"Implementation Plan for the" Three Products "of the Raw Material Industry"

Author:ICBC Time:2022.09.15

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the Intellectual Property Office jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the" Three Products "of the Raw Material Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"). In order to facilitate the understanding of the "Implementation Plan" and do a good job of implementing it, the relevant content is now interpreted as follows.

1. The background of the "Implementation Plan" preparation

The raw material industry is the foundation of the real economy. It is the main force of the main force and industrial green development of industrial foundation. It is a key area for the basic industry that supports the development of the national economy and a key area for winning the advantages of international competition. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the high -quality development of the raw material industry. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core to review the situation and grasp the general trend, and put forward a series of new ideas and strategies and new measures to promote historic achievements in my country's raw material industry. The results have continued to emerge and the structural adjustment has achieved remarkable results. It is the first to enter a new stage of development from large to strong, which basically meets the needs of national economy, people's livelihood and national defense construction.

"Fourteen Five -Year Plan" and even longer, high -quality development is the theme of my country's economic and social development. The Party Central Committee and the State Council made a series of important deployments on promoting the high -quality development of the manufacturing industry, requiring the development of the development of the development of economy in the real economy, and accelerating the construction of a strong manufacturing country and a strong quality country. At present, the raw material industry is in a critical period from the transformation and development of "whether there is" to "whether there is" to "good". In contrast For strong issues, urgently need to make overall guidance from the policy level, accelerate the promotion of quality changes, efficiency changes, and dynamic changes, continuously improve the quality of supply, and promote the increase in varieties, quality, and brand creation of the raw material industry.

Facing the new situation and new mission, in order to implement the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" raw material industry development plan, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the Intellectual Property Office , Jointly formulated and released the "Implementation Plan".

2. The overall requirements of the "Implementation Plan"

The "Implementation Plan" adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th Plenary Session, based on the new stage of development, implement the concept of new development in complete, accurate, and comprehensively, and build new development. The pattern, adhere to the supply -side structural reform as the main line, improve the quality of supply quality, continuously optimize the development environment, reduce low -end invalid supply, build products with high technological content, high quality satisfaction, and high brand recognition, promote raw materials Industrial -added varieties, quality, and brand creation, promote quality changes, efficiency changes, dynamic changes, and achieve simultaneous improvement of quality and efficiency.

The "Implementation Plan" proposes the main target of 2025 and the long -view goal of 2035 in accordance with the basic principles of "supply leadership, market -led, innovation -driven, and benchmarking demonstration". By 2025, the variety of raw materials is richer, more stable in quality, and the brand is more influential. Products and services such as high -temperature alloy, high -performance special alloy, semiconductor materials, high -performance fibers and composite materials have significantly enhanced support capabilities in key areas. Standard, measurement, certification recognition, inspection and testing, etc. have achieved higher -level coordinated development, the quality classification and traceability system are more complete, and more than 500 new products and quality reliability improvement standards are made to comprehensively promote the full life cycle standard system of key basic materials for the life cycle standard system Construction. Cultivate a number of Chinese brands with excellent quality and obvious competitive advantages. Products enter the global high -end supply chain, and the market environment is more fair and orderly. By 2035, the supply capacity and level of raw materials varieties and levels of service will be greatly improved to reach the world's advanced national level, forming a number of enterprises and product brands with excellent quality, obvious advantages, and core intellectual property rights.

3. The main task of "Implementation Plan"

The "Implementation Plan" focuses on the development goals and proposes nine key tasks from three aspects: increase varieties, quality and creation.

(1) Added varieties. The first is to optimize the traditional variety structure. Accelerate the elimination of low -end and overlapping performance, and promote the systematic development of the main types of steel, aluminum, and cement. Accelerate the upgrading of traditional products such as steel, glass, and ceramics, excavate consumer potential such as green building materials and aluminum materials, and continuously improve the competitive advantage and competitive efficiency of traditional products. The second is to enrich new materials. Implement key basic materials improvement actions and front -edge materials forward -looking layout operations, improve new materials production and application platforms, optimize upstream and downstream cooperation mechanisms, improve the effective supply capacity of high -end products, and strengthen the supporting role in strategic emerging industries and major national projects. The third is to develop green low -carbon products. Carry out energy -saving carbon reduction and green transformation and upgrading, and vigorously develop energy -saving technology such as carbon capture. Strengthen the implementation of green product evaluation standards, release green low -carbon directions to encourage the promotion of application technology and product catalogs, and accelerate the construction of unified green product standards, certification, and identification systems.

