high-tech industries increased by 20.2%. In August, the output of new energy vehicles, mobile communication base stations, and solar cells increased by 117%, 25.7%, and 21.6%year -on -year. The new format is more active, and the new consumption driver is increasing. From January to August, the online retail sales of physical goods increased by 5.8%year-on-year, 0.1 percentage points accelerated from January-July, accounting for 25.6%of the total retail sales of consumer goods.

Minsheng protection is strong and effective. Facing the impact of epidemic and extreme high temperature weather, the market supply has continued to strengthen, and the basic lives of residents have been effectively guaranteed. In August, the retail sales of grain, oil, oil, food, and beverage products above the limit increased by 8.1%and 5.8%year -on -year, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively, respectively. In response to the higher prices in some areas, the price subsidy linkage mechanism is launched in a timely manner to effectively ensure the basic life of the people in need. Minsheng's shortcomings are also increasing. From January to August, investment in the social field increased by 14.1%year-on-year, maintaining rapid growth.

Fu Linghui said that, under the influence of multiple factors such as external demand contraction, domestic epidemic distribution, extreme high temperature weather, the economy's upstream pressure continued to recover and run in a reasonable range. The main indicators changed positively, which was not easy. It shows that the characteristics of strong economic toughness, great potential, and wide space in China are obvious. A series of stable growth, employment, and price stability policy measures launched by the Party Central Committee and the State Council are timely and effective, which promotes economic stability recovery. However, we must also see that at this stage, the international environment is still intricate, and the impact of changes in the external situation is still uncertain. The "triple pressures" of domestic demand contraction, impact, and weakened expectations have continued to appear, and the foundation of economic recovery is still not firm.

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