How to advance between China -Europe economic and trade cooperation?How to transform Chinese companies' "going to sea"?At this forum, experts gave these suggestions

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.06.20

On June 20, the Globalization Think Tank (CCG) held the European Round Table Forum in the Eighth China and Globalization Forum in Beijing, with the theme of promoting Sino -European economic and trade cooperation with the global sustainable concept.

Many participants pointed out that China -Europe cooperation space is vast, but the two parties need to strengthen communication. Feng Zhongping, director of the European Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, emphasized at the meeting that Central Europe needs more face -to -face dialogue.

▲ Forum site

Chairman of the EU Chamber of Commerce:

European investment in Europe is deep, long -term, and promised

Joeerg Wuttke, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, said at the forum that Europe's investment in China is deep, long -term, and promised. According to a survey by the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, members of Europe Will consider more investments elsewhere. Most companies have said they have no layoffs, and they still need to be well -trained engineers in China.

In terms of trade data, Woodkeck has noticed that China ’s exports to EU and from EU imports have expanded.

Statistics released by the customs show that in the first five months of 2022, the European Union was the second largest trading partner in China. The total trade value with the EU was 2.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 7%, accounting for 13.7%. Among them, the EU exports was 1.45 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.4%; the import of 756.58 billion yuan from the EU, a decrease of 8.5%; the trade surplus to the EU was 69.81 billion yuan, an increase of 70.2%.

Director of the European Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:

Central Europe needs more face -to -face dialogue

Feng Zhongping, director of the European Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said at the forum that Chinese senior leaders and officials need more dialogue and communication to help Europe understand China and tell them that China is not a security threat in Europe.

"Why do we send diplomatic envoys to other countries? Just to make friends." Feng Zhongping said.

▲ Feng Zhongping, director of the European Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Jens Hildebrandt, the general manager of the German Chamber of Commerce and the chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the German Business Conference, believes that for Chinese companies, it is a very critical moment for companies in China. To find future opportunities, the German government is formulating a new strategy for China and national security strategies. The Souls government pays special attention to the supply chain and market dependence. German and German companies are thinking about how to deal with China. He pointed out that the German Chamber of Commerce and the company is doing three things: one is risk assessment and management, the other is localization, and the third is diversified.

Woodk also emphasized the importance of dialogue on the forum. "European leaders need to come to China to better understand China. We need to communicate. We need to be empathy."

▲ Joerg Wuttke, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce

Chairman of the Consultant Consultant Consultant Group:

In the future, Chinese companies' overseas investment mergers and acquisitions should pay attention to the development of low carbonization

He Mei, the vice chairman of the global think tank and the chairman of the foreign consultant group, said at the forum that under the forum that the new crown epidemic continued to spread, the trade friction continued to intensify, and the geopolitical situation was The more enterprises adopt a systematic overseas merger and acquisition strategy, on the one hand, the overcapacity is resolved, and on the other hand, it can realize the brand's influence and overseas expansion. This strategy is particularly important in the context of China's normal epidemic prevention and control and strive for the "carbon neutralization" goal.

He Mei believes that Europe is seriously underestimated, and Chinese companies' investment and acquisitions in Europe are far from enough. She quoted data from the "China Capital Overseas Investment M & A Report in 2022" that in the global investment incident in China, the entire North American region accounted for 55%, most of which were invested in the United States. China's capital investment in the entire European investment in Europe The proportion of incidents is only 12%.

However, He Mei also quoted Ernst & Young research that in 2021 after the epidemic, China participated in the European market transactions, investment and acquisitions, and began to transform from traditional manufacturing, traditional energy to new materials, high -tech manufacturing, green energy, and industrial upgrading. She said that in combination with China's double -carbon target, in the process of investing in mergers and acquisitions overseas in the future, Chinese companies should pay attention to low carbonization development and find market cooperation opportunities in the fields of energy transformation, carbon reduction and decarburization.

"Under the dual influence of the US India -Pacific Economic Framework and the prevention and control of normalized epidemics, it will indeed increase the migration of China's manufacturing industry and reduce the global share proportion, but it is also an opportunity for upgrading and transformation. Chinese companies need to be more needed than ever before. Realize transformation and upgrading with an open mentality and global vision. By better utilizing the two domestic and international markets and two resources, it enhances the independent and controllable capabilities of the industrial chain supply chain, truly find opportunities from challenges, and increase employment opportunities. "He Mei said.

Red Star reporter Hu Yiwen Wuyang Beijing Beijing report

Editor Guan Li

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