Oil price plummeted!The next adjustment time is ...

Author:Jiangxi Daily Time:2022.06.19

According to CCTV Finance, international oil prices fell sharply on June 17, and US oil fell more than 6.8%.

Affected by the global central bank's interest rate hikes, the focus of investors' attention shifted from the supply and demand pattern to the risk of economic recession. In addition, the US dollar significantly strengthened on Friday, which caused international oil prices to fall sharply on June 17. As of the close, New York's oil price fell 6.83%, and Brent oil prices fell 5.58%. Affected by the market on Friday, international oil prices have fallen significantly this week, and the seven -week rising trend of New York's oil prices and Brent oil prices ended.

A new cycle of domestic oil prices has been carried out for three working days. The current crude oil change rate is -0.21%, which is 15 yuan/ton, and still remains in the stranded interval. According to the "Administrative Measures for Petroleum Price" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2016, Article 7 of the Measures mentioned that "when the price adjustment is less than 50 yuan per ton, it will not be adjusted, and it will be accumulated or offset when the price adjustment is adjusted." We often talk about stranding.

Although the market is closed on the weekend, I believe that the market will follow up on Monday, which will follow up on Friday, so that the adjustment of this round of oil prices will have the opportunity to reduce. Oil price adjustment time is: 24:00 on June 28, 2022.

The reporter noticed that since this year, the price of domestic refined oil products has been adjusted 11 times, of which 10 times have been raised and 1st. The latest adjustment was adjusted to 24:00 on June 14, the domestic gasoline price was raised by 390 yuan/ton, and the price of diesel was raised by 375 yuan/ton.

It has been more than two months since the last oil price has been reduced. Some netizens said: Even if it is not reduced, this time the adjustment of oil prices is stranded ...

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Source: CCTV Finance and Economics, National Development and Reform Commission, Zhongxin Jingwei, today's oil price query

Edit: Yu Dagan

Review: Luo Caihua

Signing: Qiu Qiuhu

Supervision: Wu Zhigang

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