Xinjiang's epidemic prevention production is not wrong, optimizing the supply of people to protect people's livelihood Time:2022.08.19

Recently, in order to actively respond to the complex situation of the epidemic prevention and control of our district and assume the social responsibility of the enterprise, relevant enterprises in all areas of our district have taken scientific and effective measures, coordinating the epidemic prevention, control and production and operation, and strive to achieve efficient operation of the industrial chain supply chain. During the prevention and control of the good epidemic, people's livelihood security work contributes.

At present, the supply of food and oil such as grain and oil in the region is sufficient, and the people of the people are normal and orderly.

On August 12, under the premise of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control, employees are stepping up the production and disinfecting supplies under the premise of doing a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic. Lu Xinmei Photo

Coordinating production insurance supply

Xinjiang Yinong and Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. is a "specialized new" SME autonomous region such as cakes and other foods. At present, there are 13 employees in the company in the company. While cooperating with the community to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, they produce about 1.5 per day. All kinds of cakes, except for moon cakes to Beijing and Xi'an, all the bread and milk crickets are all supplied to the local market.

"The competent authorities have provided strong support for the production of enterprises to ensure that the logistics is unimpeded. We can ensure the supply and normal production of raw materials through going out procurement, use inventory and other methods, and to meet the market demand of Urumqi as much as possible." Li Yunqian introduced.

On August 18th, in the production workshop of Xinjiang Guanghai Ji Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd., which is located in Anjihai Town, Shawan City, the workers are installing a box of "Xian Anjiao" chili sauce car to prepare to send it. Urumqi. Since this round of epidemic, the company has implemented closed -loop management for the first time, organizing 50 workers to carry out production in the factory area, while ensuring the prevention and control of the epidemic to ensure that the production is not stopped.

Li Mukun, general manager of the company, said that during the epidemic, the company arranged the production and operation reasonably, and it could produce nearly 3 tons of chili sauce a day.

Disinfection is a necessary epidemic prevention material. As the current largest disinfection product manufacturer in Xinjiang, after the key urban area of ​​Urumqi has implemented temporary static management measures, in the filling workshop of Xinjiang Jianing 84th Disinfection Products Co., Ltd., the assembly line is "full of firepower". More than 30 employees are in The production line is busy, and a bottle of disinfection solution quickly "walks" the production line.

"At present, in addition to small packaging disinfectant, we also have 25 kg barrels of disinfection oral disinfection agents. We increase horsepower production, just want to run with time, and produce more disinfection products." Yun Chao said that at present, the enterprise production line is uninterrupted for 12 hours, and the daily disinfection liquid production capacity has reached 36,000 bottles, and strive to ensure the demand for disinfection products for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

On August 15th, the liquid packaging workshop of Xinjiang Xiao Kitchen Food Co., Ltd., workers are working on the production line. Photo by He Long

Unblocked channels and stable markets

Chai Mi oil salt sauce vinegar tea, as the indispensable edible salt for the people a day, is related to the normal life of the masses. Since the occurrence of this round of epidemic, as the main channel of Xinjiang Salt supply and the Xinjiang Salt Government reserve and storage enterprise, 7 manufacturers of China Salt Xinjiang Salt Industry Co., Ltd. went all out to do a good job in the production of salt products to ensure that the market salt supply was sufficient. The company's party committee secretary and chairman Zhao Weiguo introduced that Zhongyan Xinjiang's salt industry will give full play to the role of the leading enterprise and protect the safety of the "salt bags" of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. Since August 1, the company's second -tier enterprises have produced a total of 179,000 tons of salt products, of which 6310.6 tons of edible salt were produced and 5739.62 tons of salt products were sold. At present, there are 144 front -line distribution staff and 117 distribution vehicles. By strengthening the "point -to -point" direct supply distribution method, the "healthy China · salt reduction action" is implemented to provide healthy salt products for the general public.

With the support of smooth channels, raw materials can better reach upstream and downstream companies, thereby achieving the healthy development of the industrial chain. Master Kang, located in Shihezi Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Jinmai Lang's two major instant noodle food factories. They are one of the key customers of Xinjiang Salt Lake Company. From August 15th to 16th, Xinjiang Salt Lake Corporation sent 99 tons of large packaging salt to two instant noodle factories. "Enterprises also sent more than 30 tons of large packaging salt to Naisi Urumqi Co., Ltd. for the production of daily chemical products to ensure the normal operation of upstream and downstream companies." Said Yuan Mingkang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Xinjiang Salt Lake Company.

