Say goodbye to Weilai Worship: fanatics, community culture and Xiaomi believers

Author:Zero state LT Time:2022.08.19

The new energy circle says that Li Bin is good at market operations. Li wants to do products. Xiaopeng is good at technology. It is a long time to make the most powerful tram brands in China.

People praise Weilai's market operations and Weilai's fan culture. However, a few reports of Weilai reports will find that Weilai's market operations learn from Xiaomi. In fact, the fans of Weilai and Xiaomi do have the characteristics of the fans of Weilai and Xiaomi. Many similarities. In other words, Weilai's market operation is not mysterious. Li Bin visited Lei Jun and understood Xiaomi to make a "replica" according to the cat and tiger. So can other brands copy one?

The answer is certainly yes.

I have analyzed Bitcoin and Boman Hunan Beef Powder in the new book "Trend: The Secret Behind the Blast of the Brand: The Secret Behind the Circle". The key to the structure is three points: a suitable operating container, find the most suitable group to start and activate their link relationship.

Next, we took Weilai as an example to try to solve the secret behind the fans.


Weilai app

Operating containers that cannot be ignored

The first step we need an operating container.

What is an operating container?

能装东西的是容器,能建立人与品牌之间关系的平台就是运营容器,比如微信、QQ等连接人与人的社交网络平台,再比如微博、抖音、快手、小红书、知Social media platforms that connect people, people, and content of people, people, and content of people, people, and content, and the kitchen, snowball, acquisition, tiger flutter, baby tree, car home, etc. are also interested in vertical media platforms. Independent APPs such as Weilai and Xiaomi can also become operating containers.

Future Auto Daily "Remove the Weilai APP: The rice circle business that can't be copied? 》 In the article, I talked about the development process of Weilai APP. Li Bin directly overturned a functional APP framework designed by the team, and asked our direction to be the community. In this regard, Li Bin's original idea was the social philosophy of Weilai APP It is emphasized that "it doesn't matter if you buy a car or not, you can discuss or look at others together."

The final community plan has also become the final solution of the Weilai App. So the question is, why is a operating container?

First of all, we need to think about a question, why do many brands cost tens of millions of dollars for advertising? Because the relationship between most brands and their users is too weak, toothpaste, toothbrushes, detergents, and seasoning cannot be bought once a month. Two times.

These brands want to leave an impression in the minds of consumers, choose this brand when consumers make consumer decisions, and give up other brands, they must bombard them through constant advertising, that is, advertising is a brand and consumer establishment relationships. Way. The Internet provides a more effective way to the brand. For example, each independent app not only establishes a self -reserved area to circulate users, but also reminds users by pop -up windows to maintain the relationship with them.

Of course, the most powerful is WeChat. You can block the pop -up window of any app and uninstall any app. In addition to WeChat, more and more brands use various means to introduce users into WeChat ecology such as WeChat groups, applets, public accounts, and corporate WeChat. Maintain the relationship with users in this highest -frequency app. In addition, there are social media platforms such as Douyin, Weibo, B, and Xiaohongshu, which also have the ability to maintain relationships. The same is true of Weilai, Xiaomi and other independent community apps.

It can be said that the value of operating containers is that it can establish relations with consumers for a long time and maintain the relationship. This can gradually replace the traditional relationship model of establishing a relationship with consumers by advertising. In a sense, cost -effective.

Weilai uses a ripple mode to describe the user's operating strategy. Compared with the traditional car companies' sales funnel model, Weilai brings together all users in the operating container. , Affect each other, then transform to form a ripple. The system is more complicated, and it seems that the operating cost is higher, but because all means pointing to continuously maintaining a relationship with consumers, it is easier to obtain users through word of mouth.

▲ Picture: Weilai's ripple mode (car home)

It is worth noting that, unlike many brands who are more increasingly loaded into operating containers who have purchased products or services. Weilai and Xiaomi and Bado are both users with similar backgrounds and the same preferences (Weilai’s electric vehicle’s electric car The enthusiasts, Xiaomi digital enthusiasts, and young people in Hunan in Beijing) are first installed into the operating container, and then transformed through operations.

Although there are categories such as high unit price and long consumption decision -making process, more importantly, to operate a active operating container, rather than the same advertising release group. In the early days, there were a group of people who had the same topics in the early days, and the other was online+offline operations, which allowed newcomers to integrate faster and continuously expand the scale.

So how do you get these two elements? First of all, start with the "right" person.


