Soy and corn tube together!The first large bean corn spraying machine debut

Author:Agricultural Science and Techn Time:2022.08.12

"What kind of thing is this? It looks like an airplane." "Will this machine turn it yourself? No one is on it." On July 24th, it was In the village's soybean corn -shaped composite plantation, a group of people surrounded a machine that can fertilize and take medicine.

I saw the bass spray band of this unmanned spraying machine sprayed evenly. Strangely, the unmanned driving in the cockpit, the prevention and treatment of corn and soybean crops in the process of growth is also different. What is the origin of this machine and how does it achieve dual system operations?

Unmanned driving+Sichuan's first big bean corn spraying machine debut

"This is the first unmanned dual system spraying machine developed by Sichuan Province for soybean corn band -shaped composite planting mode. It can spray different drugs for corn and soybeans at the same time. The total capacity of the medicine box is 600 liters." With a roar, Xu Lijia, the dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical, Sichuan Agricultural University, stood on the field of farming began to demonstrate the on -site demonstration of the machine.

Sichuan University of Agricultural University developed unmanned dual -system split spraying machines. Interviewee confidence

When Sichuan Agricultural University lecturer Mochou issued the assignment instructions, I saw that the machine was moved in accordance with the preset trajectory. After arriving at the edge of the field, the spray system was automatically closed.

"If unmanned driving cannot be turned around, it will not be called unmanned driving." In response to the problem of whether it can turn automatically, Wang Yughao, director of the Department of Electrical Department of Electrical and Electrical Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, told reporters More than 5 cm.

Since the beginning of this year, the production of grain is consolidated, and soy -corn band -shaped composite planting has set off a wave in the country. In February, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agricultural and Rural Affairs issued the "Implementation Plan for the Demonstration and Promotion of Soycan Ribbility Composite Planting Planting in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). This year, the province's soybean corn band -shaped composite planting demonstration tasks were 3.1 million mu.

The "Plan" mentioned that focusing on agricultural machinery facilities. All localities should choose suitable agricultural machinery according to their own cultivation conditions and technical models adopted to improve the efficiency of agricultural machinery use, and reduce labor cost investment in key links in farming, planting, management, and collection. Encourage agricultural machinery R & D and manufacturers to conduct agricultural machinery comparative tests, carry out the improvement and manufacturing of agricultural machinery supporting facilities in the area, classification, and mode, and gradually increase the mechanization rate of soybean production.

The driverless dual system split spraying machine operates in the field. Interviewee confidence

The team of Professor Xu Lijia began the related research and development of spray equipment as early as 2013. "It is precisely because of the accumulation of early work that the research and development of this machine will complete the plan design at the end of last year and the development and commissioning of prototypes in June this year." Xu Lijia introduced that soybeans have the highest imported dependence in grain crops. In recent years More than 80 % of them depend on imports. As the "secret weapon" of soybean -shaped composite planting technology as soybean production, it is an important part of the development of agricultural machinery.

Xu Lijia introduced that the team was improved on the basis of the traditional high ground spray rod sprayer. The drone dual system spraying machine 1.0 was finally born for the province's soybean corn between the province's soybeans and corn.

Double system+electrostatic noble noble spray head for every soybean corn can be accurately sprayed

At present, it is the key period for strengthening the management of large bean corn fields. However, in the soybean corn band -shaped composite planting mode, different herbicides need to be sprayed separately for corn and soybeans, and when spraying herbicides on soybeans, corn also needs to be protected to avoid causing corn to cause medicine to harm the medicines. Essence

For this reason, how can this machine protect the two separately?

"This is the independent dual spraying system and the dedicated isolation separation plate." Wu Zhijun, a lecturer at the School of Mechanical and Electrical, Sichuan Agricultural University, said that the machine is equipped with 2 pills and each capacity is 300 liters. It is used to invest in different inputs. medicine. The second is to add spraying boards to different crops to prevent the drift of the medicinal solution, thereby protecting another crop when the crop operation is not affected.

In order to prevent mutual drift between different medicinal liquids and improve the penetration of the liquid liquid to improve the efficacy, the machine is also "electric". "The medicinal solution sprayed with a certain charge with a certain charge." Wu Zhijun explained that through the development of static electricity and essence spraying system, the sprayed medicinal liquid belt has a certain charge. In terms of crops, while achieving the "double reduction" effect, it also improves the use of the liquid liquid.

Xu Lijia introduced that from the current information, the existing dual -system plant protection spraying machines in China are used in production, but the driverless and electrostatic essence spraying systems are also applied to the spraying machine of the interval planting mode. Pioneer. In addition, the machine can also be used in other crops to work and clean the plant protection operation.

In terms of safety, the effect of the machine is better than the drone. Xu Lijia said that on the one hand, the drone bearing has a certain capacity range, generally 30 liters to 40 liters, and the limit is 80 liters. During the production operation process, the battery replacement frequently and the risk of "bombers". In comparison, the machine is equipped with a 600 -liter -capacity pill, which has stronger load -bearing, and has more stable ground work in terms of safety.

"In terms of efficiency, this machine can achieve two modes of manual and driverless driving. The maximum speed of driving can reach 9 kilometers per hour, and the operating efficiency is up to 108 acres." Xu Lijia told reporters The implementation of artificial carrying hydraulic machinery is applied to corn and soybeans. When spraying different medicinal liquids, manual intervention needs to be used to prevent the drift of the medicinal solution. Therefore, the operating efficiency is low, and the per capita operating efficiency is only about 6 acres per day. "In the symbiotic period of soybeans and corn, spraying pests and grass pests must be facing the scorching sun." Wu Zhijun introduced that for the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees Celsius in the fields, the risk of growers in outdoor operations is relatively high. The use of unmanned dual system split spraying machines can greatly reduce the number and labor intensity of operators and reduce operating risks.

"At present, the driverless dual system spray spraying machine 1.0 still has higher ground clearance, which can easily lead to high center of gravity and insufficiency of dumping." Xu Lijia admits that the team will be from climbing ability, motivation improvement, etc. The improvement of aspects so that it has better safety and adaptability, and is used as agricultural machinery facilities for soybean corn band -shaped composite planting technology to promote it to the country.

Source: Sichuan Daily Rural Version

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