A number of housing enterprises are invited to invite investment banks: intended to pressure the enterprise to pay debt in time

Author:Federation Time:2022.09.12

Jiayuan International received the third liquidation of this year.

Jiayuan International recently disclosed that a liquidation of the company was submitted to the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the sponsor was a natural person, holding a company of $ 14.5 million in the company. According to information on the website of the Judicial Organization of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the hearing of the case will be held in November this year.

Relevant sources of Jiayuan Group told reporters that the company has contacted the bond holder to negotiate with bond -related matters to achieve the exchanges with the exchanges and consent to solicit.

"We will do our best to achieve the maximum understanding of the bond holder. If the negotiation is successful, it will apply to the High Court to reject the liquidation. At present, the probability of the other party's withdrawal is higher." The above person added.

Earlier in April this year, an investor holding a $ 1 million bond of the Bond of Jiayuan International issued a liquidation of the company's liquidation to the company. Jiayuan International disclosed that the company has repaid the bond holder of $ 400,000, and the inviter requested the remaining $ 602,000 principal and interest.

In May of this year, another investor holding Jiayuan International 10 million Hong Kong dollars asked him to repay the principal and interest of the expiration, and submitted to the court's liquidation to the company.

However, the company resolved a crisis of liquidation a few months later. Jiayuan International disclosed in July that the aforementioned two copies to the Hong Kong High Court have been withdrawn the liquidation of the company.

Jiayuan International received a solid invitation. It was not a case. Xinli Holdings and Sunac China recently received similar signing; before this year, China Evergrande, Dafa Real Estate, Fusheng International, Tianyu Real Estate and other companies have also received it. To the liquidation, the invitation.

Sunac China disclosed on September 8 that an investor submitted to the Hong Kong High Court to sign a liquidation of the company. The content related to the company's preferred bills that have not repaid it, involving a principal of $ 22 million and interest. Xinli Holdings announced on August 29 that it involved a liquidation of a private equity bond (one of the overseas financing arrangements) of the company, which was submitted to the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region not long ago.

In this regard, Sunac China stated that the submission of the invitation does not mean that the invitation can successfully liquidate the company. As of now, the High Court has not issued a liquidation order. Sexual impact.

"This liquidation behavior is the radicals of a single creditor, and the claim owner's holding amount is relatively small. The legal effectiveness of the launch of the liquidation directly in the liquidation of the liquidation is also required and court hearing. The company will take all measures to defend. "Sunac's response said.

Weng Guanxing, a lawyer of Shanghai Yantai Law Firm, said that, usually, the company's liquidation is divided into two types: active liquidation and passive liquidation. The company's creditors expect the company to be unable to repay a certain amount of debt. Expand the loss of creditors, and the creditors may file a relevant lawsuit to the court.

In the perspective of Huang Lichong, president of Huisheng International Finance, the court has the possibility of supporting this type of invitation, but from this year's situation, it is currently impossible to support the case of such liquidation.

"After the liquidation is proposed, housing companies can defense the court. The cycle of this process is relatively long, and the time cost is not low. In the past case, the court's judgment on this type of determination is more prudent. And whether the invitation will have an adverse effect on the industry, "Huang Linkong said in an interview with reporters.

In addition to Jiayuan International, the crisis of liquidation was resolved, and another case that successfully resolved such a crisis this year was Dafa Real Estate.

Due to the non -paid principal of $ 15 million, the priority notes have not been paid. In February this year, Dafa Real Estate and his subsidiary Yiyi Hong Kong received a liquidation. However, in July, the invitation to Dafa Real Estate and Yiyi Hong Kong submitted their respects to the high courts to cancel the cancellation of such invitation to the High Court.

A investment bank person told reporters that some creditors involved in a low amount submitted a liquidation to the court, and they may not really want to liquidate the enterprise, but hope to use this to allow the enterprise to fulfill their debt repayment obligations in a timely manner.

A housing company who had been invited by the liquidation also told reporters that the main purpose of the creditors proposed to the promotion of the repayment of the repayment of the real estate company was urged.

"If investors' requests to repay debts are met, applications will often be revoked. For enterprises, maintaining stable operations in the current market volatility period is particularly important, so it has reached an understanding with investors Say.

However, Huang Lichong pointed out that before the problem was required to be solved, the housing company may still be restricted at some levels of the company's operation.

"It should be noted that when the liquidation is submitted, it represents the company's liquidation procedure. During the period, the company's property rights disposal will be invalid, and the company's assets will not be transferred. express.

"Such an uncertainty of such invitation or increasing corporate prospects may weaken the confidence of financing institutions and investors in enterprises, and then affects the operation of the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises should pay attention to such invitation." Huang Lichong added.

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