Tax refunds and taxes are rescued!Power generation enterprise reduction guarantee supply supply

Author:State Administration of Taxati Time:2022.08.25

Since the beginning of the summer, the power of electricity use in various places has gradually increased. In order to effectively reduce the burden on the tax and fees of enterprises, ensure the normal operation of power generation enterprises, and ensure energy supply, the tax departments of various places give full play to their functions, accurately serve "energy supply" enterprises, implement detailed combined tax support policies, and provide supply for enterprises. Help development provides "tax motivation".

Tax help enterprise "full power"

Go all out to defeat the "baking inspection"

"Thanks to the value -added tax retaining taxes to the accounts in two batches this year, the reserved tax refund tax played. In the" baking inspection "of high temperature and power supply this year, we have provided us with financial support. Normal production and operation. "Said Deng Li, the financial staff of the National Energy Group Sichuan Huayangshan Power Generation Company.

Since August, affected by high temperature and drought disaster weather, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, has been in the severe situation of the highest extreme temperature, minimum precipitation, and maximum power load in the same period. Under extreme high -temperature weather, social electricity consumption has risen steadily, power load has increased significantly, and energy guarantee tasks are becoming increasingly arduous. How to help power companies through difficulty and run smoothly, and effectively protect basic people's livelihood, has become a major work focus of the current tax department.

The National Energy Group Sichuan Huapuishan Power Generation Co., Ltd. is a company that develops, produces and sells for the development, production and sales of firepower and thermal power generation products. Continuous high temperatures, the demand for electric coal is greatly increased, and supply is not in short supply; the problem of insufficient railway capacity distribution, and the congestion of coal -to -coal cars brings difficulty to the transportation of electric coal, which is undoubtedly a major challenge for the company.

Deng Li, the financial staff of the National Energy Group Sichuan Huapuishan Power Generation Company, said: "Since the beginning of this year, the tax department has opened a green channel for us to reserve a value -added tax deduction tax refund and obtain a total of more than 2084 yuan for reserved tax refund. Enterprises have sufficient mobile funds to buy electric coal, which relieves the company's greater pressure, which also makes us more confident to do power supply. "

The taxes are returned, and the confidence is increased. Power thermal gas and water production and supply industries are one of the six major industries supported by large -scale value -added tax refunds this year. In order to effectively implement the value -added tax refund policy and help power companies through the difficulties, the Dazhou taxation department implements "one -to -one" and "point -to -point" services to power companies, accurate drip irrigation, to ensure that the tax refund policy takes root, taxes and dividends Directly enjoy and enjoy. The moisturizing policy of large -scale value -added tax retaining policy has allowed many companies such as the National Energy Group Sichuan Huapuishan Power Generation Company to pass through difficulties and ensure stable production.

Tax and benefit policy continues to work hard

Electric power companies actively store energy storage

"As of July 27, our company received a total of 105 million yuan in tax refund. This money was mainly used for settlement of raw materials after receiving the account. At present, although it is the peak of summer electricity, it has benefited from national taxes and fees and fees. In preferential policy support, our coal reserves are sufficient, power is fully turned on, and there is no problem with electricity protection. "Guoreng Ningxia Lingwu Power Generation Co., Ltd. Finance Li Runge is full of confidence in enterprise development.

Benefiting from the new combined tax support policy, Ningxia Energy Insurance has obtained valuable funding support, generally formulated and implemented relevant guarantee plans in advance, and focused on improving energy supply capabilities to ensure stable energy supply in the second half of the year.

In order to ensure that tax refund is quickly reached and reached energy to maintain enterprises, the Ningxia tax department visits relevant enterprises on a regular basis to understand the actual operation of the enterprise, and continue to do a good job of policy publicity, accurately ask the needs, and do it efficiently to ensure that the energy bonus of the enterprise is shared. Enjoy it, you should retreat. "

According to statistics, in the first half of this year, the power thermal and gas supply industry in the region received a total of 5.7 billion yuan in tax refund, accounting for 53%of the total tax refund. Among them, 11 companies received more than 100 million yuan in tax refund funds.

Tax and benefit overtime "full power"

Coal -fired power generation enterprises restore their vitality

Cash flow is the lifeline. In order to allow funds to "live water" quickly, the taxation department of Yunnan Province draws tax refund "line maps", built a "high -speed road" of tax refund, and helps coal -fired power generation companies restore their vitality.

Shipping County, a new energy Co., Ltd. is a coal -fired power and thermal supply enterprise. Under the dual pressure of continuous rising coal prices and rising transportation costs, the company's profit margin has been continuously compressed. Essence Under the counseling of the State Administration of Taxation's Shiping County Taxation Bureau, Yang Guangyan, the company's financial leader, submitted an application for tax refund for tax refund through the Electronic Taxation Bureau.

"The retaining tax refund of nearly 6 million yuan has greatly alleviated the capital pressure of the enterprise. This is undoubtedly a charcoal for our company's development!" When talking about the value -added tax retaining policy, Yang Guangyan was full of sense of gain.

It is understood that the Shiping County Taxation Bureau jointly financed the financial, banks and other departments to focus on the main points of work in various links, and create a fast lane for "applying for office, rapid review, and efficient tax refund", so that the taxpayer feels "one -click submission, tax refund is timely timely, timely tax refund is timely The tax "acceleration" of the account ".

Source: People's Daily Online, China Tax News

Editor in charge: Zhang Feiyang

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