20 policy measures!Wuxi focuses on cultivating and expanding market entities to speed up

Author:Intersection Time:2022.09.08

The cultivation and expansion of market players is not only an important way to develop the socialist market economy, but also the fundamental measure to enhance the vitality of the market. In recent years, Wuxi has attached great importance to the cultivation and incentives of market entities, formulated and introduced several policies and measures, and encouraged and supported various market entities to accelerate transformation and development. In order to further cultivate market entities and continuously stimulate the vitality and social creativity of various market entities, "Wuxi City to further accelerate the implementation of the implementation of market entities" (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Opinions") was released today. The "Implementation Opinions" is divided into eight parts, mainly including 20 key measures in six aspects, facing the needs of market entities, and effectively responding to new changes and challenges of economic development.

Encourage "a transfer of enterprises" and "small upgrades"

Stimulate the development momentum of leading enterprises, support large enterprises to do excellent and stronger

The market entity is the power carrier of the economy, and the main body of the market is to protect social productivity. The "Implementation Opinions" said that by 2025, there are more than 100,000 new market entities in Wuxi by 2025, and the total number of market entities in the city will exceed 1.5 million. At the same time, there are more than 9,000 industrial enterprises and 15 national -level manufacturing champion companies (products). At the same time, the proportion of R & D investment in the whole society reaches 4%, more than 10,000 people have more than 20 high -value invention patents, and the output value of high -tech industries accounts for 50%of industrial output value above designated size. Essence

In order to achieve such overall goals, the new policy supports the transformation and development of individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises. Deducting policies and other policies to reduce the burden on transformation of enterprises. On the other hand, promoting the transformation and upgrading of small and micro enterprises to enterprises above designated size (above the limit), especially the cultivation of the "four -up enterprises" to promote the large -scale development of enterprises. At the same time, support SMEs to do fine specialty, and select a group of small and medium -sized enterprises that focus on market segments, strong innovation capabilities, good growth, high market share, grasp of key core technologies, and excellent quality and efficiency as the target of cultivation. Catch single champion enterprise. Accelerate the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of the manufacturing and service industry enterprises, and give the highest subsidy of 10 million yuan for intelligent transformation projects with an intelligent transformation project of more than 3 million yuan in technology and equipment. Encourage small and medium -sized enterprises to listed financing, focusing on strengthening the listing and listing of innovative SMEs such as "specialized new" giants and glaze enterprises.

In terms of large enterprises, by encouraging large enterprises and large groups to set up a regional or functional headquarters in Wuxi, a single enterprise will give a maximum of 60 million yuan in a single enterprise for newly registered or newly introduced in Wuxi. Support enterprise mergers and acquisitions and reorganization to promote industrial upgrading, and encourage enterprises to substantially participate in standard development and international standardization activities, in order to support large enterprises to do excellence and promote more enterprises to enter the top 500 in China and the world's top 500.

Accelerate the "construction carrier" and "expansion of the market"

Optimize the development environment of the market and meet the needs of enterprises at different stages of growth

In order to continuously stimulate the vitality and social creativity of various market entities, enhance the vitality in the economic growth through enterprise scientific and technological innovation, and encourage leading enterprises, well -known dual -innovation institutions and other market entities to build operating technology companies incubators, crowdsourcing space and other innovative entrepreneurship carriers Essence At the same time, it focuses on supporting enterprises to implement key core technologies in the fields of the Internet of Things, 5G, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, high -end equipment, software, new energy, new materials, green environmental protection and other fields, and a single project will give a maximum R & D 5 million in R & D funding. Support the development of innovative enterprises clusters, and support the recognized young eagle enterprises, gaze enterprises and quasi -unicorn enterprises, prioritize the support of equity investment funds and angel investment funds guided by the government.

In terms of exploring the international and domestic market, the "Implementation Opinions" stated that it will further help enterprises to participate in the international and domestic market competition. On the one hand, it supports enterprises to carry out international capacity cooperation, and invest in international capacity cooperation projects such as production and processing and resource development of more than $ 2 million in enterprises, and gives a single project to a single project with a reward of up to 2 million yuan. On the other hand, it supports enterprises to expand domestic and overseas markets, expand the international markets to enterprises through overseas publicity advertising, trademarks, patents, and international certifications, and a single project that meets conditions will give up to a maximum of 100,000 yuan. In addition, the development of new formats in foreign trade, giving a maximum 3 million yuan in support for cross -border e -commerce industrial parks that produce scale effects.

In terms of optimizing the development environment of various market entities, the "Implementation Opinions" mainly involves the restrictions on the registration of the name of enterprises in the emerging industry, and guarantee equal participation in equal participation in various market entities in accordance with the law; Land resources, priority guarantee construction funds, priority guarantee energy conservation and emission reduction indicators, priority guarantee talent needs; support high -level talents (teams) at home and abroad to start a business, and give the new leaders (teams) for innovative leaders (teams) who introduce key technologies for newly introduced attacks. 6 policy support measures such as 10 million yuan of funding support provide comprehensive service guarantee for the development of enterprise.

Integrated the "Policy Gift Pack"

Let state -owned enterprises dare to do it, dare to break through, and dare to invest in foreign companies

Throughout the six major measures involved in the "Implementation Opinions", focusing on the growth path of enterprises from small to large, focusing on the various types of enterprises related to enterprises introduced in Wuxi in recent years, and strive to strengthen the layered of large, medium and micro enterprises, Gives corresponding policy support levels and steps, and continuously strengthen the coordinated linkage of various enterprise -related policies such as finance, finance, and industries, promote the integration and innovation of cross -industry, cross -sector, and inter -departmental policies, and continue to form a policy joint force of steady growth and development. Strengthen the toughness of the development of the Wuxi market, and stimulate the development vitality and creativity of various enterprises. At the same time, focusing on the new needs of enterprise development and new expectations, the "Implementation Opinions" always regards corporate experience as the starting point and settlement point, and from the "transfers of enterprises", "small upgrades", transfers of intelligence, listing financing, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, and innovation Several aspects of concern to enterprises such as entrepreneurship gives real support policies, focus on improving the operability and acquisition of policy measures, and continuously enhance the satisfaction of market entities.

In the next step, all departments of Wuxi will formulate specific work plans and implementation rules in a timely manner, and do a good job of "cultivating and expanding the market's main policy" and the coordinated coordinated connection with other existing policies such as helping enterprises. Directly enjoy and form a comprehensive effect. In the process of implementing the policy, the special class and the "two chain" escort classes will further collect, dispose, and feedback the demands of the market entity, create a good policy and institutional environment for market players, and form a more stable development development It is expected that the state -owned enterprise dares to work, the private enterprise dares to break, and the foreign enterprises dare to invest. "We hope that all types of market entities can use enough 'to cultivate 20 policies and 20 policies of market entities, and continue to deeply cultivate the main business and innovate development in Wuxi, full of vitality, livable and business land, and continue to deeply cultivate the main business and innovate development. Economic and social development has made greater contributions, "said the person in charge. (Zhang Zhong Zhao Wen)

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