Credit folding: banks compete for "specialized new"

Author:Economic Observer Time:2022.06.19

In the past, the main battlefield local urban investment companies and real estate industries of credit have now been cooled, and capital has more and more limited high -quality enterprises. Since May, major banks have listed credit to the top priority, and where are the efforts of all parties?

Author: Hu Yanming

Figure: Tuwa Creative


One || When the loan is not as good as expected, some banks have added the assessment criteria for credit offices to branches this year.

投 || The phenomenon that banks are scrambling to a certain type of customers are not only the supervision of supervision, the general office level has an assessment of branches, but the People's Bank of China has a preferential preferential policy for banks to have scientific and technological innovation and re -loan.

Three || From the perspective of the person in charge of a branch branch branch, it is like a car stepped on the brake and then restarted. It is the same as the economy. It takes time to pull up, but it takes time to have a staged process.

In early June 2022, a new energy company in Sichuan received a credit loan of 2 million yuan from a shares, with an annualized interest rate of 3.7%.

The financial leader of this company described the cooperation as "two -way go".

Earlier, it was a lot difficult to get loans from the bank to get loans. The loan interest rate was twice as much as it is now, and mortgagers need to be mortgaged. The mortgage is a headache for small and micro enterprises.

The change happened at the end of last year. The support policies are successively tilted to science and technology enterprises, so that the financing acquisition and convenience of this company have gradually improved.

What feels more obvious is those "specialized new" companies listed as national and local -level. "Specialty new" refers to an enterprise with the characteristics of "professionalism, refinement, characteristic, and novelty". The Economic Observation News interview learned that since the end of last year, many "specialized new" enterprises have changed from financing from financing to the "fragrant citron" for banks.

A local general manager of a local "specialized" of a local city -level "specialized" in Jiangsu introduced that at present, the amount of loans that the company can obtain has increased significantly and the cost of capital has declined rapidly. You can now get LPR levels.

At this end of the bank, the transformation has also occurred. A shareholder manager in the southwestern region has a deep understanding. "In the past, they ('specialized new' corporate customers) were actively looking for banks, and the bank also liked the feeling of ignoring. But now it suddenly became a bank to find them. After that, they urged them to withdraw money. "

Since May, major banks have listed credit to the top priority, and where are the efforts of all parties? In the past, the main battlefield local urban investment companies and real estate industries of credit have now been cooled, and capital has more and more limited high -quality enterprises. State -owned bank credit sinks to the fields that the stock banks are concerned about in the past, and the shareholders began to snatch credit customers of small and medium -sized banks.

From the perspective of overall distribution, many bank credit people lamented that this year's credit investment is still the focus and difficulty.

Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Dongfang Jincheng, told the Economic Observer that how to effectively stimulate the demand for credit and promote the increase in the balance of various loans from decline to rise, which has become an imminent problem.

Compete for launch

"Take the initiative to take the initiative, loan due to loans, and put them on as soon as possible; make every effort to increase credit investment in key areas; ensure that the entire annual credit scale of the whole year is growing; The top priority of work; ensure that the total credit volume of the whole bank is growing steadily. "

This is the wording of the policy call issued by the head office of many banks since May. The bank's credit demand has never been as straightforward and urgent as it is now.

On the one hand, it emphasizes the growth of credit, and on the other hand, market reference interest rates are also declining. Since the beginning of this year, the 1 -year LPR has lowered from 3.8%at the beginning of the year to 3.7%, and LPR above 5 years has also undergone twice, from 4.65%last year to 4.45%.

The interest rate price of public loans or retail loans is declining. The previous Sichuan New Energy Enterprise's previous loan interest rates must be doubled on the basis of the present, that is, about 7%-8%, and mortgage. Although the shareholders need to assume joint responsibilities now, fortunately, the price has dropped.

This company is applying for a "specialized new" enterprise and has not yet officially entered the list of local industrial and information departments, but the bank has taken the initiative to contact it. However, their current funding demand is not high, and they want to take a step.

In the financial industry, money often flows to enterprises that do not lack money. In the case of abundant funds, this gap is even more obvious. The customer manager of the stock bank in Southwest China found that in the current market, banks are scrambling to grab high -quality enterprises and scramble to bother them. However, after the bank is approved, companies often cannot need so much financing. The company with a slightly worse qualification wants funds, and the bank does not dare to let it take into account that there is no corresponding starting point.

