67,000 shareholders have no sleep!"The cheapest chip stock" resumed listing today. On the first day, there is no restriction on the rise and fall in the first day.

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.08.22

On the evening of August 21st, the chip stocks that had been suspended for two and a half years were announced that the company's shares resumed listing on August 22, and the stock abbreviation was changed to "Yingfang Micro." On the first day of the company's stock recovery, the price rising decline is not implemented, and the daily rising decline limit is 10%from the next trading day.

Earlier, some investors commented that this was "the cheapest chip stock." The data shows that the closing price of*ST Yingfang's shares before the suspension of the trading day (March 19, 2020) was 2.25 yuan/share, with a total market value of 1.827 billion yuan. According to the company's semi -annual report in 2022, at the end of the report period, the total number of general shareholders of*ST Yingfang was 6,6667.

The net profit of three consecutive years is negative

In 2014, Yingfangwei used Shun Yuan Industrial's equity separation reform to achieve backdoor listing. The company's Chinese name was changed from "Shunyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd." to "Yingfang Microelectronics Co., Ltd.". Yingfang Wei's current main business is the research and development, design, sales and electronic component distribution business of SOC chips.

After the backdoor listing, the 2015 annual report showed that Yingfangwei achieved operating income of 376 million yuan in 2015, a year -on -year increase of 100%; net profit of home mother was 2.109 million yuan, an increase of 305%year -on -year.

However, Yingfang Wei's 2015 financial report was issued by the accounting firm that "unable to express opinions" by the accounting firm, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange implemented a "delisting risk warning" on the company's stock.

In October 2016, the company received the "Investigation Notice" from the CSRC. In November 2019, the Securities Regulatory Commission announced that after investigation, Yingfang Micro -shared that the data center service business did not actually fulfill the relevant obligations, as well as false records of information disclosure. In 2015, the total profit increase was 23.5657 million yuan. Ying Fangwei was fined 600,000 yuan by the CSRC, Chen Zhicheng, then chairman, general manager, and actual controller, was fined 300,000 yuan, and other relevant responsible persons were also fined.

In 2017, Yingfang Weimou's net profit lost 315 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 1401.85%. In February 2018, Chen Zhicheng, the original controller and chairman of the company, was arrested for suspected bill fraud; Chen Zhicheng asked the company's board of directors to resign from the chairman of the board of directors. Later, due to the dispute between equity pledge, Chen Zhicheng's company's shares held by Chen Zhicheng were auctioned by judicial.

In December 2018, Yingfangwei signed a business suspension agreement with the customer. The termination of the contract caused the company's data center leasing business to temporarily stagnate. The follow -up business depends on the actual expansion process of the new customer and there is uncertainty. In 2019, Yingfang Wei's revenue achieved only 4.13 million yuan, while the net profit of returning home lost 206 million yuan.

On April 3, 2020, Yingfangwei received the "Decision on the Suspension of the Stocks of Yingfang Microelectronics Co., Ltd." from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. " The profit is continuously negative. According to the relevant regulations and the review opinions of the Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company's shares are decided to suspend listing from April 7, 2020.

Resume continuous operation capabilities

According to Yingfang WeChat announcement, affected by the company's investigation incident and the negative information of the original actual controller, the company's various financing channels are restricted, business cooperation and market expansion are frequently blocked, operating cash flow continues to be tight, all businesses appear, all businesses have appeared all business. Greatly atrophy or stagnation. In order to completely resolve the dilemma faced by the company's operation, the company actively promotes major asset reorganization.

In July 2020, Yingfang Micro company sold 100%equity of Shanghai Yimuang Technology Development Co., Ltd. ("Shaoxing Shunyuan") to Shaoxing Shunyuan Machinery Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shaoxing Shunyuan"). Electronics Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shanghai Yingfangwei") owns asset packets composed of 102.698 million yuan in claims of 102.698 million yuan in credit and its subsidiary Infotm, Inc. After the transaction is completed, Xun Technology is no longer included in the scope of the merger statement of listed companies.

In September 2020, Yingfangwei used the method of paying cash to complete the use of Shenzhen Huaxinke Technology Co., Ltd. and World STYLE Technology Holdings Limited. At the acquisition of 51%of the equity, Huaxinke and World Style became the subsidiary of a listed company, which was included in the scope of the listed company's consolidated statement. Among them, the transaction price of 51%equity of Huaxinke was 3201.667 million yuan, and the transaction price of 51%of World Style was 280.5 million yuan.

According to the 2021 annual report, Yingfang Wei's first time to achieve the annual parallel of the distribution of electronic components, the company achieved revenue of 2.890 billion yuan, an increase of 312.88%year -on -year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 3.238 million yuan, a year -on -year loss.

In May 2021, Yingfang Wei's board of directors submitted an application to the company's shares to resume listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company has previously hired Huachuang Securities as the sponsors of the company's stock to resume listing.

In April 2021, Yingfang WeChat stated that it was planned to use the issue of issuance to the price of 632 million yuan to acquire 49%equity of Huaxinke and 49%of the World STYLE shares;Subsidy subsidiary of listed companies.At the same time, the company intends to use Zhejiang Shunyuan Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as Shunyuan Enterprise Management) to the largest shareholder of the listed company at 1.64 yuan/share prices, not more than 244 million shares, and the total amount of supporting funds raised does not exceed 400 million yuan.Before the transaction, the listed company had no controlling shareholders and no actual controller. After the transaction was completed, Shunyuan's enterprise management will hold 26.24%of the listed company, becoming the controlling shareholder of listed companies, and Chen Yanbiao will become the actual controller of the listed company.

Yingfang Wei said that the main business of the target company is distributed by electronic components and has good profitability. The remaining equity of the target company will further enhance the profitability of listed companies and effectively improve the continuous continuous operation capabilities of listed companies.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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