Directly hit the "San Xia" production: Harvest Harvest Harvest frequently spreads the intensive drums of summer broadcasts

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.06.18

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 17th. The Economic Reference News published on June 17th published by a reporter's article "Directly hit the" Sanxia "production: Harvest Harvest Harvest Harmony frequently spreads the intensive drums." The article states that "high output, high quality, good price, the situation is better than expected, and it is another harvest year!" - This is the "happy news" he heard by reporters recently surveyed in the first -line survey of Xialiang's main production area. Right now, the national wheat harvesting work is nearing the end, and the quality of wheat in multiple main producing areas is better than all year round, and the harvest exceeds expectations. At the same time, Xia Pi is also intensively developing. Xia Gan returned to the warehouse, the autumn grain was long, and the earth was planted again.

On June 16, farmers cultivated in the castle terraces. Recently, the Gao Cao terraces in Shangbao Township, Chongyi County, Jiangxi Province entered the farming season. The fields of the mountains and the water surface were like a melody of the earth, which was beautiful. Xinhua News Agency reporter Vientiane Photo

Xia Grain is the first season of food production throughout the year. Experts said that this year's summer grain harvest is full, and the policy of benefiting farmers has been introduced one after another, which has boosted the farmers' grain confidence and allow the Chinese to bring the rice bowl more firmly.

Recently, the reporter came to Caoleburg Village, Zhao Township, Handan District, Handan City, Hebei Province, to see that the peasant Cao Hongbo's Mai Tian was accompanied by a roar of the machine, and the ears of the wheat were being installed into the "belly" of the joint harvester. Inside, Huang Chengcheng's wheat grains.

Affected by the rare autumn flood last year, the seedlings in Hebei Province before the winter of winter wheat were the worst in the past 30 years. According to agricultural conditions, wheat in Hebei Province is currently better than last year, which is the best last year in history. The summer grain harvest is expected. It is expected that a large area will be basically ended around June 22.

"This year, the wheat in the village has grown‘ explosive ’, and every household wheat has a high output.” Zhang Pengfei, secretary of the Party branch of Caoleburg Village on behalf of Caoleburg Village, told reporters that at present, 2855 acres of wheat in Caolebao Village have all returned to warehouses.

"Sanxia" is busy season, such a good harvest is frequent.

With the basics of summer harvest, Lu Shiren, director of the Agricultural and Rural Department of Anhui Province, told the Economic Reference News that 42.8 million acres of wheat godiablag in Anhui is expected to hit a record high.

"This year's wheat is not only high in yield, but also good quality." Wu Jie, chief of the comprehensive business stocks of the Food and Material Reserve Center, Huoqiu County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, said, "In the past few years, the wheat has imperfect grains. Look at it! "

The reporter learned from the Grain and Material Reserve of Anhui Province that recently, the quality survey of the bureau's quality of major wheat production areas such as Huaibei and Luzhou showed that as of June 7, wheats above the third or more 9.7 percentage points.

The "super -expected" harvest comes from a series of "ultra -intensity" stabilization measures. On the one hand, technologies such as seeding, precision reporting of diseases and insects, and "one spray and three defenses" are widely used in the fields. Scientific and technological support has run through the entire process of grain production, circulation, collection and storage. On the other hand, from sowing, management to harvesting, mechanized mechanization has improved grain production capacity.

"Last year, our village excavated more than 1,000 meters of irrigation canal. The Agricultural and Rural Bureau regularly flew to prevent drugs. The technical staff guided the fields and the leaders of the township, and the leaders of the township and the cadres of the contract with the package of the federations to conduct the" science and technology magnificent seedlings' actions. Dry on the ground. "Zhang Pengfei told reporters that this year the wheat has not been invaded by pests and hot winds, and looks particularly good.

During loss is also increased production. The reporter learned from the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department of Anhui Province that by promoting the reducing damage reduction technology of grain machines, the loss rate of wheat machines in Anhui Province this year is less than 2%, reducing the loss of wheat harvest by about 300 million kilograms.

Grain and money are available -according to COFCO Group, the purchase of food, quantity, and price of food this summer this year is "three highs". At present, the purchase price of COFCO this year is significantly higher than the minimum purchase price, which is the highest in recent years.

"Since the listing of Xinmai, various types of enterprises such as processing, reserves, and trade have a strong willingness to purchase, actively entering the market, and high market activity. At present, the price of wheat purchase is generally around 1.5 yuan per catty, which is much higher than the minimum acquisition of 1.15 yuan. Price level. "Jiang Nan, deputy director and researcher of the Macroeconomic Research Office of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Comprehensive improvement of the minimum purchase price of food, one -time agricultural subsidies for farmers in planting grain farmers, agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidies ... a series of good farmers' policies have come.

With the total income of his own 16 acres of land, Cao Hongbo's hearty laugh echoed in the wheat field. In previous years, it was good! "

"Since this year, my country’ s summer grain production has faced various challenges. It coordinates the prevention and control of the epidemic and the spring agricultural production in various places. Healthy operation laid a solid foundation. "Jiang Nan said.

Summer harvest is connected to the summer species. Right now, the summer species have also entered the peak.

After receiving the wheat, early in the morning, a large number of grains in Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province were still busy planting corn in the field. Shang Yue said that while the weather was good, he hurriedly broadcast the seeds into the ground, and the peasant time could not be delayed.

This year, 370 acres of soybean corn was planted again. "Two lines of corn and 4 lines of soybeans can not only achieve corn non -reduced production, but also increase soybeans." Shang Yue said. In the southeast of Anhui, rice transplanting is also intense and orderly.

The reporter learned that this year Anhui is expected to broadcast a food area of 61.45 million acres. As of June 12, 36.159 million mu has been sowed, accounting for 58.8%of the planned area.Based on the increase of summer grain and spring broadcast grain area, after the completion of the Xiawan intention, Anhui's food area will reach more than 109.7 million acres throughout the year.As of June 14, the summer broadcast area of Henan Province was 78.794 million mu, accounting for 87.5%of the expected area.The summer grain returns to the warehouse, the autumn grain is long at the beginning, and the hope of planting a bumper harvest in the field.(Reporter Wang Zixu, Guo Yaru, Jinchen Jiang Gang, Guo Yaru Ma Yi, Beijing Shijiazhuang Hefei Zhengzhou report)

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