Financial depth once 丨 From the flow of credit funds of the six major banks to the quality of the financial support of the real economy supports the real economy support

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.09.02

At present, a number of listed banks have announced the mid -term results in 2022. In the context of helping to stabilize the macroeconomic market, the six state -owned commercial banks six state -owned commercial banks of workers, agriculture, China, China, Construction, Jiaotong and Postal Savings have played a role in "head geese". improve.

Loan investment continues to increase

ICBC has added 1.61 trillion yuan in domestic RMB loans, RMB 1.6 trillion yuan in RMB loans, 1.02 trillion yuan of new RMB loans, and 1.54 trillion yuan of new RMB loans in CCB ... Da Bank's loans have continued to increase, of which four major banks have exceeded trillion yuan.

"We insist on the" steady "character, leading forward, and highlighting the focus. In the first half of the year, the total amount, the rhythm of the placement, and the structure of the placement all achieved breakthroughs, which effectively played the role of the main channel of large bank monetary policy transmission." Industrial and Commercial Bank of China China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China President Liao Lin said.

Which areas are the main areas of new loans? It can be seen from the semi -annual report data that infrastructure construction, manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, inclusive finance, and green finance are the "main battlefields" for credit offering of major banks.

Infrastructure investment is an important force for steady growth. As of the end of June, the balance of infrastructure loans of CCB was approximately 5.5 trillion yuan, accounting for nearly 52%of public loans. In the first half of the year, the Agricultural Bank of China invested 404.2 billion yuan in major project loans, a year -on -year investment of 67.1 billion yuan.

Aiming at the direction of economic transformation and high -quality development, credit funds accelerate the flow of national economic key areas. In the first half of the year, ICBC invested in the manufacturing loan of 628.1 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5 times the same period last year. As of the end of June, the balance of the Agricultural Bank of China manufacturing loan exceeded 2.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 24.5%over the beginning of the year; the domestic banking loans of Bank of Communications increased by 20.48%compared with the end of the previous year, and the medium- and long -term loans in the manufacturing industry increased by 38.7%.

In addition, the growth rate of loans in the fields of strategic emerging industries and green credit is far higher than the average growth rate of loans. Among them, China Bank's strategic emerging industrial loan growth rate reached 67%, and the growth rate of loans in the strategic emerging industry of Bank of Communications exceeded 70%.

Based on the high base, inclusive loans still achieve rapid growth. As of the end of June, the loan balance of the British small and micro enterprise of the postal savings bank was nearly 1.1 trillion yuan, a net increase of more than 130 billion yuan in the first half of the year, and the net increase increased by nearly 40%year -on -year. In the first half of the year, the Bank of China Inclusive small and micro enterprise loans increased by 223.5 billion yuan, a year -on -year growth rate of 41.38%.

The quality of credit assets remains stable

Financial supports the real economy. Data from the semi -annual report show that the quality of the six major banks' credit assets remains stable.

As of the end of June, the non -performing loan ratio of ICBC, CCB, Agricultural Bank, and Bank of Communications has declined. The non -performing loan ratio of the postal savings bank was basically the same as at the end of the last year. Bank of China non -performing loan ratio increased by 0.01 percentage points from the beginning of the year.

Gu Yan, chairman of the Agricultural Bank of China, said that the quality of assets in the first half of the year remained stable. On the one hand, it benefited from the improvement of the bank's own management level, and on the other hand, it also effectively exerted its efforts with macro policies, which has a lot to do with market players.

Regarding the issue of real estate loan concerned about the market, a number of banks said that due to the influence of the risk of individual real estate development companies, the quality of real estate loan assets was under pressure, but the risk was controlled as a whole.

Many bank executives said they are confident to maintain the stability of the quality of bank credit assets.

"On the one hand, the fundamental fundamentals of my country's economy will not change for a long time; on the other hand, we actively consolidate the quality of assets by improving risk management capabilities and continuously thickening the 'buffer pad' of future risks. Challenging and maintaining the quality of assets have laid a good foundation, "said Wang Jingwu, deputy governor of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Maintain a steady growth of loans

Regarding the next stage of loans, many bank executives stated that they will continue to play the leadership and pillar role, increase counter -cyclical credit investment, support expansion of investment, promote consumption, and help solidly stabilize the macroeconomic market.

"In July and August of this year, the single -monthly credit sales of Agricultural Bank exceeded the same period last year. From the judgment of the Credit Reserve of the Agricultural Bank of China, and the judgment of the macroeconomic operation situation, the next September to December, from September to December, The probability of credit growth exceeding the same period last year can be continued. "Gu Yan said.

Zhang Jinliang, the president of China Construction Bank, said that he will firmly grasp the critical period of economic recovery, maintain smoothly in the scale of loans, and continue to provide high -efficiency and high -quality funding support for the real economy, and help the economy to operate in a reasonable range.

Judging from the information released by major banks' mid -term performance conferences, the next stage will continue to optimize the loan structure and strengthen credit support in key areas.

Lin Jingzhen, deputy governor of Bank of China, said that it will seize the opportunities of current infrastructure construction and increase financial support for infrastructure projects such as transportation, energy, water conservancy, new infrastructure, and new urbanization; Special re -loan tools to improve carbon reduction, coal cleaning and efficient utilization, scientific and technological innovation, inclusive pension, transportation and logistics, green development and other resource guarantee for national policy -oriented projects. (Reporter Li Yanxia, ​​Wu Yu, Zhang Qianqian, Yao Junfang)

[Editor in charge: Qiu Lifang]

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