Xianghu Wenyan released the "Wen Min Yue" brand to create Xiaoshan's first global publicity demonstration position

Author:Xiaoshan News Time:2022.06.21

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the day. Today (June 21), Wenyan Street and Xianghu National Tourism Resort held a press conference to release the publicity brand of "Wenmin Yuexiang" to the public, and strive to create Xiaoshan's first global publicity and demonstration position.

Zhou Shenghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaoshan District Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, and heads of mainstream media at all levels of the province and city attended.

Build a global publicity pattern

How does the grass -roots propaganda position create unique value? Xianghu Wenyan focuses on the characteristics of the whole region and combines the focus of street media cooperation to integrate internal and external resources.

Among them, "Wen" focuses on the characteristics of the regional characteristics, and continues to improve the geographical characteristics, historical contexts, and local customs through in -depth digging to refine the geographical characteristics, historical contexts, and local customs. "The people" is closely linked to the characteristics of the people, and not only conveys the party's voice from top to bottom, reflects the voice of the masses from bottom to top, but also consciously shoulder the responsibility of turning the people into customs and condensing consensus; "Yue" is to grasp the characteristics of the content, and Record and create various grass -roots dynamics, promote the promotion of spiritual cultural products that all kinds of people like to hear, and create a "feast" of visual and auditory hearing. The people's livelihood has continuously formed a culturally rich and a new high.

How to make the propaganda brand effective? Xianghu Wenyan has set up a publicity center of "Wen Min Yuexiang". The center will coordinate and arrange all publicity work in the jurisdiction, and implement the full media operation mechanism of "strategy, collection, compilation, review, and distribution" in accordance with professional media standards. Essence In terms of content distribution, Xianghu Wenyan builds a "1+2+N" port, that is, a new media of its own government affairs, two major district -level media, and N street media cooperation platforms.

For example, at the press conference, the "Wen Min Yuexiang" magazine jointly produced by Wenyan and Xiaoshan Daily's "Wen Min Yue" magazine was unveiled. Two columns. Among them, "Anju Leyan" focuses on social affairs and shows the new appearance of the city and the new life of the masses.

According to the plan, the promotional brand of "Wenmin Yuexiang" will focus on the first year of the tree brand and the quality of the second year. A new pattern of publicity of Xianghu Wenyan, which has a diversified and diversified communication platform, and provides new models for the innovation and construction of grass -roots propaganda positions.

To promote high -quality development to publicize

At present, the characteristics of the diversification of social ideas and the diversification of information dissemination are increasingly obvious, and the construction of propaganda positions is facing unprecedented challenges. As a pioneer in the economic development of the early township and the new type of urbanization, the Xianghu Wenyan, known as the "Sanjiang Living Wharf", has entered a critical period of transformation and upgrading, and many historical opportunities are superimposed with each other. The high posture accelerated on the road to the future, and it is necessary to use the innovation of publicity positions to promote the formation of consensus from all walks of life.

In particular, the natural and ecological advantages of supporting the river and the mountains and rivers, the industrial iteration and the strong post -development advantage of urban renewal, the institutional mechanism advantage of the coordination and linkage of Xianghu and Wenyan, Wenyan is accelerating the construction of the "Sanjiang famous city, happiness, happiness, happiness, happiness "Wenyan", make every effort to create a model of common prosperity. In this process, Xianghu Wenyan needs to use, dig, and promote good characteristics, to tell the story of hometown stories such as economic development, urban construction, customs, and cultural heritage, especially to increase the history of the Xianghu Hunan Lake Hunan Lake in Xiaoshan , Culture, Industry, Ecology and other aspects of publicity, continuously enhance the popularity and reputation of Xianghu Wenyan, attract more people to focus on Xianghu, pay attention to Wenyan, enter Sanjiang famous cities, and show the "Window of Xianghu Wenyan" "Civilization of Xiaoshan."

"Regardless of the past, the present, or the future, the development of Xianghu Wenyan is ultimately the masses." Zhang Wenbo, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of the Xianghu National Tourism Resort, said, said that " "The whole brand of Yue Yuexiang is to mobilize all resources through this form, the deepest degree, the most wide range, and the maximum intensity, so that all Xianghu Wenyan people and care about supporting the development of Xianghu Wenyan are concentrated. , Together with the heart, build Xianghu Wenyan together, and create a better future.

In the next step, Xianghu Wenyan will take the "Wen Min Yue" global publicity brand as the starting point, give full play to the strong force of "melting media+service", and open up the "last mile" of "care for the masses, condense the masses, and serve the masses". Therefore, thereby continuously strengthening mainstream ideological public opinion, spreading positive energy of the society, further consolidating publicity and cultural positions, and helping the major strategic implementation of major strategies such as common prosperity, rural revitalization, and social governance, and helping the high -quality development of the economy and society.

(Text/Reporter: Yao Chaolong Sheng Fengqin Picture: Provided by Wenyan Street)

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