Northeast Village Visiting

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.06.19

After the seedlings, the northeast spring was basically completed, and the black land was full of vitality.

In the past few days, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency visited Baishan Heishui and went to the village to enter the town, recording the vivid practice of people on the black land to transform, seek development, and promote revitalization.

Technology "Sonata"

Black soil sowing new hopes

Summer, Zhangjia Village, Panshan County, Liaoning Province, more than 4,300 acres of waterfield skylight shadow, He Miao Qingqing.

Guo Kai, the chairman of Taiping Kaidi Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative, and the members, checked the growth of rice along Tian Domo.

The seedlings are halfhe, and the seedlings are seven points. Touching the seedlings, Guo Kai told reporters: "This year we introduced the technique of mortar seedlings and seedlings. This kind of new agricultural machinery was sown, and the seedlings were inserted without hurting the roots. Play more than 100 pounds of food. "

Relying on agricultural technology, in 2021, the per capita disposable income of the entire village in Zhangjiacun reached 23,000 yuan. "Science and technology" has become a new label for black land agricultural production.

In the rice fields of Song Chun, a planner of the Seven Star Branch of the Heilongjiang Beida Desert Agriculture Co., Ltd., the tender green rice seedlings are dancing with the wind and thrive. According to Song Chun, this year's seedlings are inserted with a pair of seedlings equipped with the Beidou navigation driving system. According to the pre -set trajectory, precise rice seedlings have been achieved.

"With the Beidou system, the sowing function is accurate, saving the amount of broadcasting, and improving operational efficiency." Yu Tielong, a technician of the Beijing Grand Wastest Smart Agricultural Machinery Center.

Peking University Wilderness Group has installed the latest Beidou navigation driving system for 11,000 agricultural machinery this year. 15,000 acres of land has achieved unmanned operation of rice planting this year.

New machinery and new technologies have enhanced the confidence of Chinese rice bowls in the northeast. In 2021, Northeast food output reached 288.9 billion kg, accounting for more than one -fifth of the national grain output, and the role of national food security was increasingly consolidated.

In Liaoning, in many places, it is vigorously promoting the construction of the "one village, one product" demonstration village and the development of modern agricultural industrial parks, and strive to cultivate a number of agricultural industrial towns and modern agricultural industrial parks for 3 to 5 years;

In Jilin, Changchun National Agricultural High -tech Industry Demonstration Zone was approved and became a new engine of Jilin Agricultural Modernization;

In Heilongjiang, intelligent agricultural technology is expanding application. Heilongjiang Province has basically achieved the entire process of agricultural production.

On the black land, the new movement of agricultural modernization is melodious.

Talent "concerto"

Gum the development of spiritual energy

Morning mist, towards the sky. Surrounded by mountains, Qingshangling Village, Benxi Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning, ushered in a new day.

Chen Pengjun, the first secretary of the village, came to the village committee early to start a day of work. Since the movie "I and My Hometown" are shot here, this beautiful small mountain village has become popular. In the village committee, a office of filming was left for tourists to visit. In the film, the image of the first secretary of the village "Ma Liang", played by the actor Shen Teng, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the village, and also makes Chen Pengjun feel a little pressure.

"In the movie, Ma Liang built the village so beautiful. As the first secretary, if you don't do well, you are too sorry for the people." Chen Pengjun, 40, went to Qingshiling Village for more than 9 months to quickly enter the state and lead the village to lead the village. Cadres are engaged in photovoltaic power generation, specialty breeding and rural tourism together.

"We have all gone down the hardest bones of poverty alleviation. We have the confidence to do well in the countryside." Chen Pengjun said firmly.

On the banks of the Wusili River, Xiaonanhe Village, Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province has recently been lively: wooden houses, nail sledges, and red lanterns ... This small mountain village in the northeast is also under the leadership of the new village secretary. The Kanto Style Tourism Village, which is more than 10,000 yuan, is about to open the door to welcome the guests.

In 2021, the three provinces in Northeast China sent more than 25,000 party members and cadres to go to various places to serve as the first secretary of the village and cadres in the village. Together with the village party organizations in various places, they "stubble" to promote rural revitalization.

