Is there sufficient living materials?How to ensure the material guarantee in the region?Sichuan Luzhou arrangement

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.31

Cover reporter Wu Yong Jiang Yuen

On the evening of August 30, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province held a press conference on preventing and controlling the epidemic in the new crown pneumonia. Chen Hong, deputy head of the People's Government of Longma Tan District, responded to how to ensure how to ensure the control of Yutang Street, Anning Street, and Hongxing Street, especially the demand for living materials in the people in the high -risk areas.

At present, the Longmatan District has formulated the "Implementation Plan on Strengthening the Management and Control of Social Social and Social Social and Control in Longma Tan District" to refine the control measures in the middle and high -risk areas and other regions in the control zone. Establishing related special classes, street towns, communities and other forces and other forces to ensure the responsibility in terms of material guarantee, traffic control, nucleic acid detection, isolation and transportation, transportation guarantee, safety and stability, etc., and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic.

In terms of living materials distribution, Luzhou has established a living material guarantee end distribution group to be responsible for the production and sales docking, source organization, material transportation, and end distribution of the necessities of life. For the mid -to -high risk zone designated by Longma Tan District, in accordance with the requirements of the "Ninth Edition of the New Coronatte Virus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan", the "people who do not get out of the area and the peaks from the peak" are implemented. Go home and on -site service. "

At present, the living materials of the people in the controlled area of ​​Longmatan District are mainly obtained through three ways: first, encourage residents of community residents to commission relatives and friends to purchase on behalf of them; second, encourage residents to use the Huitong supermarket mobile app to place orders directly; the third is to establish material procurement groups The residents place an order in the group, and the community staff collects the demand information. The street staff is overfone with the confession dealer, and the purchase of "vegetable bags" or "pork bag". The above three ways of living materials can only be sent to the supplies receiving points in the community. The high -risk zone will be delivered to the households one by one by volunteers. The mid -risk zone can arrange one person every day to get a time -sharing and peak from the material receiving point. At the same time, the "one -to -one" distribution service is implemented in the case of severe difficulties such as severe patients, pregnant women, and disabled people within the scope of comprehensive control areas.

At present, there are a total of 20 supplies receiving points in the management and control area of ​​Longma Tan District, and 26 specials are required to investigate. The district is based on the community and draws a map of the material delivery point, which clarifies the information such as the long point of receiving and the distribution vehicle; the existing distribution personnel and 9 delivery vehicles can meet the needs of the people's living materials in the control area.

In addition, Ruan Jie, chief economist of the Luzhou Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the current materials guarantee work of Luzhou City, especially the regional materials protection of Longmatan District, the overall operation and sufficient supply. Luzhou City's policy raw grain reserves of 101,800 tons can be preserved for 90 days; emergency finished rice reserves 8,900 tons can be preserved for 13 days; 3,500 tons of edible oil reserves can be preserved for 53 days; The province has reached the requirements of the province. Longma Tan District has a total of 2863 tons, 180 tons of flour, 270 tons of edible oil, 166 tons of meat, and 507 tons of vegetables. The number of pig slaughter is about 190 daily, which can ensure the control of regional living materials.

Luzhou has established a joint supply mechanism for life materials joint insurance. When there is insufficient living materials guarantee in Longma Tan District, the preferential supply of the county in the city of the city's joint insurance district and county will be guaranteed. Organizational transportation to ensure that living materials are continuously gear, non -removal, sufficient supply, and stable prices.

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