How to find users

As we all know, the story of Xiaomi mobile phone starts from MIUI. In 2010, Xiaomi first launched the MIUI community on August 3. After 10 days of operation, it attracted 100 internal test users. On August 16, 2010, it was launched. In the MIUI internal beta version, in the upset of the Android system, it quickly captured a number of Android enthusiasts who could flash the machine with an experience far beyond other competitors. After a whole year, on August 16, 2011, Xiaomi mobile phones were released. These users who originally loved their lovers and MIUI users naturally became the cornerstone users of Xiaomi mobile phones. Essence

Unlike Xiaomi, from the perspective of time dimension, the launch of the community version of Weilai APP is synchronized with the mass production of Weilai's first car. It can be said that the first batch of users of Weilai APP is the owner of Weilai and the Weilai. Strong interest is very close to the group of Weilai owners.

Who are they?

Judging from the Weilai press conference, Internet practitioners who have a strong interest in the investment team of Weilai Founding Team are definitely part of the Internet practitioners who have a strong interest in scientific and technological innovation, and they are often ignored by electric vehicle enthusiasts.

"Li Bin: You have never seen a real Weilai" showed that as Xiaomi was founded, Lei Jun MIUI cut into Android mobile phones like lovers. At the end of 2014, while the establishment of Weilai, Li Bin came into contact with the Beijing Bird's Nest in Beijing. When a Formula E (electric square car), he quickly decided to sponsor the TCR (Team China Racing) team at the time, signed a contract with F1 experience, Nelson Angelo Piquet, and invested in electric vehicle technology Heavy gold.

Weilai's return is also immediate. In the first season of sponsorship (2014-2015), Little Picquette won the first annual driver championship in Formula E history as expected. Although Weilai paid the cost of more than $ 10 million for this, its gains were quite rich.

Let us think about a question, who is most likely to be Formula E's audience?

A. Driver

B. Geek

C. Electric car fanatical enthusiasts

D. Rich people

Three short and one long -term selection, obvious, the answer is C. But why is electric vehicle fanatical enthusiasts extremely important?

I believe you have discovered that when almost everyone accepts a strange thing, they will involuntarily seek expert help. For a potential consumers who consider buying electric vehicles, the best path is to ask the electric vehicle enthusiasts around them. Knowing that in 2014, when electric vehicles were still a rare thing, these people had a lot of weight coincidence with Formula E's audiences. After finishing Formula E, it also got the most important group of user groups.

Of course, the value of this group of people is more than that. Back to the question just now, will it not be a fan of electric vehicles if you don't drive? almost impossible. Will those who have no interest in technology evolving will become electric vehicle enthusiasts? It seems that the probability is very low. Will people who are running for their livelihoods become electric vehicle enthusiasts? It seems unlikely. Therefore, electric vehicle crazy lovers have a identity, and they are likely to be rich people with certain influence. This identity is equally important.

Tesla CEO Musk put forward Tesla's business strategy in the article "Tesla's Secret Map": first build a car, sell it to rich people, and then use the money you earns to develop cheaper cars and sell it. Give the public.

Tesla's popularity in the world also confirmed the effectiveness of Musk's strategy. The rich people not only brought considerable profits to Tesla, but also laid the tone of Tesla's high -end brand. Some people attribute Mazda Motors to Liang Jiahui's phrase "Bested Mercedes, Rolls -Royce, you don't blame you to plug in the car in the movie" Black Gold ".

Although this view is quite comprehensive, it does tell us in a living example that a high -end brand, not so much because of the high -end and high price, it attracts high -end people. It is better to say that high -end people are using high -end people to use it. So it became a high -end brand.

Therefore, just like the European royal family hundreds of years ago, the social names of Hermes and LV, the Hermes and LV became the top luxury brands. Tesla, who got the celebrities of the social celebrities, started at the beginning of the release of the first electric car Roadster, and then it was released. The high -end brand tone is determined, and there is enough brand premium.

In the same way, Weilai got a group of rich people such as electric vehicle crazy lovers, coupled with the identity of Li Bin's billionaire, Ma Huateng, Lei Jun, Liu Qiangdong, Li Xiang, Zhang Lei and other top investors, Weilai naturally determined The earliest brand tone -electric vehicles that rich people are buying. It is precisely because of the existence of these people that attracted more ordinary car enthusiasts and potential Weilai users, and gradually formed Weilai's unique user culture. What magic is Weilai used to make users become Weilai consumers. Even loyal users?


