Agricultural Issuance of Baiyun District Sub -branch of Guiyang City Sub -branch Efficient Putting Agricultural Development Infrastructure Fund 336.9 million yuan

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.08.26

Agricultural Issuance of Baiyun District Sub -branch of Guiyang City Sub -branch Efficient Putting Agricultural Development Infrastructure Fund 336.9 million yuan

Recently, the Agricultural Distribution Baiyun District Sub -branch has 3 efficiently and continuously launched three agricultural infrastructure funds, with a amount of 336.9 million yuan, supporting Guizhou LNG cans multi -type transportation and peak adjustment reserves (Xiuwen Station) for 13 million yuan, Guiyang Production and Control Comprehensive Comprehensive Comprehensive The infrastructure construction project of the bonded zone scientific and technological innovation industrial park was 1,73.8 million yuan and 150.1 million yuan in the Electronic Information Manufacturing Industrial Park in Guanshan Lake District, Guiyang City, effectively ensuring the capital demand of major national infrastructure projects.


The three projects supported this time are all provincial key projects, which are included in major national construction projects. The total investment of the project has a total investment of 3.371 billion yuan. The construction content covers the new LNG can box box logistics distribution center, the construction of scientific and technological innovation industrial parks and electronic information Construction of manufacturing industrial parks. In response to the actual and characteristics of the project, the sub -branch actively processed to serve local party and government and project owners, adhere to the prevention and control of risks in accordance with the law, refine the service measures for the project to promote the implementation of the project, and promote the implementation and push the project. Germany, the same question, the same questions, the same -fellowship, the same frequency resonance, the sharing of the same shared, the same, the same bitterness, the legality, compliance, and reasonableness. With the active guidance of the superiors and the owners of the local party and government, the project owner, the provincial, cities, and county -level three grades realized organic connection linkage, and effectively guaranteed the rapid landing of the fund project.

After the completion of the above projects, it will effectively guide the funds to the weak links of major energy infrastructure, which will help accelerate the development of local high -tech industries, to adjust the local productivity layout, and promote sustainable economic development. It has a great positive effect on guarantee for employment. (Xie Xian Hu Zhu Rui)

Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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