The year of work style 丨 strengthen special equipment supervision, the district market supervision bureau fully builds a safety defense line

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.09.01

The leakage and missed inspection can easily lead to "ill" operation of special equipment, laying hidden dangers for safety production. To this end, the Changping District Market Supervision Bureau focuses on the theme activities of the "Construction Year of the Style", adheres to the problem -oriented, take special rectification and law enforcement as the starting point, strengthen the investigation and management of hidden dangers of special equipment, and adhere to work innovation, study and discuss new supervision methods and methods. Continuously improve the efficiency of supervision, effectively prevent safety risks, and make every effort to build a safety defense line.

At present, our district is using 2027 special equipment use units with 23438 units (items), of which 681 boilers, 2480 pressure vessels, 348 pressure pipelines, elevators 17025 units, 2035 units of lifting machinery, motor vehicles in the factory in the plant 847 vehicles, 18 large amusement facilities, and 4 passenger ropeways, which are characterized by a large number and wide distribution. With the increase in the number of usage, the number of old equipment increases, coupled with the increase in special equipment year by year, the difficulty of supervision and the pressure of responsibility.

Strong measure

Correct the responsibility of the company's main body

The implementation of the main responsibility of the enterprise is the prerequisite and guarantee of the safety of special equipment. The district market supervision bureau has established and improved the safety working group of special equipment such as elevators, pressure vessels, and lifting machinery. The problem of unblocked, at the same time, also uses this as a missionary position to carry out warning education, and always answer questions for the enterprise, issue work requirements, and enhance the awareness of the main responsibility.

"We have also implemented the responsibility of the main body through supervision of law enforcement." The relevant person in charge of the District Market Supervision Bureau introduced that since this year, the Bureau has combined special rectification work to increase law enforcement inspections, adhere to the rectification of a batch of hidden dangers to investigate and punish a number of cases of a batch of cases. In the practice, there were 137 hidden dangers, 77 special equipment safety supervision instructions were issued, 116 rectification was completed, 11 cases were filed, and 11 were fined 795,000 yuan.

At the same time, the District Market Supervision Bureau also strictly controls the inspection barrier, taking the opportunity of the construction year, taking the inspection quality inspection of the municipal bureau as the starting point, timely deploying the inspection force, and the point -to -point service of the upcoming device, and strive to check the inspection. , Do not leave hidden dangers. In the inspection process, "four do not let go", that is, the information is not fully let go, the safety re -inspection is not qualified, the test items will not be allowed to be allowed, and the rectification will not be allowed to let go. Up to now, there are nearly 10,000 different types of equipment, and 406 unqualified inspection reports have been issued, a year -on -year increase of 43.5%, and effectively prevent the operation of the equipment.

Dare to innovate

Improve comprehensive supervision capabilities

In response to the current status of special equipment in our district, as well as supervisors and inspection personnel, the district market supervision bureau continues to innovate methods and methods to carry out special equipment inspection activities within the jurisdiction, produce equipment inspection of equipment on the enterprise user side, and achieve self -inspection and inspection. At the scene, 23,380 special equipment had been checked, so that the number and basic situation of special equipment supervision in various markets in various markets laid the foundation for realizing smart supervision.

In addition, explore the implementation of the four -step work method of "Hope and Wen" among small enterprises. The current situation of "hopes", understand problems such as small enterprises, poor equipment environment, insufficient overall safety awareness. The hidden dangers of "smell" will make the hidden safety risk prompts that may exist during the operation of the operator. "Ask" demand, as long as the enterprise has the needs, you must answer questions, solve the company's concerns, and express the trapped of the company. The "cut" lesion actively summarizes the common problems of being inspected by the inspection of the enterprise, analyzes the causes of the problem, regularly postpone the work prompts, forward the safety warning video, and further strengthen the awareness of security.

"We also explore the classification and classification supervision mechanism of special equipment use units. Through the" device grading, management classification, regulatory stratification ', different enterprises are divided according to the three risk levels of' high, medium, and low ' Herized and personalized management, realize the transformation of special equipment safety supervision work from regulatory equipment to regulatory use units, promote the implementation of the main responsibility for the implementation of the unit, and effectively alleviate the real contradictions of the increase in equipment and the difficulty of supervision. "The relevant person in charge said.

Each market supervision office has the advantages of familiarity with the ground, many tentacles, and fast actions. The District Market Supervision Bureau gives full play to the role of the responsible persons in the area of ​​various market supervision office. Check more than 1,450 times, check 4,530 inspection equipment, and find 65 hidden dangers. All have been rectified. Effectively expanding supervision coverage has played a key role in preventing and eliminating hidden safety hazards.

While strengthening supervision, the District Market Supervision Bureau increases the online payment method of special equipment inspection and optimizes the inspection fee process. Enterprises can choose online payment in various ways, eliminating the trouble of waiting in line at the bank counter, and the enterprise completes regular inspection inspection Just run once, it is greatly facilitated to be well received by the enterprise.

In the next step, the District Market Supervision Bureau will also closely seize the opportunity of the theme activities of the "Main Story Construction Year", firmly adhere to the "four products and one special" safety bottom line, with the goal of "zero accidents, zero risks, zero errors", strictly implement supervision responsibility responsibility , Correct the responsibility of the enterprise, further refine the safety supervision plan, increase the frequency of supervision and inspection, and ensure the safety of special equipment in the jurisdiction.

Photo/Wang Xingyue

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