The total amount of annual financing is 10 billion yuan: CGT becomes a place where the medical investment soldiers must compete

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.09.05

21st Century Business Herald Reporter Ma Tingting Beijing Beijing Report

In recent years, as people have paid more attention to health and the improvement of diversified payment systems, tumor and rare disease treatment have developed rapidly. Among them, the development speed of CGT (cell and gene therapy) industry is particularly amazing under the multiple effects of technology and capital.

The data analysis of Fhstan Sanjievin shows that the size of the Chinese CGT market in 2022 is expected to increase by 1025.21%year -on -year, and it will still maintain a high growth trend of more than 100%in the following years. It is estimated that by 2025, China's CGT market will reach RMB 17.885 billion. From an industrial perspective, CGT is expected to develop into a golden track in the next decade.

In order to promote the development of the industry, the state has successively released a number of favorable policies to support the R & D innovation and industrialization of the CGT industry. It has also built corresponding industrial parks across the country to undertake specific industrial landing. On August 31, Changping Life Valley International Precision Medical Industrial Park held a project launching ceremony. This key project is jointly built by Kangqiao Capital and Changchang. The park is facing precision medical directions such as precision diagnosis, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, etc., focusing on cutting -edge technical tracks such as cell therapy, gene therapy, synthetic biology, AI medical care, supporting CDMO /CMO and other industrial service platforms and supply chain platforms. The planned construction scale of the park is about 245,700 square meters. It is expected to be put into use by the end of 2024 and early 2025.

Kangqiao Capital CEO Kang Haihua said in an interview with the 21st Century Economic Herald that CGT is a very cutting -edge and longer and wider track than traditional life sciences. This industry is developing rapidly. To solve the pain points of medical treatment accurately, bring medical products and services to a new level. Driven by talents and market -oriented subjects, we feel that in China in the future, we can run a lot of innovative companies, even international companies. Kangqiao is optimistic about this track for a long time and will also focus on layout.

The total annual financing of domestic financing is 10 billion yuan

CGT is still an emerging industry in the world. According to the Haitong International Research Report, since the first CGT drug in 2015, a total of 13 CGT drugs have been approved by the FDA. It is expected that in 2025, 70-90 CGT drugs worldwide will be approved to be listed. From 2015 to 2020, my country conducted a total of over 250 CGT clinical trials, second only to the United States, with a compound growth rate of more than 60%, ranking first in the world.

Wang Ying, general manager of Chang Development, emphasized to reporters that the CGT industry can compare the level of developed countries around the world, and even have the opportunity to achieve asymmetric driving. In terms of technology originality and iteration upgrade level, and the number of clinical trials, China is very competitive worldwide, while China still has huge clinical demand and market potential.

In this new track, Biotech is the main player in the industry. As of the end of 2020, nearly 80%of the world's 500 gene therapy companies were startups, and 75%of gene therapy companies were startups in China. Due to the high R & D and production costs of the CGT industry, a lot of financial support is required.

Faced with the huge market demand in the future, the CGT industry has also become a place for soldiers for pharmaceutical investment. In recent years, its investment and financing market has been very active. In 2021, the total financing of the global CGT field was about 22.5 billion U.S. dollars, and the annualized growth rate of compounding in the past 4 years reached 31%. In China, the total financing of CGT in 2021 was about 10 billion yuan. As high as 79%. At the same time, large international pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis, Roche, and Lili Lili have also accelerated the layout of CGT through mergers and acquisitions.

Industry development still faces challenges

Although my country's CGT industry has a good development momentum, due to the overall start of the innovative pharmaceutical system, the industry development still faces a series of challenges. In terms of technologies in some core key links and supporting policies such as talent accumulation and regulatory policies, there are still large blank and shortcomings in my country.

Wang Ying said on this analysis that each new technology has a process of development. In terms of the supply of a large number of professional talents, the establishment of a diversified payment system, and how the industrial community reduces the cost through technological innovation accumulation. However, in fact, the new crown epidemic has indeed become a test field in the pharmaceutical industry. Whether in clinical or regulatory, the industry has the opportunity to make some attempts on new technologies.

The entire innovative medicine industry has also developed greatly. For example, in terms of industrialization, many CDMO and CMO platforms are now emerging. For a good opportunity, Chang Development has also invested in many local companies in these fields in internationalized multinational companies.

Facing the problem of project harvesting and excessive capital concentration, Kang Haihua believes that this is not necessarily a bad thing, but may better test these companies. He said that competition can make Chinese innovative medicines more competitive faster. If a company can do business in the Chinese market, it can also have a place in the global market.

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