Make the owner crazy nirvana

A answer: operational activities+incentive mechanisms, establish a unique community culture with users

As long as you pay attention to the article that Weilai users operate, you will see Weilai's NIO Day, NIO LIFE, users spontaneously organize various activities, and users contribute various contents ... and official, users, online, and line lines Below, an extremely complicated system, but if he regards him as a pure app, it is actually not so complicated. Mainly two logical lines, one is official operation, the other is the user's autonomy, and the purpose of the official operation is to sample, to make a template, allow users to imitate the official logic and operate independently. In the future, the official will use various means to motivate users' behaviors and let them continue.

How did Welang do? We will sort out what Wei Lai has done with an important indicator of APP activity.

The first is the daily life.

Many APPs will have login and sign -in delivery points, and Weilai APP also has similar functions. To know that compared with other platforms, it can be exchanged for the surrounding products around Weilai compared to other platforms. However, Weilai's daily living means more than that. 》 The article mentioned that every night at 10 pm, Li Bin will airborne the Weilai community and spend a red envelope in nearly 200 communities in one or two hours.

At this time, the community where no one usually speaks has reached the most lively moment of the day. Many "drilling powder" will come up with red envelopes. Each red envelope is about three or forty. However, there are seemingly lively empty slogans such as "Welcome to Brother Bin", "Welcome to Weilai", "Breaking 60" and so on. Is this a red envelope with the group owners that occurred in various WeChat groups every day. The members of the group are very similar to "thank you boss"?

If you are a group member, will you stay at the group at 10 o'clock every night waiting for the red envelope? Will you talk to some familiar friends? Since you have opened the APP, look at some new posts today and understand Weilai's latest developments?

Over time, through red envelopes stimulation, this time period has gradually become an active peak. Official operating personnel can push the latest information to the users of Weilai App through operating methods. Release their views to gain more re -evaluation praise.

Followed by weekly.

Daily communication is important, but usually, the daily communication is relatively fragmented. Some deep content, important progress, and the brand's activities of active users need to carry out activities in weekly. Therefore, a staged explosion point is needed every week. From the perspective of the brand, it is necessary to tell an important progress. Making a in -depth understanding and analysis of Weilai content. From the perspective of active users, planning a activity that allows users to participate. Further enhanced activity.

Once again, monthly work. Performance economics has a concept of sinking cost effect. In popular terms, the higher the cost of a person to pay for one thing (including time cost, money cost, etc.), he will be willing to pay greater costs for this thing.

Although communication online is rapid and effective, but because the cost of users pays is low, it is also easier to invest in it. Therefore, online advertising needs to quickly attract users in 1 second, and then guide them to click on order and video content step by step. Video content WeChat content also uses various techniques to allow users to see complete content. On the contrary, users need to participate in the event and need to experience the traffic cost of registration, review, and spending a lot of traffic. Therefore, those who participate in the event are also willing to invest more energy to participate in the entire event. However, due to the high cost of planning and execution of offline activities, it may be based on the monthly planning for some activities.

It can be seen that at the beginning, brand owners can activate users through daily live, weekly, and monthly work, through daily online communication, deep content and online activities, and offline activities.

Anyone with community operation experience knows that as more and more fans begin to active, some users will also start to imitate the brand owners' means to publish content and organizational activities. At this time, what the brand needs to do is to motivate their behavior. Weilai APP has also set up many points to encourage users to log in, publish content, accumulate fans, initiate activities, and participate in activities. According to the "Demolition of Weilai APP: Can't copy the rice circle business?" "The article describes that because the points can be exchanged for products, it has attracted a lot of" Wool Party "to earn benefits, which proves the value of the Weilai App interacting from another perspective.

Of course, the incentives obtained by users in Weilai App are not only points (money), but also many spiritual satisfaction, such as grabbing Li Bin's red envelope, response from executives, quickly obtained the response of staff, and the content published by the staff. , Know the friends who are friends and so on.

Through the means of community operation+behavioral incentives, Weilai gradually formed a complex user system. Here are the personnel of the brand (core team, official operation, official sales). To communicate with each other, Weilai officially came into contact with the owner through the Weilai APP and learned about their first -hand demands and discovered potential consumers. The owners can not only communicate with Weilai officials through the Weilai APP, improve the products, but also use it to use the products, but also use it. Weilai is a bond, who knows those who have the same preferences, and become friends through online communication and offline activities. Gradually, these people are integrated into a special organization. So we saw what we saw in many Weilai news. In 2019, during the period when Weilai Automobile's cash flow was the most difficult, a car owner in the Golden Land in Qingdao's Jiashi East Shopping Center, with his own LED screen resources, free of charge, free Advertising for Qingdao Weilai Service Center. In the same year, the Weilai Macau Car Friends Association crowdfunded 400,000 yuan internally. The NIO Space of Weihai, Macau, Changchun, and Jiangyin was invested by Weilai's first or first batch of owners in the region.

