Experts talk | Continue to relax market access to speed up hidden barriers

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.08.24

At present, the production and operation of small and medium -sized enterprises in my country is facing some pressure. In order to stabilize market entities and help the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises over the difficulties, since this year, relevant departments have introduced a series of policies to help enterprises' rescue policies, continue to optimize the business environment, and help enterprises solve problems in production and operation.

Wang Dawei, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission's Business Environment Development Promotion Center, said in an interview with a reporter from the Financial Association that it is necessary to better play the important supporting role of optimizing the business environment on the work of "six stability" and "six guarantees". Market access continues to stimulate the vitality of the market entity.

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission's Business Environment Promotion Center, Development and Reform British Talent Wang Dawei

Optimize the business environment and focus on "unified opening"

Wang Dawei said that optimizing the business environment should focus on "unified openness", "unification" is in terms of domestic markets, to optimize the business environment to help the construction of a unified market in the country; High -level openness.

In terms of optimizing the business environment to help the construction of a unified market in the country, we must continue to relax market access to allow enterprises to enter equal and competition fairly. Comprehensively implement management systems such as market access negative list and administrative license list.

In addition, it is necessary to accelerate the hidden barriers of the market, break the "glass door", promote the good ecology that is conducive to the investment in various market entities, cancel the unreasonable restrictions on the cross -regional operation of the enterprise, and break the local protection and regional barriers. , Smooth the economic cycle, further reduce market transaction costs, and help the construction of a unified market in the country.

In terms of optimizing the business environment to promote high -level opening up, we must adhere to the same as internal and foreign enterprises and promote the stable development of foreign trade. Strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investment, implement the national treatment of foreign enterprises, and further improve the management system for the negative list of foreign investment access.

In addition, it is necessary to implement and encourage foreign investment industry catalogs in a timely manner to promote the implementation of major foreign projects. Actively respond to the convenience of foreign -funded enterprises to come to Chinese businessmen's convenience, increase services to ensure the efforts of foreign -funded enterprises, help stabilize the basic market for foreign trade, make my country always become a hot land investment, and become a strong and attractive investment destination.

Ensure that the bailout policy is quickly and precise

Wang Dawei believes that it is necessary to innovate corporate service methods to ensure that the bailout policy is quickly and precise. During the period of policy -intensive introduction, through information sharing, accurate services, and door -to -door services, we must realize from "finding policies" to "policies to find enterprises."

In addition, through the national integrated government service platform, we must do a good job of in -depth integration of electronicization and inter -provincial mutual recognition; through the horizontal collaboration of the department, upper and lower vertical linkage, and demonstration leadership, carry out targeted, effective and innovative service activities Essence In addition, the information feedback channel should be unblocked to respond to the demands of SMEs in a timely manner.

In the next step, we must further establish a smooth information feedback channel, and to timely understand the difficulty of the difficulty in the production and operation of small, medium and micro enterprises through tracking assessment, communication dialogue and other methods.

China's business environment is more advantageous compared to Southeast Asian countries

In recent years, some Southeast Asian countries have grown rapidly, and my country and Southeast Asian countries have close economic and trade cooperation. Compared with Southeast Asian countries, China's business environment has its own characteristics. However, from the World Bank ranking and the introduction of foreign investment, China's business environment is generally more advantageous.

Wang Dawei believes that from the evaluation of the business environment, according to the results of the World Bank, except for a few countries such as Singapore and Malaysia in Southeast Asian countries, most countries rank after 70. From the perspective of foreign investment, in the global turbulence situation, my country is an important "shelter" for global investors. Even affected by factors such as the epidemic, the actual use of foreign capital in 2020 and 2021 continued to innovate high, with two years of growth rates of 6.2%and 14.9%, respectively.

He proposed that compared with other economies, there are two main advantages in the construction of China's business environment. One is the systematic, overallness, and synergy of the policy level. The improvement of the business environment has greatly stimulated the vitality of the market's main body. The number of market entities in my country increased from 55 million households in 2012 to 161 million households at the end of June 2022.

In addition, from the perspective of the market, my country's industrial ecology is rich and diverse, and the door category is complete; the number of market entities is large, the activity is stable at about 70%, and the development pattern of large and medium -sized enterprises is initially formed. Sex makes China's business environment construction more tolerant, more sensitive, and closer to the needs of market entities. (Reporter Zhang Xiaoyu)

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