The "specialized new" enterprises have become one of the fields of banks for cooperation. The client manager also pays special attention to the security of funds. He said that when he is in contact and expand customers, he pays attention to the company that specializes in a new list of specialty, because you can rest assured.

In the case of less than expected loan growth, some banks have added the assessment standards for credit offices to branches this year. The president of a joint -stock branch in Jiangsu revealed that the bank's bank not only evaluated the amount of credit, but also stipulated that interest rates should not be too high. The bank's loan interest rate on customers is determined according to market conditions, but this bank stipulates that the loan interest rate cannot be higher than that of other banks in the region. The logic is that only when interest rates are not higher than other banks, can they compete with other banks to high -quality customers. If the interest rate is too high, the customer will not accept it. Unless he is lacking money, it will bring the risk of overdue.

Regarding the issue of bank credit, Zhou Maohua, a macro researcher at the Financial Market Department of Everbright Bank, said that he still needs to innovate the "last mile" in the bank's financial institution. Judging from the difficulties of bank financial institutions facing difficulties and previous practice, credit investment innovation can be manifested in several aspects, such as supply chain financial innovation, digital information technology empower bank risk control.

Competitive Red Sea

Banks are scrambling to put them on a certain type of customers. Many banks have expressed their rare people. The person in charge of the second -level branch of the stock bank of the Yangtze River Delta region said that in recent years, it has not been like this.

The reason is that not only the regulatory requirements, the general office level has assessment of branches, but the People's Bank of China has a preferential preferential policy for banks to have scientific and technological innovation and re -loan.

The person in charge of the shareholding branch calls the policy of supporting the support of new -class enterprises as "a step for the future". Although it is not necessarily that all new types of specialized new types of enterprises will be better in the future, at least these companies will be these companies. There are scientific and technological content, which are evaluated by the government authority department. It must have the potential in terms of corporate management, advanced technology, and product applicability. For the purpose of developing customers, banks must first deploy such customers of customers first. Essence

However, he believes that specialized specialty has become a hot land for institutions, no longer the blue ocean, and has become the Red Sea. "There are many financing channels they can choose to, both equity financing and bond financing, and all kinds of money have been smashed into this industry. The business is not very large, how can we need so much money."

Judging from the content published by the head office of various banks, there are areas with clear focus when encouraging credit to be launched. Among them, it is mentioned that the "specialized and new" areas are mentioned. In addition They are in key areas.

Under the sought after, it is no longer a bank to choose a customer, but a customer who chooses the bank. It is not easy for banks without cooperation to enter this field. "If you have not cooperated before, you can come in now. The loan, and the price is still low. "Some governor of Jiangsu Local Branch said to the Economic Observer.

Different from some banks "difficult to enter", the branch of a urban commercial bank in East China has its own positioning as a science and technology branch. In the past few years, it has a good cooperative relationship with local science and technology companies. With the growth of enterprises, there are now many "specializes in specializing in specialized specialties in the region. Special New "companies have cooperation.

"The four major banks did not do it, and now they come in to compete fiercely. However, a company not only does business with a bank, there are generally 2 to 3 to 3." The president of the branch said.

Although it has little impact on stock customers, it has a large impact on interest rates under the competition of Da Bank. The president of the branch said that their loans are basically about 4%, but the interest rates of state -owned banks are now more than 3 o'clock, basically LPR, LPR, which is LPR. The level, so they lost money when lending.

On April 28, the central bank announced the formal establishment of scientific and technological innovation and re -loans to guide financial institutions to increase its support for scientific and technological innovation. The amount of scientific and technological innovation re -loan was 200 billion yuan, interest rates 1.75%, and the term was 1 year. The scope of support includes "high -tech enterprises" and "specialized new" SMEs.

However, the current target of the re -loan is not benefited from local commercial banks. "Looking forward to this policy so that we can put the profit slightly lower and not lose money." The president of the branch said.

Why do you favor the "specialized new" enterprises, the relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Commercial Bank told the Economic Observer that the high -quality development of my country's economy cannot be separated from the participation of a large number of scientific and technological innovation enterprises, and it depends on the "specialized specialty new". The continuous growth of technology -based enterprise groups. Therefore, special specialized enterprises have become more and more focus on banking services, especially relatively mature specialized new companies, which have now become a red sea.

