Extraordinary ten years | Port business environment has continued to optimize corporate customs clearance "more time -saving, more time -saving, and more money"

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.09.06

"The port business environment is important. As the saying goes," planting the sycamore trees and attracted the Phoenix. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Harbin Haikuan has focused on the convenience of customs. The management service 'reform, optimizing the customs clearance process, improving the efficiency of customs clearance, and reducing the cost of customs clearance, the business environment of Longjiang Port has continuously improved, the level of cross -border trade facilitation has been greatly improved, and the customs clearance of import and export enterprises in law is more time -saving, more troubled, and saved. money'". On the 6th, at the "Heilongjiang Province 'Extraordinary Ten Years' theme series press conference" hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Harbin Customs Deputy Customs Gao Wenning reviewed the past ten years. Measures and results.

Harbin Customs Deputy Customs Chief Gao Wenning

Gao Wenning said that in the past 10 years, the customs clearance certificate has been significantly reduced. Import and export cargo supervision certificates are streamlined to 41 types, of which 38 of them have achieved network inspections and automatic comparison. The section of the in -depth passenger quarantine supervision is optimized from 11 integration to 5, and the enterprise customs clearance application project has been streamlined to 105, and the document documents submitted by the customs declaration form are integrated from 74 to 10.

In the past 10 years, the customs clearance time has been significantly reduced. Especially in recent years, Harbin Customs has focused on its efforts, and the time of customs clearance of goods has been shortened. In July 2022, the overall customs clearance time of imported from our province was 24.7 hours, compared with 57.35%compared to 2017, 0.43 hours of exports, compared with 85.71%compared to 2017, the efficiency of import and export customs clearance remained at the forefront of the country.

In the past 10 years, the customs clearance process has been greatly optimized. "Three Interconnection" Great Clearance, National Customs Customs integration, "Customs 2020 Reform" and other reform projects such as steady and comprehensive landing. In particular, in order to cope with the influence of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, implement service measures such as "not seeing" approval, the inspection of the owner's "not attending" inspection, and promote the reform of "advance declaration" and "two -step declaration". , Make "more information running and running less." After the thirteenth party congress of the province, with the implementation of imported goods "direct shipbuilding", exported goods "direct installation of Hong Kong", and railway "fast customs clearance", the customs clearance process was further optimized.

In the past 10 years, the cost of customs clearance has been significantly reduced. Resolutely implement the party ’s central government tax reduction and reduction deployment, cancel all the customs involved in the customs, and focus on reducing the cost of compliance in the import and export links, helping enterprises to enjoy the various policies and measures such as value -added tax reform, tariff guarantee insurance, tax reduction and other policies and measures. Reform dividends. In the past 10 years, companies in our province have enjoyed a total of 1.027 billion yuan in tax discounts of imported equipment, involving the value of 8.067 billion yuan.

In the past 10 years, customs protection protection has been strengthened. Establish a "green channel" for key products, and provide "7*24" hours of appointment and priority inspection to ensure smooth customs clearance. Focus on "specialized new", industry leaders and key tax sources, dynamically establish "Longjiang Key Enterprise Cultivation Library", and carry out the "one -to -one" AEO advanced certification enterprise cultivation. Establish a chief coordinated liaison system, implement the "one enterprise, one policy" and "problem clear zero" system, timely understand the needs of enterprises, provide personalized services in a targeted manner to help enterprises relieve difficulties. At present, 45 key enterprises applying for "one enterprise and one policy" have reached 45.

Gao Wenning said that optimizing the business environment of the port will always be on the road. In the next step, Harbin Customs will continue to give full play to the key hub role of domestic and international dual cycles in accordance with the situation and the most cutting -edge advantages of opening up to the outside world. The measures for promoting the stability of foreign trade in management have contributed to the customs of "building a new highlands to open the north".

Source: Lottery News

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