Li Keqiang presided over the policy of holding the State Council's executive meeting to deploy the policy of supporting employment and entrepreneurship, etc.

Author:State Administration of Taxati Time:2022.09.10

Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council

Policies to deploy forces to support employment and entrepreneurship to expand employment space to cultivate and expand market entities and economic new momentum

Decide to update the device in some fields to update the loan phased fiscal discount and increase the social service industry credit support to promote consumption to play the role

During the deployment phase to support enterprise innovation tax reduction policies, incentive enterprises increase investment to enhance innovation capabilities

Determine the measures to revitalize the local debt deposit limit in accordance with the law to better play an effective investment in effective investment

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 8th. Prime Minister Li Keqiang of the State Council hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on September 7 to deploy the policy of supporting employment and entrepreneurship, expand employment space, and cultivate new market players and economic new dynamics; The loan phased fiscal discounts and increased credit support for social service industry to promote consumption to play the role of the main driving role; deploy the tax reduction policy for enterprises to innovate in stages, motivate enterprises to increase investment to enhance innovation capabilities; determine measures to activate local special debt in accordance with the law, , Better play an effective investment in one fell swoop.

The meeting pointed out that employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Entrepreneurship can give birth to more market entities to bring employment. Stable growth is mainly to stabilize employment. It is necessary to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, compact local responsibility, and promote employment and entrepreneurship. The first is to relax the implementation of the reserved training subsidy area from the unemployment insurance deposit for 24 months to 18 months. Incorporate university graduates and registered unemployed youths within two years into the expansion subsidy. Timely issuing unemployment insurance for unemployed persons. Stable through strengthening migrant workers' skills training. The second is to support the stable employment of the platform. Social security subsidies are given to the difficulty of relying on the platform for flexible employment and unable to employment college graduates within two years. Use special loans to support platform companies. Third, the entrepreneurial guarantor lender is trapped due to the epidemic, and the exhibition period can be replaced for one year. Guide banks to increase the first loan of small and medium -sized enterprises, credit loans, renewal, medium and long -term loans, etc. The fourth is to encourage insurance funds to invest in venture capital funds in accordance with the law. Optimize the sale period of shareholders of venture capital companies, and facilitate recycling funds to invest. Fifth, the entrepreneurial incubation base invested by the government, etc., can be used to provide free startups from the venue.

The meeting pointed out that insufficient demand is the current outstanding contradiction. It is necessary to focus on consumption and investment demand, promote social investment, and consumption with investment. Support the update and transformation of equipment for weak economic and social development, which is conducive to increasing the level of rejuvenation, increasing the actual needs of the manufacturing and service industry, and boosting market confidence. The purchase and renovation of new loans for colleges, vocational colleges and training bases, hospitals, underground comprehensive pipes, new infrastructure, industrial digital transformation, small and medium -sized enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, etc. The fiscal discount is 2.5 percentage points, with a term of 2 years. The application for discounts as of December 31st this year. Correspondingly increasing the support of monetary policy on supporting financing of commercial banks. At the same time, guide banks to increase credit support for education, cultural tourism, health and fitness, pension, education, community and housekeeping services, accommodation catering and other industry credit support to expand consumption and investment in the social service field.

The meeting pointed out that enterprises are the main body of innovation and implement a phased tax reduction policy for supporting enterprise innovation. The term is as of December 31st this year. This is fair and efficient. First, the expenditure of high -tech enterprises purchased equipment in the fourth quarter of this year allows the full deduction before one -time tax and 100%plus deduction, and local and central finances will be further supported. Second, in the fourth quarter of this year, industries that deduct R & D expenses at the current 75%proportion of tax increases, uniformly increased the deduction ratio to 100%, and encouraged the transformation and update equipment. Third, basic research expenditures such as corporate funding scientific research institutions are allowed to be deducted and deducted before tax.

The meeting pointed out that infrastructure and other development and people's livelihoods are large, and investment space is large, so we must continue to use special debt to make up for shortcomings. The meeting decided that more than 500 billion yuan of special bonds deposited in accordance with the law in accordance with the law, 70%of the special bonds, 70%of them were reserved, 30%of the central government's overall allocation was allocated and tilted to many areas with mature projects. All localities should be issued by the end of October to support projects under construction, and more physical workloads are formed during the year.

The meeting studied other matters.

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