Zhoushan Putuo Trade Union "1234" work method service new employment form workers

Author:House of Zhejiang Workers Time:2022.08.12

"With the union of Yujiale, there are places that everyone encounters difficulties, and it has also promoted the development of Yujiale. It is really good." Not long ago, on the east of Zhoushan, 36 agricultural (Yu) Jiale's The employees entered the meeting, and the representative of the employee Huang Linjun couldn't help but praise it.


In just a few months, a total of 22 new format grass -roots unions were established to cover more than 10,000 new employment workers. Behind this group of true feelings and a group of sets of data is the "1234" working method of Putuo District Federation of Trade Unions. It can enhance the "maiden family" through one goal, promoting two extensions, strengthening the "three -level service system", and strengthening the "four guarantees", so that each new employment worker can enjoy zero -distance service.

Systematic promotion of trade union formation full coverage

In the "1234" work method, because of "love" and systematic advancement is a goal orientation of work. In Putuo, with the rise of the industries such as the terminal cargo, the new e -commerce e -commerce of the aquatic city, the island homestay, the corresponding number of employees has increased, and they have the characteristics of high liquidity, small scale, and difficulty gathering. "Faced with the establishment of unions of different groups, they need to consider their work nature and actual needs." Said Li Qiangdong, secretary and chairman of the Putuo District Federation of Workers' Association.

For example, Shrimp Island, currently there are only one employees assigned by express delivery on the island. In what form, it absorbs it into the union organization and promotes all new employment workers covering the island. project.


To this end, the Putuo Trade Union listed a detailed list of formation. This list contains more than 100 islands in Putuo District, which focuses on the specific number of industries, personnel, distribution areas, business addresses, production time, belonging, and scale. On this basis, clarify the setting time task, step measures, responsibility objects and guarantee methods. Form the "one -line industry and one plan", and even "one person and one plan". For the conditions of the establishment of the association without the establishment of the association and the conditions of the meeting, the meeting is not entered.

Promote the new business union to turn and live

The key to the establishment of the association is the basis for promoting the turning and living of union organizations. The key lies in the two extensions in the work law. To this end, the Federation of Trade Unions of Putuo District has increased its implementation of funding subsidies, raised 1 million yuan, and implemented subsidies for the construction of new business unions and special activities for grass -roots unions to promote the construction of the union "one for a while" to improve the vitality of grass -roots unions; formulate detailed formulation The guidance manual of the construction association will conduct business training and face -to -face guidance on the new employment -level union cadres of the new employment form, and to protect it for its "admission".

In addition, the District Federation of Trade Unions continuously promoted the new business union of the head of the head enterprise model employee, the model of the model employee and the freight logistics industry union federation, Zhoushan International Aquatic City New E -commerce Industrial Park United Union to create a regional employee book house , Employee Gym, enhance membership stickiness, and comprehensively enhance the influence and cohesion of union organizations.

Enjoy a high -quality service zero distance

Let the new employment form workers really enjoy high -quality services at a time to achieve the last effective effect. To strengthen the "three -level service system" and strengthen the "four guarantees" are specific measures for this work.

Since the beginning of this year, the Putuo Trade Union has carried out the service monthly service of the "Wanjia · New Employee Workers' Warm Workers" service monthly activities to send condolences and legal publicity materials for the truck drivers and security officers who are working in the service position; The courier brother watched the movie "to enrich the amateur life of the courier personnel; the new employment form workers such as the" takeaway brother "during the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control condolences to the visit. "In order to further reduce the service radius and extend the tentacles of service, and build a new position of service employees, this year, we also plan to transform and improve the service content and carrier of the employee service center of the district, create a general worker@家“ “, and promote the zero distance between union services. "Li Qiangdong said.

In addition to caring for new employment workers, the Putuo Trade Union also implements skills ascension to improve the compatibility of new industries and new technologies to protect their work and life. "I did not expect that the" Mother's Family "also took the initiative to send skills to the door. The sense of belonging and happiness has been available." This is the biggest feeling of Li Na, the hostess of the villager Li Na, the villagers of Daling Street, Donggang Street, Putuo District. Born in local farmers, she has improved the skills of etiquette and tea art, and the homestay she runs has become one of the local boutique homestays. (Reporter Li Guofeng report)

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