Huayou Cobalt Industry: Formulating a fundraising of not over 17.7 billion yuan

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.06.19

Every time AI News, Huayou Cobalt (SH 603799, closing price: 91.49 yuan) issued an announcement on the evening of June 19, saying that this non -public offering of A -share stock plans and related matters has been the company's 5th board of directors of the company's 5th 38th. The subsequent meeting was reviewed and approved. The issuance target of non -public offering of shares is the company's controlling shareholder Zhejiang Huayou Holding Group Co., Ltd. and no more than 34 specific objects. The number of shares intended to issue non -public issuances this time is calculated according to the total amount of funds raised by this non -public issuance. 100 million shares (including the number). The issuance price of this issuance is not lower than 80%of the average stock transaction price of 20 trading days. This issuance is planned to raise no more than 17.7 billion yuan. The raised funds are used for the following uses: Indonesia's Nickel and Cobalt Company in Indonesia's nickel metal metal metal hydroxide cobalt wetting project, which is intended to invest 12.2 billion yuan; Guangxi Huayou The lithium company has an annual output of 50,000 tons of battery -level lithium salt projects, and plans to invest 1.5 billion yuan in funds; supplemented with mobile fund projects, and intends to invest 4 billion yuan in funds.

From January to December 2021, the operating income of Huayou Cobalt has: 53.9%of new lithium -battery materials, 27.45%of trade and other proportion of trade and other, and 15.66%of the non -ferrous metal industry.

The chairman of Huayou Cobalt is Chen Xuehua, male, 61 years old, and his academic background is a doctorate. The general manager is Chen Hongliang, male, 49 years old, and his academic background is a college.

As of press time, the market value of Huayou Cobalt was 145.3 billion yuan.

Daeda1997 "Single Stock Trends" reminder:

1. Huayou Cobalt Industry has increased by 13.2125 million shares in the northern direction of funds in the past 30 days, accounting for 0.11%of the proportion of circulating shares;

2. In the past 30 days, there was no mechanism to investigate Huayou Cobalt.

For more stock trend information, please search for the WeChat public account "Daida", reply "Query", and receive free query permissions!

Behind headlines (NBDTOUTIAO) - "more and more expensive ice cream": there is a "unicorn" sales of 3 hours, and Moutai cross -border strikes, the 100 billion market starts the "new melee"

(Reporter Zhang Xiwei)

Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, and verify before use. Based on this, the risk is on its own.

Daily Economic News

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