Haidian District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau implements a "benefit enterprise" gift package

Author:Haidian Rong Media Time:2022.08.22

Beijing Xiaoxiang Zengfu Food Park has been operating for more than 20 years. Due to the epidemic, the restaurant has not been able to eat for a while, the number of customers has dropped sharply, and the income has fallen sharply. After the issuance of social security premiums, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau") of the Haidian District actively implemented the slow -payment policy and sent the "big gift package" to the enterprise. With the help of policy, the company can slowly pay nearly 400,000 yuan in social security premiums, effectively solving the company's cash flow problem.

In Haidian, there are many cases such as Beijing Xiaoxiang Zengfu Gourmet Garden. The District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau actively implements a phased social security policy, relieves difficulties for market players, and helps enterprises light up.

Slowly pay social premiums to solve the urgent urgent enterprise to ignite eyebrows

The Pacific Underwater World Expo is located under the Central Radio and Television Tower. It is a comprehensive modern large -scale expo that focuses on marine creatures, integrates science education, and entertainment. Hundreds of marine life in the museum, as large as ferocious sharks, as small as colorful coral fish and a variety of rare freshwater fish. More than 300 species, more than 20,000 marine fish are as comfortable and endless as living in natural waters.

There are more than a dozen professional aquaculture personnel, aquarium engineering personnel and marine biological experts responsible for the technical and management work of the aquarium. Affected by the epidemic, this year, the Pacific Underwater World Expo has experienced several long -term closed halls. For enterprises, the income is gone, but the expenditure is not less, which makes the business operation encounter difficulties.

"Since this year, affected by the epidemic, indoor venues have not been open to the public for the time being, and the operation of our museum has been greatly impacted." Zhou Zhiying, financial manager of the Pacific Underwater World Expo Co., Ltd., "This means for us, for us, There is no penny income, but a large amount of expenditure still exists, such as rent, hydropower, and employees' salary and social security. "

At the time of the enterprise, the relevant policies of slow payment of social security expenses and exempting late funds issued by the WeChat public account of Haidian Social Security Center brought great surprises to the enterprise. Zhou Zhiying said: "We immediately apply for an application online, starting from April 2022, until the end of the year, it is expected that nearly a hundred employees can be paid by nearly 100,000 yuan to a certain extent to alleviate the pressure of corporate funds to a certain extent."

Expand the implementation scope of the implementation of the slow payment policy

Wu Yue, a staff member of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced that in order to help enterprises that have seriously affected the epidemic, companies in difficulties have passed difficulties and resumed development, in May, Beijing introduced the social security premiums such as catering, retail, and tourism. In June, the scope of the implementation of the policy was further expanded, and the 17 industries affiliated to the industrial chain supply chain, all small and medium -sized enterprises in production and operation difficulties, and individual industrial and commercial households who were in difficulty in production and operation, and were included in the scope of slow payment. Essence Clarify the application conditions of difficult enterprises, expand the scope of enjoyment, and simplify the processing procedures with voluntary application and written commitments. The sub -payment period of the three social insurance premiums of pension, unemployment, and work injury will be exempted from late payment. On July 20, the medical insurance also issued a slow payment policy. Small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households who participated in insurance in the form of units can slowly pay the payment section of the medical insurance unit from July to September this year. Treatment and personal equity records.

In order to better escort difficulties, companies should slowly slow down and slow down, to minimize the burden of the enterprise, for more than 3 months, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has continued to carry out publicity services in all aspects. Interpretation of dry goods through SMS and WeChat public accounts online, 7 live broadcasts have been launched. Offline special windows and consulting hotlines are opened to accurately answer questions for enterprises, and posted publicity posters in office spaces such as 29 street town service centers, corporate parks and key office buildings in the district, and extended publicity tentacles.

The District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau adheres to the principles of online, fast -moving, and active runs, and follow -up services to slowly pay enterprises throughout the process to avoid enterprises from running for more ways, saving corporate time costs, slowing the burden of corporate affairs, and safeguarding the social security rights and interests of corporate employees. Faced with a significant increase in consultation, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau actively opened the hot line and telephone consultation hotline offline to accurately answer corporate questions to ensure that the implementation of the policy of benefiting enterprise enterprises has achieved practical results. As of August 15, the social security premiums have attracted more than 6,600 enterprises in Haidian District, and the "benefit enterprise bailout" gift package has injecting the driving force of sustainable development into the enterprise. (Reporter Nie Ruiwen/Photo)

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