[Shandong News Network] The final

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.09.14

Qilu.com · Lightning News, September 14th, the finals of the "Great Power Craftsman" National Farmers Skills Contest are held today in Leling, Texas.

As one of the main activities of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival in 2022, the competition has four types of events, 4 categories of talents, entrepreneurial innovation, e -commerce skills, and folk art. It is understood that the theme of this year's harvest festival is "Celebration Harvest Welcome Congress", and the country and Shandong will organize a series of mass celebrations.

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On September 14th, the "Great Power Craftsman" National Farmers Skills Competition (planting ability) started in Leling. 35 planters from all over the country appeared on the stage to show their skills and live alive.

As one of the main activities of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival this year, the National Agricultural Technology Center has held such competitions for the first time nationwide. It aims to select and promote a batch of superb technologies, remarkable benefits, and strong demonstration effects. The road of harvest and skills to become rich provides strong talent support for the high -quality development of food stabilization and the development of the planting industry.

On -site competitions are divided into two links: knowledge competition and skill assessment. The contestants showed on -site answering on -site questions to show the use of knowledge and skills of the entire process of use in fertilizer science, pest recognition, agricultural machinery operations, and other crops. Answer expert questions and showed the planting "excellent".

The theme of the Farmers' Harvest Festival this year is based on the theme of "Qingfeng Harvest Welcome Festival", focusing on comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, accelerating the modernization of agricultural and rural areas, highlighting the main body of farmers, the main agricultural line, and rural home. Inconsistent, activity influence, and social participation. The "Great Power Craftsman" National Farmers' Skills Competition, with a total of four types of skill competitions: raising experts, entrepreneurial innovation, e -commerce skills, and folk art. The contestants participating in the plantation of the Planting Energy Contest, selected and recommended by the agricultural and rural departments in various places, selected from 106 planting capables entering the national competition.

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