Chaozhou adds 7 new trademarks into the provincial protection list

Author:Chaozhou released Time:2022.08.28

A few days ago, Chaozhou City held the unveiling ceremony of the Guangdong Province's key trademark protection list and the unveiling ceremony of the Chaozhou trademark brand cultivation guide station.

At the event site, Huang Qining, president of the Provincial Trademark Association, awarded seven companies in the 2021 Guangdong Provincial Key Trademark Protection List, and unveiled the guidance station for the Chaozhou trademark brand cultivation station with the relevant person in charge of the Chaozhou Market Supervision Bureau. The event also announced the "Regulations on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Guangdong Province" and explained the application for the "Guangdong Provincial Key Trademark Protection List" for the representatives of various enterprises.

In recent years, the Chaozhou Market Supervision Bureau has conscientiously implemented the municipal party committee and municipal government's deployment requirements for strengthening intellectual property protection and stimulating market innovation vitality, actively cultivating trademark brands, and fully strengthening trademark protection. According to statistics, since the province's key trademark protection list was included in the management work in 2020, a total of 20 trademarks in Chaozhou were included in the protection list, ranking 11th in the province. As of the end of June this year, the valid registration volume of the city's trademark reached 12,2915, ranking 10th in the province; a year -on -year increase of 19.72 %, ranking first in eastern Guangdong.

According to reports, after the establishment of the trademark brand cultivation and guidance station, it will focus on consulting, application, protection and other consulting and guidance to the company's enterprises, and carry out policies, regulations, and legal assistance services to help enterprises build trademark brands and cultivate new economic growth. The kinetic energy provides more powerful support for the city's strategy of promoting the implementation of trademark brand and empowering regional brand economic development.

Chaozhou Daily reporter Liu Yinxuan Correspondent Wu Xiyu

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