Planned investment 4 billion!Xinxiang Digital Economy Industrial Park settled in Fengquan

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.08.19

Henan Daily client reporter Ren Na Correspondent Gao Shan

On the morning of August 18th, the strategic cooperation signing ceremony of the Xinxiang Digital Economy Industry Park was held. In the cooperation agreement, multiple parties will jointly promote the formation of the data industry cluster, press the "acceleration key" for the construction of "Digital Xinxiang", and install the "new engine".

Xinxiang Digital Economy Industrial Park fully relies on the unique power and land resource advantages of Fengquan District, convenient transportation location advantages, landscapes, forests, lakes and grass, and the environmental advantages of Xinxiang's digital economy. For the goal, based on supply -side structural reforms, based on industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, it is committed to creating the city's digital economy collaborative development leading zone, the province's digital economy digital empowerment demonstration zone, national digital economy innovation development test zone Essence

The project adheres to the equal emphasis on basic development and characteristics, focusing on creating the "3 clouds" of education clouds, government affairs, and industrial clouds, and strives to form an important node for the integration of cloud networks. The first is based on the rich science and education resources of Xinxiang, and focus on strengthening the "educational cloud". Give full play to the advantages of China Telecom, Henan Normal University and other scientific research advantages and high -end talent advantages in the field of education and artificial intelligence, and make education big data one of the future leading industries in Xinxiang. While improving the quality of education, it has cultivated a group of education Big data "specialized new" enterprises; second, based on the successful experience of digital Xinxiang construction, and continue to be "government affairs cloud". Give full play to the characteristics of Xinxiang's digital economy and industrial park, further brighten the business card of Digital Xinxiang, use digital technology to empower social governance, promote the full coverage of intelligent application scenarios, and continuously improve the level of modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities; A solid industrial foundation accelerates the "industrial cloud". Give full play to the advantages of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technological advantages, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, spawn new industries and new formats and new models, promote the manufacturing industry to accelerate the development of digital, networked, and intelligence, and strongly promote digital transformation.

The project consists of two parts: big data center and industrial parks, which are built in three phases and planned to invest 4 billion yuan. The total investment of the first phase of the plan is 500 million yuan, covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres. It uses Guodian Investment in Xinxiang Henan Power Generation Co., Ltd. to idle land and factory buildings to build a big data center that accommodates 1,500 cabinets. The total investment of the second phase of the plan is 1 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​76.8 acres, the total design area of ​​109,772 square meters, and indoor and outdoor support infrastructure. Based on the Internet, cloud computing, blockchain and other information methods, the second phase of the project will coordinate the construction of a multi -cloud service platform such as industrial cloud, education cloud, and government affairs cloud. The total investment of the third phase of the plan is 2.5 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​172.8 acres, and further improves the relevant supporting service facilities of the park.

"Xinxiang Digital Economy Industrial Park project is a major measure to seize the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change opportunities, actively integrate into our province's digital transformation and development strategy, and create a major measure of digital strong provinces." The relevant person in charge of Xinxiang Municipal Government said Xinxiang Digital Economy Industrial Park will be based on Xinxiang, radiating the Central Plains, and serving the whole country, accelerating the formation of Xinxiang's digital economy industry to gather new highlands, creating a new engine of the digital economy development in northern Henan, showing new actions on the promotion of Xinxiang's construction of national innovation highlands, in advantages Re -creation of new results to achieve new results, better contribute digital power for Henan's digital transformation and development and modern Henan construction.

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