The first phase of 200 million yuan!Optics Valley established the first village collective participation investment fund

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.21

Jimu Journalist Hu Changxing

Correspondent Li Hugo Liu Zhan

On June 20, the investment fund of Guanggu Innovation of the East Lake High -tech Zone Wuhan East Lake High -tech Zone was established, with the first phase of 200 million yuan.

This is the investment fund, which is the first investment of the village collective economy, which is jointly established by the Flower United Faye Group and the Optics Valley Financial Holdings Group, respectively. The "221" key industry, while providing financing support for Optics Valley companies, realizes the collective participation of the real economy and sharing development dividends.

Fund establishment signing ceremony site

It is reported that Hua Lianfa Group was established by 13 villages restructuring companies under the jurisdiction of Huashan Street in accordance with the proportion of 1: 1. It aims to integrate ecology and agricultural resources within the area of ​​the Huashan area, expand the platform operation model, solve the employment of ordinary people, improve Residents' income; integrate collective development of reserved land resources, and actively introduce industrial related enterprises to achieve collective economy and enterprise common development.

Optics Valley Financial Holdings is a state -owned platform for Donghu High -tech Zone. It has strong fund management capabilities and forms a relatively complete risk control system. It has established a multi -technology financial service system such as guarantee, asset management, and park operations. It has reserved a richer local project Entrance. At present, three parent funds of industrial funds, guidance funds, and talent funds have been managed. There are 39 invested funds directly, with a total of more than 700 investment enterprises, including 46 listed companies, 14 science and technology board listed enterprises, and listed companies in the Beijing Stock Exchange. 1.

The cooperation between the two parties will leverage the collective funding for village's collective funds, participate in the development of the high -tech zone industry, and help the Optical Valley industry upgrade. Through the fund cooperation model, the investment enterprises with useful land and office needs can be supported and coordinated. For village collectives, in addition to increasing the direct income of funds, various social effects such as taxation and employment can also be brought.

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