Xinjiang Bufen Food Co., Ltd. is a food company in Urumqi producing quick -frozen pure beef steaks and pure meat grilled sausage. Recently, the company's production and processing of pure meat and steaks such as beef and mutton has reached more than 100 daily. "We are equipped with 3 distribution and distribution staff, and strictly accommodate the products and protect the products in strict accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control. Employees are busy from morning to night to provide customers with all kinds of products in the city." Aimura Kahar said.

Xinjiang Tianrun Dairy Co., Ltd. is the largest sales company in Xinjiang's liquid milk production. At present, various pastures are operating normally. Each factory is full of horsepower, and it keeps production day and night.

"Since the occurrence of this round of epidemic, while strictly doing the prevention and control of the epidemic, we have overcome difficulties and make every effort to ensure production and operation." Enterprises also focus on strengthening the whole process control of the product, ensuring the safety of the product packaging, transportation, storage, and distribution of the product, unblocking sales channels, and ensuring that the dairy market is stable and the delivery is smooth.

On August 13, in the intelligent LED botanical factory of Xinjiang amethyst Kawabagawa Suggae Agricultural Co., Ltd., the staff were harvested and packed the vegetables. Correspondent Li Huiming Photo Precision Service Huimin Life

At the moment, Xinjiang Kuron Niya Ecological Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., as a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, has actively invested in the work of distribution protection for epidemic prevention materials in Urumqi. Zhang Rongjie, deputy general manager of the company, introduced that the company specially launched and operated the WeChat mini -programs -Kundunnia ecological gifts. Residents can place orders in WeChat applets. After that, the company will distribute the required meat, eggs and other materials to the community, and make every effort. Ensure the supply of meat and eggs of residents.

"We strive to send GAP -certified high -quality vegetables to consumers." Zhang Shize, general manager of Xinjiang amethyst Kawagawa Shuto High -tech Agricultural Co., Ltd. said that recently, the company's plant factory base and smart grass demonstration factory have maintained normal production. The enterprise set up a special team to actively contact the point -to -point distribution services to respond to the demand for high -quality vegetable bag distribution in communities or communities in various streets. At present, companies can provide up to 500 vegetable distribution and 10 tons of fresh forage supply to Urumqi daily. Vegetables include 12 types of vegetables, cabbage, and cucumbers.

On the 18th, 99 employees struggled on the front line in the Xinjiang Bailong Fresh Food (Group) Supply Chain Co., Ltd., and the central kitchen production lines were operating efficiently. At the same time, the one -stop supply platform of Baicheng Fresh Food Group, the one -stop supply platform, is also busy processing customer order information. At the Rolling Food Sorting Center, the staff sorted all kinds of vegetables, fruits, miscellaneous grains, prefabricated vegetables and other ingredients according to the needs of various units and residents' orders, and installed logistics vehicles overnight to distribute them to various demand enterprises and residents.

Zhang Meiling, Director of the Office of Xinjiang Baicheng Fresh Food (Group) Supply Chain Co., Ltd., introduced that at present, nearly 100,000 people such as large, small, medium -sized enterprises and institutions, community residents can provide nearly 100,000 people with boxes, rice noodles, oils, fruits and vegetables, meat, etc. Life materials, as an epidemic -guaranteed unit, operates for 24 hours of production, sorting, and logistics distribution of enterprises. All products realize cheap sales to ensure sufficient supply of various products.

"After Urumqi implemented the temporary static management measures in key urban areas, Urumqi Suning Logistics Express Team was put into the delivery guarantee work of the launch of people's biological materials' last miles. Anxinzhai house provides delivery services for emergency needs for maternal and infants, 3C, small appliances, etc. "Shi Yanfei, the operation director of Xinjiang Suning Tesco Trading Co., Ltd., introduced that Xinjiang Suning Tesco also opened the" 818 Suning Tesco home appliances home clothing shopping The "festival" activity meets consumers' shopping needs through online live broadcast and community e -commerce.

(Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Liu Yi participated in the reporter Shi Xinhei Hongwei Ma Yinning Peak Miki Naser Toya in Jiang Yan Xie Hui into Ma Yiyu)

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