Wei Tao and Shanghai Jun and the Group President Xiao Chuanfu held work talks

Author:Shanxi Pictorial Time:2022.08.11

On August 10, Wei Tao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Shanghai Jun and the Party Secretary and President Xiao Chuanfu held work talks to conduct in -depth exchanges on strengthening the pragmatic cooperation of municipal enterprises. Pei Yaojun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary -General, and Li Yongqiang, deputy mayor, attended.

On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Wei Tao welcomed Xiao Chuanfu and his party, thanking Shanghai and the Group's strong support to the economic and social development of Taiyuan, and introduced the situation of Taiyuan City and economic and social development. He said that at present, Taiyuan is in the period when the national and provincial strategic layout and policies are directly supported, and they are facing rare development opportunities. The city's deployment of the provincial party committee is fully implemented, and various tasks of preventing epidemic prevention, stability of the economy, and security, focusing on industry, grasping projects, stable investment, promoting consumption, vigorously carried out investment promotion, strive to create an excellent business environment, accelerate the construction of "four four "Highlands", the city's economic development remains strong. Shanghai Jun and Group, as a diversified industrial investment and the leading trade leading enterprise, have a wide range of business fields and strong comprehensive strength. They are highly consistent with the development direction of Taiyuan's industrial development. It is hoped that the Group and Taiyuan will carry out comprehensive strategic cooperation, in -depth participation in the construction of Taixin integrated economic zone, develop and operate characteristic industrial parks, accelerate the construction of regional trade headquarters settlement centers, explore the establishment of industrial funds And investment efforts to promote Taiyuan's all -round and high -quality development. Taiyuan City will strengthen factor support, do a good job of service guarantee, and strive to create good conditions for enterprises to invest in and invest in prosperity, and strive to achieve win -win cooperation between the two parties.

Xiao Chuanfu thanked Taiyuan City for its strong support for Shanghai Jun and Group, and introduced the overall situation of the group, business sector, operating model, investment intention, etc., and expressed its optimistic about the industrial foundation and development potential of Taiyuan. , The advantages and integration capabilities of the industrial chain, deepen and pragmatic cooperation in industrial parks, communities trade, industrial investment, urban operations, etc., accelerate the advancement of the project, help the introduction of more resources, and contribute to the economic and social development of Taiyuan.

Source: Taiyuan Daily

Edit: Zhang Junjun

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