Full closed loop!full load!Strive to complete the production delivery task of 700,000 pieces

Author:Listening to FM Time:2022.09.05

Nearly 70 % of employees, two shifts, closed -loop management execution of production tasks ...

In the hot workers' workshop of Dakakisman's Chengdu Automotive Parts Co., Ltd., located in Xinxing Industrial Park, Tianfu New District, parts and components gradually formed after melting, die casting, X -ray detection, and heat treatment. Land production operations, machine processing, pressure, and packaging in one go.

"In order to complete the order delivery on time, we have 355 employees to produce." Li Haixu, head of the administrative management department of Dakakisman Chengdu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd., said that in September, the company's production delivery was very pressured and needed to meet the domestic and foreign more than domestic and foreign excess. 20 customers, total 96 products, and nearly 700,000 pieces of production delivery tasks, 700,000 delivery volume is also a new high since the company was founded.

Perseverance to ensure production capacity, completing delivery on time is a battle. Shen Hai, the head of the Heat Industry Section, said that in order to meet the demand for delivery, the heat workshop opened full horsepower and produced 14,000 pieces per day; 40 processing centers for the processing workshop of the machine processing workshop, 12,000 pieces per day, Zhang Liang, chief of the machine plus section, It is said that except for the pressure of personnel shortage, the output of the remaining processes basically maintains the state before closed -loop production.

In order to prepare, Dakakisman Chengdu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. has prepared sufficient preparations from various aspects such as production scheduling, equipment maintenance, and material guarantee.

Li Haixu, Chief of the Administrative Management Section, said that the company's emergency plan was planned earlier, the production materials such as epidemic prevention materials such as masks, aluminum ingots and other production materials, bedding, ingredients, drinking water and other living materials were reserved earlier, which could meet the needs of at least 10 days of closed -loop production.

At present, the production workers in the job are arranged in the company's free office, conference rooms and other places. The officers and non -direct production personnel eats timely dining and cross -seat methods. At present, the company and various departments have set up closed -loop production WeChat groups to ensure smooth internal and external information, and ensure safe and orderly production under the conditions of preventing and controlling epidemic conditions and closed -loop production conditions.

It is reported that after the management and control notice was issued, the development of the Tianfu New District and the Economic Operation Bureau immediately contacted the company to convey the relevant requirements of closed -loop production, and assisted the company to quickly formulate a work plan, sign a letter of commitment, organize the list of personnel, and successfully pass the closed -loop production approval.

At the same time, the development and economic operation bureaus of Tianfu New District strengthened the inspection work, and carefully inspected the basic logistics support of epidemic prevention materials, production and auxiliary materials and logistics, canteen ingredients, and personnel bedtime. Essence In order to reduce the unnecessary flow and gathering of closed -loop personnel, save valuable time for production, and developed a daily arrangement for the first -tier workers and staff of the closed -loop production bureau to conduct nucleic acid testing to solve the company's concerns and doubts.

40 employees daily "10+10" ensure stable production

Like Dekaccusman Chengdu Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Chengdu Runjia Automobile Components Co., Ltd. also implemented closed -loop management production. Walking into the production workshop, several robotic arm danced, welding flowers splashed, and the car kept shutting through. Transported materials, car parts are welded, buckled, and assembled.

"Under the influence of the epidemic, the production of factory decline, increased transportation costs, and controlled by multiple parties after the product is to the destination. Coupled with the high temperature some time ago, our work has delayed a lot." At full load production, everyone is motivated to grab the delay time.

Chengdu Runjia Automotive Components Co., Ltd. is located in the Emerging Industrial Park. It mainly operates the stamping and welding manufacturing of automobile chassis parts and the design, processing and manufacturing of chassis molds. The main customers are Great Wall Motors, FAW -Volkswagen and Sichuan Hyundai.

The relevant person in charge of the company said that the company's production tasks are now difficult. At present, the Great Wall Motor Chongqing production base is currently delivered to more than 8,000 tanks 300 projects and 8,000 sets of Great Wall gun projects; The delivery task is: more than 2,600 sets of Vajrayana projects, more than 6,000 tank 500 projects, and 31,000 units in Chengdu FAW -Volkswagen NCS project.

In order to ensure that the order can be delivered as scheduled, the production tasks are successfully completed. At present, 40 people in the factory are produced in closed -loop production. The daily "10+10" model is adopted. ", Ensure stable production. At present, the daily output has reached more than a hundred or even a thousand units.

At a critical moment, production cannot stop. "After receiving a notice of closed -loop production, the company immediately organized personnel to conduct living materials and epidemic prevention materials for procurement. 40 employees eat and live in the factory, disinfect the work area daily, and perform nucleic acid testing daily. For epidemic prevention materials, the employee canteen is supplied normally every day to ensure that employees have no worries during closed -loop production. "The person in charge said.

It is understood that in order to ensure non -stop production at a critical moment, the relevant departments of emerging industrial parks and new districts also assist enterprises to complete the closed -loop production declaration work as soon as possible to help enterprises apply for emergency transportation permits for logistics vehicles, provide material procurement channels, and come to the door of closed -loop production personnel to come to the door. A number of policies and assistance work such as the guidance of nucleic acid detection and closed -loop production epidemic prevention work.

Reporter Ren Qiuhong

Photo confession interviewer

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