The revitalization of the countryside has "new aid" and relying on "Zhongjian". Liaoning Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County Xunzigou Village, 10,000 acres of medicine and green waves surged, Xiangyuan Yiqing. In this well -known "Township of Dragon Grass", the villagers almost mention Ji Zhongying, the secretary of the village party branch secretary: "If it wasn't for Secretary Ji, where is a good day."

In recent years, in order to develop characteristic industries in the village, Ji Zhongying went to households, markets, and technology in the distribution of major medicinal materials across the country. Today, "Xiaocao" has become a large industry for villagers to become rich, and the per capita income of the village has increased from thousands of yuan to 50,000 yuan.

"Last year, our old couple earned more than 200,000 yuan." Said Gan Qingxia, a 60 -year -old villager, said that this year, she also planned to plant dragon grass with the villagers this year to make her pockets more and more drums.

The industry is prosperous and the countryside is prosperous. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang remained at more than 10%.

The wealthy village also attracted the visiting Youzi back to the village to start a business, watching the nostalgia.

Wang Yan, a graduate student of Tongji University, returned to his hometown to his hometown, Sanling Township, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province, and founded a to help the folks sell agricultural special products through e -commerce. Driven by him, Ning'an City has successfully returned to his hometown to start a business, driving more than 600 people to employment.

"Back to the northeast, we see the vitality of the ancient village. We have a responsibility to make our hometown beauty better." Wang Yan said. Ecological "Symphony"

Plastering landscape gold signs

Summer Jilin Chagan Lake water light and smoke.

As the epidemic was effectively preventive and controlled, during the Dragon Boat Festival, many tourists came here to travel and leisure. On the wide water, there is a fish jumping out from time to time.

In recent years, Chagan Lake has adhered to the principle of planning to fish and sustainable use. It has adopted scientific methods to put fish fry according to the number of fishing quantities and fish group density each year.

Careful maintenance has brightened the golden signboard of Chagan Lake Ecology. "In the past few years, Chagan's lake has been cleared, the fish is more fat, and the people are richer." Zhang Wen, the employee of Chagan Lake Fishing Field, said that he saw that the ecology was good, and he was very energetic.

Protecting the ecological environment like protecting the eyes, the green development long rolls are depicted on the black land.

From time to time, the fragrance of the meal from the Xishui Forest Farm in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province floats out of the farmhouse. Ding Ding Dangzang ... The sky was not bright, Liu Yangshun and his wife Wang Qiu'e began to live.

Liu Yangshun, a retired employee of the forest farm, now "re -employment" has become the boss of the farmhouse.

"You have to book in advance in the peak season, and more than a dozen table guests in the yard are full of every day, let alone the lively." Liu Yangshun said that the forestry people have regarded excessive mining as the "come to money." Now they understand. Resting the forests greener and relying on ecological development tourism, the road of "green trees" can be wider and wider.

Improving the rural living environment and building a beautiful countryside is becoming a new consensus.

The river is gurgling, flower fragrance. There are rows of quaint farmhouses in front of the door of the farmhouse, and many tourists fish in the village to fish, take pictures and check in. Donggangzi Village, Lao Bianzi District, Yingkou, Liaoning has become a well -known "net red punch place" because of its ecological excellence and environment.

"In the past, the garbage was everywhere, and the firewood and feces in front of the house were chaotic. In the past two years, the environment has been governed. For third -party teams, more than 30 private houses are rented to build homestays. There are many tourists, and the sales of agricultural and sideline products in the village are also hot.

With the improvement of the village's popularity, many people in the city came here to find business opportunities, and the vitality of the village continued to burst out. After graduating from Zhangye University at the age of 27, she worked in Changchun after graduating from Zhang Ye. In 2021, she and her father came to the village from their hometown of Jilin and started flower planting. "I am willing to be a new villager here, let the flowers be full of the earth, and watch the beautiful nostalgia."

Source: Xinhua Daily Telecom Xinhua Reading

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