Facing the competition of many similar institutions, banks are also choosing a different approach. The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Commercial Bank said that different from most banks, Zhejiang Commercial Bank is more concerned about the development of "specialized new" small and medium -sized enterprises, and the service targets will be further expanded to the growing period of science and technology innovation enterprises. To meet the diversified needs of science and technology innovation enterprises at different stages. It is about to launch exclusive specialty products such as "Special Special Special Growth Loan", "Optional Optional Pickings of the Stocks", and "Science and Technology Innovation and Corporation". New Enterprise Enterprises, through the growth of enterprises, achieve long -term win -win.

Although it has not been allowed to enter the scientific and technological innovation re -loan, a large part of the current business of the Urban Commercial Bank Sub -branch is the innovation of models and the support of local government policies. In response to technology companies, they use new models to carry out business and cooperate with the local government. The local provincial science and technology department provides scientific and technological risk compensation policies. If the loan is risky, the government shall bear 70%of the responsibility, and the bank only needs to bear 30%.

The guarantee mechanism is a tool for sharing risk for banks, but it is a practical growth for enterprises, and the cost of the enterprise is also very sensitive to this part. The general manager of the above -mentioned "special specialty new" list told reporters that before entering the list of new special companies, they can also get loans in the bank, but it is much more difficult than now. First, the cost is relatively high. 4 In interest, plus 1%-2%of guarantee costs, sometimes even more than 2%, the comprehensive cost will reach more than 6%. Now, they can get credit loans without guarantee, and the cost is about 4%.

Regarding the implementation of bank credit this year, the customer managers of the above southwest region expressed their unsatisfactory, and the entire local (banking industry) market was like this.

There are also factors of local economic development. The client manager said that the credit investment in the province is difficult, because there are neither large -scale industries, no customers who have become systems, and there are relatively few companies above the scale of local size. It mainly puts special specialty new energy, new energy, green clean energy and other fields.

He told reporters that since last year, he has also done some loan projects for specialized new enterprises. Compared with the previous experience, they used to go to the bank to find the bank. In the urging of withdrawal, many (enterprises) are like this.

Many companies that are shortlisted for new or high -tech policies have obtained loans lower than previous prices, and some industries are not so lucky. A person in charge of a private enterprise in Gansu has always paid attention to credit -related preferential policies, but because of the lack of mortgages, its company can only obtain a relatively high credit loan in the bank. Essence

Looking forward to the inflection point

"I also observed that many banks are chasing new companies that specialize in specialty. Cost constitutional restrictions cannot be done by losing money. The capital adequacy ratio of various banks is different, and it may start to adjust slowly. This is undoubtedly. After all, the capacity of specialized new enterprises is limited. It takes a long time to rely on specialized specialty new enterprises to drive China's economic development.

When the expected market demand will turn well, some people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Branch are optimistic about credit investment, and many people are not optimistic, saying that banks may not be too good this year. The above -mentioned credit manager of the stock bank in Southwest China said, "The economic situation has not changed, we have not changed, and the bank follows the economy."

After the credit situation analysis meeting held by the central bank in May, Wang Qing believes that "things are only three", although the analysis of the two previous currency credit situation will not fundamentally reverse the downward trend of the balance of the balance of various loans, but considering the current economic and financial momentum The urgency of the situation and the demand for steady growth. After the analysis of the monetary credit situation, the monthly increase of new loans is expected to continue to increase significantly compared with the same period last year. Starting in May, the growth rate of the balance of various loans will appear trendy. Upward turning point.

The credit data in May did rebound sharply. The new credit was 1.89 trillion yuan in the month, which was three times that of April. Wait.

In the opinion of the person in charge of the above -mentioned shareholders, it is like a car stepped on the brake and then re -started. The same is true. , But it takes time to have a staged process.

For example, he believes that real estate has now entered a stage of restarting, but the confidence in the market has not recovered. Now many banks want to invest in the real estate field, but the house cannot be sold, and sales are a problem, so banks are also watching.

In terms of financial policy, Wang Qing believes that the next monetary policy will further play the dual functions and structural dual functions, and quantitative and price policy tools will further make efforts.

Regarding the space for China's policy to support economic recovery, Zhao Yaoting, a global market strategist in Jingshun Asia Pacific (except Japan), said at the media sharing meeting on June 16 that he pays more attention to China's fiscal policy than the monetary policy. It is expected that fiscal policy may launch a large -scale stimulus policy in the future, including promoting the construction of infrastructure in the second half of the year, which will become a very good catalyst for market recovery.

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