At the Shanghai Auto Show in 2021, there were 200 car owners as "volunteers" at the Weilai Automobile booth and explained to the audience for free. A person close to Weilai Automobile told reporters that the number of owners who registered reached 500. Confirm the 200 people's choice. "Weilai car owner is really a very magical group, and their loyalty is more than many users of many century -old car brands."

Some Weilai car owners complained that the seat design was defective, causing the waist and the spine to be damaged to varying degrees. These car owners who reflect the seat problems have attracted another group of Weilai car owners to refute and attack: "Many people who complain to be used by friends are used by friends and rhythm. In fact, few real owners think There are problems. "" All Weilai was spoiled! "

Similar behaviors, in many articles that analyze Weilai users, often have two opposite sounds often appear. One is extreme praise, using spontaneous production content, spontaneous organizational activities, etc. to demonstrate Weilai users The effectiveness of the operating strategy, the other is the same as user behavior and the official remarks of Weilai officially, to illustrate the crazy and out of control of Weilai officials and users.

However, the madness of the people in the circle and the puzzlement of outsiders in the circle are precisely an important symbol of a close circle. In the article "By Stand out of the Circle: the Polishing, the Lost Niche", I mentioned the difference between the public and the niche.

The new pants band, which began to be out of 2019, was invited to attend the May Fourth Evening Party some time ago. I had to modify the lyrics of "Are You Want to Dance" and changed "sad" to "happy", "loneliness" to "lively" to "lively" "Cold and ruthless" has become "romantic and affectionate", and "decadent" has become "joy". The original "You will be sad" became "Will you be happy", and the original "in this cold and ruthless city" became "in this romantic and passionate city". Qi Qi said that the famous debater Yan Rujing also mentioned in the Tencent Video "Flavor Lab" that he had to add more story elements to allow more people to accept debate.

It can be seen that the difference between the public and the niche is very normal, and the anti -conventional behavior of Weilai users that have repeatedly revealed that it only proves that after day after day, understand Weilai's dynamics, understand Weilai's vision and ambitions, and participate in various participation in various participation. In the event, Weilai is forming a niche cultural circle. They agree that electric vehicles are the future. Weilai is the BMW and Mercedes of China. They are willing to work hard for Weilai. At the same time, they are willing to fight those who do not understand Weilai and refute those misunderstandings about Weilai. In the end, these differences were tagged by the media with "rice circle" and "strange".

In fact, whether it is Xiaomi, Meizu, OnePlus, Tesla, or the Bitcoin, Baban Hunan Beef Powder, Lululemon and other brands analyzed in "Trend: Trend: Trend: Brand Explosion, Circle Secrets", as long as they are willing The brands that communicate with users and are willing to allow users to participate in construction will have these behaviors similar to Weilai fans.

In other words, the growing melon is bean and bean. As long as you choose this operating strategy, you must face all kinds of behaviors that confront the outside world in the process of strategy landing. So the question is, is this niche cultural circle a good thing for a brand designed to become bigger and stronger?

Of course.


Internet age

The community is the brand

It is not easy to build a unique brand.

Not only brand names and LOGOs, but also a unique value proposition. It requires a variety of extremely rich content to interpret this value proposition. A group of people need to resonate with this value proposition. , Coca -Cola and Starbucks are all super brands.

What about a community?

Think about Xiaohongshu, Tiger Flutter, Zhihu, Station B, and even bigger Douyin and fast hands, do you also have a unique community culture? There are also content that conforms to community culture created by users day and night? Did these platforms condense a group of loyal users? Do you feel that there are many similarities between the operation of a community and an operation of a brand?

We might as well open a brain hole. Before the Internet appears, high -quality brands make content through the brand side, and it is released through the media and other media to obtain consumer recognition and allow them to place an order to buy. The Internet actually provides another type More effective paths, find a container, install users in, use the appropriate mechanism, let them make content, let them play themselves, and become a part of brand building. How can they not love the brand? Perhaps a bottle of water, a bag of tea, and a pack of snacks can be done according to the original brand growth path, but for a car brand representing a lifestyle, allowing users to participate. the road.

By the way, I almost forgot to say that there is a similar place to the community to the brand. In a community, the content is far beyond the production content. However Those who buy the brand far exceed those who resonate with the brand value proposition. Without the latter, the size of the former can be imagined.

In this way, the public and the niche are not contradictory.

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Author | Yang Ze brand analyst

Edit | Hu Zhanjia

Operation | Chen Jiahui

Produced | Zero -state LT (ID: lingtai_lt)

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