(2) Make quality. The first is to promote comprehensive quality management. Strengthen the digital application of quality management, establish and improve the quality control mechanism and quality traceability mechanism of the whole life cycle of the product, and promote the construction of the quality grading system of key products. Promote the quality grading market -oriented admission mechanism, support the development of typical experience selection activities for quality benchmarks, and encourage enterprises to develop product use instructions. The second is to strengthen scientific and technological innovation capabilities. Strengthen the cultivation of innovative talents, integrate innovation resources, and promote the close combination of scientific and technological innovation and scientific and technological entrepreneurship. Carry out key common technology research and development and application verification of quality improvement, strengthen upstream and downstream collaborative innovation and quality management linkage, and form a number of special industrial software. Strengthen the creation and reserves of key core technology patents in the field of raw materials. The third is to optimize the quality of quality and technical. Promote the establishment of a standard system that meets the demand for multi -level market and lead quality improvement, guide enterprises to adopt advanced standards for quality self -statement, carry out international standards for standards, and accelerate the internationalization of my country's standards. Strengthen the construction of the raw material industry measurement system and inspection capacity, and promote comprehensive evaluation and demonstration of new material products, green product certification and technology maturity. (3) Create brand. The first is to enhance brand cultivation capabilities. Strengthen corporate brand strategies, strengthen brand cultivation and brand cultivation systems, establish a brand value evaluation system of raw material industry brand, and carry out high -quality brand pilot demonstrations. Optimize and upgrade the national new industrialization industry demonstration base, cultivate more than 5 world -class advanced manufacturing clusters, and create a first -class raw material industry cluster brand brand. The second is to create a good atmosphere of the brand. Prepare the development report of key industries and strengthen brand propaganda. Promote the "going global" of superior enterprises, create a Chinese brand with international influence, and enhance the recognition of global users in Chinese raw material brands. The third is to improve the brand service system. Encourage enterprises to strengthen product research and development in the service model of early intervention and continuous follow -up service of the later service to meet the personalized needs of users. Guide enterprises to strengthen the construction of the brand service system, support a group of brand cultivation and operating professional service agencies, and strengthen the guidance for the cultivation of raw material trademark brands.

Fourth, "Implementation Plan" key project

The "Implementation Plan" has deployed three key projects: raw material varieties, improvement of raw material quality, and raw material brand construction. The first is the implementation of raw material varieties. Through cleaning, integration, and optimizing traditional materials standards, focus on the development and cultivation of new materials and green low -carbon products, and promote the optimization and upgrading of raw materials. The second is to implement the quality improvement project of raw materials. By improving the quality of basic materials products, improving key product standard systems, and building public service platforms, the overall improvement of the quality of raw materials. The third is to implement raw material brand construction projects. Through the implementation of China's raw material boutique cultivation operation and trademark brand strategy, cultivate and support a number of raw material companies, products, regions and trademark brands.

5. "Implementation Plan" guarantee measures

In order to promote the smooth implementation of various goals and key tasks, the "Implementation Plan" proposed four aspects of guarantee measures.

First, strengthen organization and leadership. Establish a coordinated working mechanism of government, enterprise, associations, and scientific research institutes, and establish a special working group. Strengthen policy coordination, give full play to the role of intermediary organizations, leading enterprises, think tanks, and third -party institutions, and promote the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries.

The second is to create a good environment. The implementation of multi -channel publicity policies, regularly summarize the experience and practices of brand building on a regular basis, and improve the brand awareness and loyalty. Strengthen post -event supervision, severely crack down on illegal acts, and increase the administrative ruling of patent infringement.

The third is to strengthen basic support. Continuously improve the support of industrial technical basic capabilities and the construction of public service platforms, and continue to promote the revision and application of new products and quality reliability to improve the standard system. Build an industrial intellectual industry operation center in the new material field.

The fourth is to increase policy support. Give full play to the role of the national production integration platform, explore indicators such as scientific and technological content, quality satisfaction, brand recognition, and other indicators into the enterprise's business performance assessment, give policy incentives to outstanding enterprises, and improve their original motivation.

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